MSFS Controls/Keyboard Commands

These are the final keyboard commands for Microsoft's latest flight simulator, MSFS, or Microsoft Flight Simulator - or has it become affectionately named in the flight sim world (especially from older FS users), FS2020.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 53 PRO members.

Adam McEnroe

Expert Overview

This mod offers a handy, all-in-one reference for every default keyboard command within the latest Microsoft Flight Simulator, covering everything from cockpit camera views and autopilot management to basic aircraft controls and advanced power settings. Having tested it extensively over decades of simming experience, I can attest that it makes in-flight adjustments faster and more intuitive, saving valuable time during critical flight maneuvers.

Beyond just listing control surfaces and avionics shortcuts, the mod includes thoughtful extras such as a single-page cheat sheet and flexible print-friendly formats for offline reference. Its thoroughness ensures both newcomers and seasoned virtual aviators can quickly master key commands, improving overall immersion and efficiency in the evolving world of MSFS.

This mod was installed, tested and reviewed by Adam McEnroe for Fly Away Simulation. Adam is an FS mod expert. Read his bio here.

These are the final keyboard commands for Microsoft's latest flight simulator, MSFS, or Microsoft Flight Simulator - or has it become affectionately named in the flight sim world (especially from older FS users), FS2020.

FS2020 is not the official name or abbreviation for this new release (it's important to note this). Going forward all references to this "evergreen" Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020) version will be announced as MSFS.

MSFS Keyboard controls and commands cover artwork.?

This is a complete list of all of the keyboard commands and controls from which you can perform actions within the flight simulator to save mouse clicks - they are quick actions that make flight easier (especially when performing a manual landing in a cross-wind!).

These are the default keyboard bindings from a normal install. You may customize and change the default bindings within the simulator software if you wish.

It's worth noting that the new MSFS team and Asobo Studio team have tried their best to keep the new/current keyboard control map as close as they can to the existing previous releases (FSX/FS2004 etc.) so that "legacy" simmers are familiar with the control map.

This is a complete list - if you are sure we are missing anything, then please do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section at the foot of this page - we will update it right away.

PDF Document Option

You may also download this list as a PDF document (cheat sheet) so you may print it for easy lookup or use it as a reference whilst flying. We also provide a Word document should you have issues with PDF.


We noticed that the original downloadable documents provided were all on one page and hard to print. We have now included split page documents in the downloadable file for ease of printing.

"Cheat Sheet" Single Page Printable

We have now included single page "cheat sheet" files in both JPG and PDF format for easy printing of all keyboard commands on one page.

As this document is quite lengthy, you can jump to the individual control section you are looking for using the jump-links below;

Control list

NOTE: Make sure Num Lock is OFF before using Num Pad commands.


Toggle Active Pause
Toggle Basic Control Panel
Clear Search
Toggle Pause
Select 1
ALT + F1
Select 2
ALT + F2
Select 3
ALT + F3
Select 4
ALT + F4
Display Checklist
Shift + C
Next Toolbar Panel
Period (.)
Previous Toolbar Panel
Slash (/)
Back To Main Menu
Close Menu
Change Aircraft
See Specifications
Help Menu
Restart Free Flight
Restart Activity

Instruments & Systems

Toggle Anti-Ice
Toggle Pitot Heat
Shift + H
Toggle Master Alternator
Toggle Master Battery
Toggle Master Battery & Alternator
Shift + M
Toggle Master Ignition Switch
Decrease Cowl Flap
Shift + CTRL + C
Increase Cowl Flap
Shift + CTRL + V
Select Engine
Auto-Start Engine
Engine Auto-Stop
Shift + CTRL + E
Magnetos (Both)
Shift + ALT + F
Magnetos (Left)
Shift + ALT + S
Magnetos (Right)
Shift + ALT + D
Magnetos Off
Shift + ALT + Q
Magnetos Start
Shift + ALT + G

Flight Instruments

Select Airspeed Bug
Shift + CTRL + R
Select Altitude Bug
Shift + CTRL + Z
Toggle Auto-Rudder
Shift + CTRL + U
Set Altimeter
Decrease Heading Bug
Increase Heading Bug
CTRL + Insert
Select Heading Bug
Shift + CTRL + H
Set Heading Indicator
Toggle Alternate Static

