- Primary Flight Display Flight Mode Annunciations, Attitude and Guidance (Feet/Meter), Airspeed Altitude and Vertical Speed Heading and Track, Side stick position power ,application Radar Altitude.
- Navigation Display ARC Mode, PLAN Mode, ROSE NAV Mode,ROSE ILS Mode,ROSE VOR