Instrument Views

Previous Instrument View
Shift + A
Next Instrument View
Toggle Instrument View 10
CTRL + 0
Toggle Instrument View 1
CTRL + 1
Toggle Instrument View 2
CTRL + 2
Toggle Instrument View 3
CTRL + 3
Toggle Instrument View 4
CTRL + 4
Toggle Instrument View 5
CTRL + 5
Toggle Instrument View 6
CTRL + 6
Toggle Instrument View 7
CTRL + 7
Toggle Instrument View 8
CTRL + 8
Toggle Instrument View 9
CTRL + 9
Select Next POI
Page Up
Reset Smartcam
Set Custom Smartcam Target
Next Smartcam Target
Page Up + CTRL
Camera AI Player
Home + CTRL
Previous Smartcam Target
Page Down + CTRL
Toggle Follow Smartcam Target
Page Down
Unset Custom Smartcam Target
Shift + T

Camera Mode Switches

Cockpit & External View Mode
Toggle Drone

Camera - Slew Mode

Toggle Slew Mode
Slew Translate Up (Slow)
Slew Translate Up (Fast)
Slew Translate Backward
Num 2
Slew Translate Forward
Num 8
Slew Translate Down (Fast)
Slew Translate Down (Slow)
Slew Y-Axis Translation Freeze
Slew X-Axis Translation Freeze
Num 5
Slew Roll Left
Num 7
Slew Roll Right
Num 9
Slew Yaw Left
Num 1
Slew Yaw Right
Num 3
Slew Pitch Down (Fast)
Slew Pitch Freeze
Slew Pitch Down
Num 0
Slew Pitch Up
Slew Pitch Up (Fast)
Slew Pitch Up (Slow)
Slew Translate Right
Num 6
Slew Translate Left
Num 4

Cockpit Camera

Load Custom Camera 0
ALT + 0
Load Custom Camera 1
ALT + 1
Load Custom Camera 2
ALT + 2
Load Custom Camera 3
ALT + 3
Load Custom Camera 4
ALT + 4
Load Custom Camera 5
ALT + 5
Load Custom Camera 6
ALT + 6
Load Custom Camera 7
ALT + 7
Load Custom Camera 8
ALT + 8
Load Custom Camera 9
ALT + 9
Load Next Custom Camera
Load Previous Custom Camera
Shift + K
Save Custom Camera 0
Ctrl + ALT + 0
Save Custom Camera 1
Ctrl + ALT + 1
Save Custom Camera 2
Ctrl + ALT + 2
Save Custom Camera 3
Ctrl + ALT + 3
Save Custom Camera 4
Ctrl + ALT + 4
Save Custom Camera 5
Ctrl + ALT + 5
Save Custom Camera 6
Ctrl + ALT + 6
Save Custom Camera 7
Ctrl + ALT + 7
Save Custom Camera 8
Ctrl + ALT + 8
Save Custom Camera 9
Ctrl + ALT + 9
Decrease Cockpit View Height
Increase Cockpit View Height
Translate Cockpit View Backward
Right ALT + Down
Translate Cockpit View Forward
Right ALT + Up
Translate Cockpit View Left
Translate Cockpit View Right
Cockpit Look Down
Shift + Down
Cockpit Look Left
Shift + Left
Cockpit Look Right
Shift + Right
Cockpit Look Up
Shift + Up
Cockpit Quickview Up
Cockpit Quickview Rear
CTRL + Down
Cockpit Quickview Right
CTRL + Right
Cockpit Quickview Left
CTRL + Left
Cockpit Quickview Cycle
Reset Cockpit View
CTRL + Space
Cockpit View Upper
Unzoom Cockpit View
Toggle Smart Camera
Zoom Cockpit View

Drone Camera

Toggle Drone Depth Of Field
Toggle Foreground Blur
Drone Topdown View
CTRL + Space
Attach Drone To Next Target
CTRL + Page Up
Attach Drone To Previous Target
CTRL + Page Down
Toggle Drone Auto Exposure
Toggle Drone Auto Focus
Decrease Drone Rotation Speed
Decrease Drone Translation Speed
Decrease Drone Depth Of Field
Increase Drone Depth Of Field
Decrease Drone Exposure
Increase Drone Exposure
Increase Drone Rotation Speed
Increase Drone Translation Speed
Lock Drone To Next Target
Lock Drone To Previous Target
Shift + T
Translate Drone Backward
Translate Drone Down
Translate Drone Forward
Translate Drone Left
Translate Drone Right
Translate Drone Up
Reset Drone Roll
Reset Drone Target Offset
Num 5
Pitch Drone Down
Num 2
Roll Drone Right
Num 9
Pitch Drone Up
Num 8
Yaw Drone Left
Num 4
Yaw Drone Right
Num 6
Roll Drone Left
Num 7
Toggle Drone Follow Mode
Toggle Drone Lock Mode
CTRL + Tab
Increase Drone Zoom
Num Plus
Decrease Drone Zoom
Num Sub
Toggle Plane Controls

External Camera

Reset External View
CTRL + Space
External Quickview Left
CTRL + Left
External Quickview Rear
CTRL + Down
External Quickview Right
CTRL + Right
External Quickview Top
Unzoom External View
Zoom External View

Fixed Camera

Toggle Fixed Camera 10
CTRL + Shift + 0
Toggle Fixed Camera 1
CTRL + Shift + 1
Toggle Fixed Camera 2
CTRL + Shift + 2
Toggle Fixed Camera 3
CTRL + Shift + 3
Toggle Fixed Camera 4
CTRL + Shift + 4
Toggle Fixed Camera 5
CTRL + Shift + 5
Toggle Fixed Camera 6
CTRL + Shift + 6
Toggle Fixed Camera 7
CTRL + Shift + 7
Toggle Fixed Camera 8
CTRL + Shift + 8
Toggle Fixed Camera 9
CTRL + Shift + 9
Reset Fixed Camera
Previous Fixed Camera
Shift + A
Next Fixed Camera


Autopilot Airspeed Hold
Decrease Autopilot Reference Altitude
CTRL + Page Down
Increase Autopilot Reference Altitude
CTRL + Page Up
Toggle Autopilot Approach Hold
Toggle Autopilot Altitude Hold
Toggle Autopilot Localizer Hold
Toggle Autopilot Mach Hold
Toggle Autopilot Master
Autopilot N1 Hold
Decrease Autopilot N1 Reference
CTRL + End
Increase Autopilot N1 Reference
CTRL + Home
Autopilot Nav1 Hold
CTRL + N Decrease
Autopilot Reference Airspeed
Shift + CTRL + DEL
Increase Autopilot Reference Airspeed
Shift + CTRL + Insert
Decrease Autopilot Reference VS
CTRL + End
Increase Autopilot Reference VS
CTRL + Home
Toggle Autopilot Wing Leveler
Autopilot Off
Shift + ALT + Z
Autopilot On
Arm Auto Throttle
Shift + R
Auto Throttle To GA
Shift + CTRL + G
Toggle Avionics Master
Page Up
Toggle Flight Director
Toggle Yaw Damper


Toggle Fuel Dump
Shift + CTRL + D
Fuel Selector 1 All
Fuel Selector 1 Off
Toggle All Fuel Valve


Num Decimal
Left Brake
Right Brake
Num Sub
Toggle Parking Brakes
CTRL + Num Decimal

Landing Gear

Toggle Landing Gear
Gear Down
Toggle Tail Wheel Lock
Shift + G


Throttle Cut
Decrease Throttle
Increase Throttle

Flight Control Surfaces

Aileron Left (Roll Left)
Num 4
Aileron Right (Roll Right)
Num 6
Center Aileron Rudder
Num 5
Elevator Down (Pitch Down)
Num 8
Elevator Up (Pitch Up)
Num 2
Toggle Water Rudder
Rudder Left (Yaw Left)
Num 0
Rudder Right (Yaw Right)

Secondary Control Surfaces

Decrease Flaps
Extend Flaps
Increase Flaps
Retract Flaps
Toggle Spoilers
Num Divide

Control Trimming Surfaces

Aileron Trim Left
CTRL + Num 4
Aileron Trim Right
CTRL + Num 6
Rudder Trim Left
CTRL + Num 0
Rudder Trim Right
CTRL + Enter
Elevator Trim Down (Nose Down)
Num 7
Elevator Trim Up (Nose Up)
Num 1

Exterior Lights

Toggle Landing Lights
Landing Lights Down
Shift + CTRL + Num 2
Landing Light Home
Shift + CTRL + Num 5
Landing Light Left
Shift + CTRL + Num 4
Landing Light Right
Shift + CTRL + Num 6
Landing Light Up
Shift + CTRL + Num 8
Toggle Strobes
Toggle Beacon Light
Toggle Nav Light
Toggle Taxi Lights

Interior Lights

Toggle Flashlight
Toggle Lights

Power Management Mixture

Decrease Mixture
Shift + CTRL + F2
Increase Mixture
Shift + CTRL + F3
Set Mixture Lean
Shift + CTRL + F1
Set Mixture Rich
Shift + CTRL + F4

Power Management Propeller

Decrease Propeller Pitch
Propeller Pitch Hi
Increase Propeller Pitch
Propeller Pitch Lo


Shift + CTRL + A
Com Radio
Set Com1 Standby
Shift + ALT + X
Com1 Switch To Standby
Decrease Nav1 Frequency
Shift + CTRL + Page Down
Increase Nav1 Frequency
Shift + CTRL + Page Up
Nav1 Swap
Shift + CTRL + N
Nav Radio
Decrease Vor1 OBS
Shift + CTRL + End
Increase VOR1 OBS
Shift + CTRL + Home
Shift + V
Set Transponder
Shift + ALT + W
Display ATC
Scroll Lock
ATC Panel Choice 0
ATC Panel Choice 1
ATC Panel Choice 2
ATC Panel Choice 3
ATC Panel Choice 4
ATC Panel Choice 5
ATC Panel Choice 6
ATC Panel Choice 7
ATC Panel Choice 8
ATC Panel Choice 9
Frequency Swap
Increase Wheel Speed


Toggle Fuel Pump
Toggle Marker Sound
CTRL + 3
CTRL + Num Sub
CTRL + Num Plus
Toggle Pushback
Shift + P
Request Fuel
Shift + F
Display Nav Log
Display Map
Sim Rate
Skip RTC
New UI Window Mode
Right Alt
Toggle Delegate Control

Your Thoughts

If you think we have missed any controls off the lists above, please let us know. Also, if any controls appear wrong or do not function as expected, also let us know. You can communicate your responses using the comments section below.

We hope you find this document/page useful - if you do then we'd really appreciate it if you could share it with your sim community friends if you feel that they would find it useful too.

Notes: If you want to grab the single-page document and all printables, click on the "DOWNLOAD" button.

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


Leave a Response

The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

Valerie R GriffinSat, 16 Sep 2023 14:26:13 GMT

Downloaded and printed out the flight commands for my husband but super small characters. How to correct it? I've gone into my printer settings to no avail. Thanks.

DavidMon, 01 May 2023 21:40:48 GMT

Would love a printable list of these but for keyboards without Numpad.

DAVID WATSONThu, 23 Mar 2023 22:00:08 GMT

To make the lists more useful there should be a 'back to menu' link before and after each section. Otherwise, you have to keep scrolling back to the menu.

Ernie AdsettMon, 12 Dec 2022 19:21:40 GMT

What about features like OBS and the Goto Tables, etc.?

Douglas PerryWed, 16 Nov 2022 22:10:55 GMT

Hi everyone! I do have an issue that I would like resolved and that is, how to make my split screen normal again. It's been over 6 months and I think rust is about to set in! Is there any hope of helping me?

Pedro LacalFri, 07 Oct 2022 16:52:45 GMT

Is there any way to open the doors of the plane..?. It's just curiosity. On the other hand, I would like to know if there is a key to type NAVI-GPS as in FSX, very useful for navigation for those of us who don't have much idea to handle the VOR. Thanks.

Thomas HughesWed, 28 Sep 2022 04:06:00 GMT

Very helpful Multiplayer??? How to toggle nameplates on and off the Map keyboard???? TIA.

coolasiceSat, 17 Sep 2022 01:36:45 GMT

One thing I don't see in the keyboard commands is " Jetway Attach/Detach".

Ludo CustersSat, 10 Sep 2022 13:25:47 GMT

Hi, A printable comprehensive list of the "essential commands" is useful. With some open lines to easily add your own "essentials"... The given list is much too long for a quick guide.

Michael GastelumMon, 14 Mar 2022 23:12:38 GMT

Can't seem to find fast forward sim rate, x2,x3x4? On msfs 2020. Or even save a flight.

Alhard HorstmannFri, 25 Feb 2022 15:17:51 GMT

Hi, this is a very very good printable List. I like it. But I am missing all the APU commands in Instruments and Systems - Electric and Instruments and Systems - Engine Instruments Thanks Alhard.

VictorTue, 15 Feb 2022 23:33:22 GMT

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Keith LovernTue, 04 Jan 2022 13:03:41 GMT

Great list and very useful however I didn't see anything regarding "Reverse Thrust" on the list.

flyjames2Sun, 14 Nov 2021 14:09:16 GMT

We are having trouble with multiplayer aircraft disappearing and then re-appearing, making it hard to fly in

David RyallSat, 11 Sep 2021 14:03:08 GMT

That’s a very complete list, thank you. One thing I miss in MSFS is the ability to take a screenshot simply by pressing the “V” key as in FSX/P3D. Is there any way that could be included in your list or is it something I should take up with Asobo?

Furyus SvetloThu, 02 Sep 2021 18:47:52 GMT

The autopilot command labeled "Autopilot Reference Airspeed" should actually be labeled "Decrease Autopilot Reference Airspeed". It's the one mapped to Shift + Ctrl + Del.

Great reference -- thank you very much!

Rob LabbeSat, 07 Aug 2021 11:32:41 GMT

THKS, Very useful, will surely print it. WISHLIST If someone could upload a profile of the T16000 joystick, with the most definitions, it would be highly appreciated. Bst. rgds. and good landings.

Michael SniderWed, 21 Jul 2021 22:47:56 GMT

I Have the Cessna Yoke and throttle controls. Can I use them with this download? I already have the flight Simulator. Acceleration. I had to get a new hard drive installed, and now I can't get it to load. I also purchased another download and I could not get it to install either. I bought it from Microsoft, I got mad and uninstalled it. Someone told me that my computer is too small I used the one for quite a few years and the new hard drive is the same as I had. I went and bought an external hard drive and it has 1.80 TB of 1.81 left on it. The C Disk has 812 GB of free space left on it.

Mike, at

Mamn3thSun, 20 Jun 2021 11:32:40 GMT

This is a great tool, much simpler than having to open Keyboard Controls and hunt down the correct key binding for each function you wish to use.

Ramon ArriazaSat, 19 Jun 2021 20:39:12 GMT

How do you set BC in the Garmin Autopilot?


Jack R. PayneThu, 13 May 2021 19:17:59 GMT

well... the last FS I used was MS 2004. Like most, I DL the digital version of 2020 huge mistake. No documentation... almost useless. But thanks to your list I might have a shot at getting past a TO to another local Airport. Hopefully, my logistic wheel and throttle will be here soon...I am dying to try this Sim on my new MSI stealth machine... thanks again for the list.

gmillerdTue, 04 May 2021 15:20:47 GMT

This may be a moot matter, but I often like to open/close exits/doors and I do not see any keyboard commands for doing so. Now, I have both FS9 and FSX, although I do not fly FSX as much as I do FS9, in FS9 I often start with opening doors and or cargo doors and associated ramps (i.e., the C5A). Kinda quirky, I know, but it is part of the overall fun.

flyjames2Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:34:22 GMT

I saw the comments concerning the valuable downloads but, how about a 'copter?

ec-cheSun, 07 Mar 2021 06:48:07 GMT


James TunstellSun, 07 Feb 2021 00:17:24 GMT

Awesome list, I will be testing it to see if everything works....thanks.

Pieter WoltemaSun, 25 Oct 2020 15:34:57 GMT

Please forward all news. Especially how to save a flight. And a good printable keyboard information.

WoolfoldTue, 20 Oct 2020 19:54:56 GMT

Brilliant lists, but I have to re-format them as there is too much dark grey to print as it is. But that doesn't take away the brilliance of it. Thank you!

Andrew StraatsmaSat, 17 Oct 2020 23:10:58 GMT


One thing I don't see in the keyboard commands is " Carb Heat ", This is a feature always used in carb engines. Would be nice to see that added. Thank you for your time. Regards, Andrew Straatsma.

Keld AaboeSat, 10 Oct 2020 11:25:00 GMT

Can Saitek S52 pro not be used in MSFX. My equipment is approx. 15 years old and I can not install the driver? Keld Aaboe.

Fadi BachaalaniMon, 05 Oct 2020 22:34:08 GMT

Just a big thank you for the effort that gave us the download of the MSFS2020 commands archive.

Thanks and I'm using this with a link to your site from other related forums.

François MorinWed, 30 Sep 2020 16:44:21 GMT

I just discovered your site, will see before to subscribe. Thanks.

B BondiSun, 06 Sep 2020 22:45:06 GMT

A good list, thanks. I am using the KEYBOARD as default. The IMPORTANT item left out from everywhere I look: how to get from camera cockpit view to command view (whatever it is called.) Below is what I do: Take brake off by clicking the BRAKE RELEASE manually, Increase throttle manually, Press ctrl-C to return to cockpit view, then crash.

I can not enter the commands to make the nose pitch up. What I see on screen is to use NUM 8, which just does nothing as I've said.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance, Bob Bondi.

Michael LaneMon, 31 Aug 2020 08:36:01 GMT

Sydney Harbour is missing the whole structure of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Also, the Anzac Bridge is also missing. Will these be included in an update?

Wesley DavisSat, 29 Aug 2020 16:31:56 GMT

Where are the joystick commands for FS2020?

dave miltonThu, 27 Aug 2020 18:23:54 GMT

Has anyone tried to fly from Malaga Spain LEMG as it is not there?

sakerbThu, 27 Aug 2020 17:28:05 GMT

Thank you for the list, however, if you print the Word document version it is very poorly formatted. there are headings halfway up one page and the relevant on the next page, also no page numbers. Had I produced a document with this formatting for work, I would expect criticism, Good try, but no cigar.

Ben Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:15:07 GMT

I like to have a rest button for the flight training sessions and pilot logs. Further, also one on the control settings for a plane. Once you have chosen a button it is difficult to change it.

dave miltonTue, 25 Aug 2020 08:32:56 GMT

Has anyone tried to fly from Malaga LEMG it's none existent flew over but not there & no ATC to connect!

James TunstellMon, 24 Aug 2020 16:36:27 GMT

I noticed that the CH Yoke and Pedals are not supported in MSFS 2020... we need help with that - so many of us have them... and are ready to fly.

Vince MarinoMon, 24 Aug 2020 14:22:29 GMT

You can print portions of a PDF page by taking a snapshot (under Edit on the menu bar) then printing the snapshot.

Tom KoenenMon, 24 Aug 2020 10:42:57 GMT

Thank you very much for the (printable) MSFS commands. I am most happy with it. I have MSFS, so it comes handy at times. And I think MSFS is everything I was looking for in a Flight simulator. It all looks and feels so real.

bernard quentinMon, 24 Aug 2020 07:47:54 GMT

Impossible to print your document!

AHARON HAR EVENMon, 24 Aug 2020 06:19:21 GMT

Thank you for the help! After more than 10 years using the old good FSX, all that new commands look to me ..."how to shoot a man to the moon in 17 pages of keyboard commands"... I'll try my best...because mapping to adapt it to FSX is unuseful about.

Gary ParksMon, 24 Aug 2020 02:27:11 GMT

I had pasted one together also. Yours is mostly better but some of the commands are missing on the bottom of some pages. Also if a new page had been inserted at the beginning of a new section it would make finding the commands a lot easier. I tried to fix it in Word but can't figure out what formatting you used to make the buttons. Still going to use yours instead of mine though.

schoonerMon, 24 Aug 2020 00:41:03 GMT


Okay already, now my comment is bigger. And by the way this is going to be very handy indeed.

gary ruhsSun, 23 Aug 2020 23:26:50 GMT

The download had no keystroke list just gobbly-gook :-(

Ivan KolarikSun, 23 Aug 2020 20:25:37 GMT

Thank you so much I enjoyed it.

Fly Away SimulationSun, 23 Aug 2020 19:57:13 GMT

We have listened to everyone's comments and have now included several new documents in the downloadable.

We now have a split-page document so that you may print successfully without everything appearing tiny.

We have also included (by popular demand) a single-page command/binding sheet that shows every single command on one printable page.


Cees HermansSun, 23 Aug 2020 19:12:03 GMT

Super these keyboard commands however in PDF they show as one page so I can't print. Is there a way to split the list into several pages so I can print them, thank you keep up the good work.

Brad ArkleSun, 23 Aug 2020 18:07:01 GMT

This would be very handy to have, but the only page that will print is the drone page. Sending this as a single page is an epic mistake. It's also in minuscule print.

tsandstormSun, 23 Aug 2020 16:56:54 GMT

Thanks to this list I'm sure, will be a good help in learning MSFS.

David H. RosarioSun, 23 Aug 2020 14:30:08 GMT

Is there any information on controlling the nose wheels steering. The available input Set Steering, increase steering and decrease steering do not work.

Steven TschacheSun, 23 Aug 2020 09:11:45 GMT

Got an E-Mail from you pointing me to this link, thank you! Though the Web-Page layout is very good, the Word-Doc and PDF are merely useless... you have to superimpose by 500% to be able to see anything, and then the quality is too bad to be able to use.

humberto jorge valentimSun, 23 Aug 2020 08:26:42 GMT

It's very good work and a very useful one. Thanks.

Christopher John FinnSun, 23 Aug 2020 08:22:58 GMT

Many thanks, I was making one myself using Excel. One problem, the pdf has a ":" in its file-name and so Winzip won't open it as it sees it as a corrupted file. An Excel version would be really helpful. Thanks. Chris

spicerpaSun, 23 Aug 2020 07:26:14 GMT

I downloaded the files but they are in tiny font size and cannot be printed as they are illegible. Perhaps I am doing something wrong but I tried it in both the Word and PDF formats and gave up... I ended up printing the web pages.

Steve DriverSun, 23 Aug 2020 07:10:23 GMT

Do we have a button for reverse thrust? Please excuse my ignorance.

Axel H AhlbergSun, 23 Aug 2020 07:07:38 GMT

Both the PDF and the docx file are in some bizarre format where the 300+ lines of key descriptions are all on one page. Shouldn't this kind of thing be available in a PowerPoint or Excel file or in a pdf designed for normal LTR or A4 pages?

Pat FordSun, 23 Aug 2020 05:07:18 GMT

How do you take a screenshot? I've tried the "usual" methods, but can't find any pics anywhere!

Cedric RobertsonSun, 23 Aug 2020 04:07:12 GMT

Thanks, but...

I cannot get either the Docx or the PDF file to print properly. They both seem to be formatted as a single page instead of multiple pages. I cannot find a way to change it so it will print.

Leroy HumphriesSun, 23 Aug 2020 01:08:39 GMT

When will this be out for Xbox 1X?

Richard Hudson SrSun, 23 Aug 2020 00:21:58 GMT

Been looking for a manual for this program thanks so much! Very helpful.

Les SaundersSun, 23 Aug 2020 00:20:40 GMT

A very comprehensive set of commands... I don't think I would have time to fly the aircraft if I had to use and remember the above list; I will be 80 years old in September after having some experience in a company Cessna.

I now enjoy my simulator, and really enjoy using your add on aircraft, I am using ADE and MS Flight Simulator Gold Editions with Accelerate and looking forward to trying MSFS 2020. I have installed the new Brisbane BNE runway using ADE and already flying A380's in and out. I was surprised the MS Flight Sim actually recognizes my new runway 19R and 01L. Keep up the great work, really enjoy Fly-Away.

Alexander MalcombeSat, 22 Aug 2020 20:09:01 GMT

Been using MSFS (2020) for a few days now and was looking for a command list like this.

Well, this is super handy - thank you for publishing these keyboard commands. I think most of them are covered and I can't see anything missed out but if I do then I'll reply to this comment to let you know.

Thank you Fly Away Simulation!

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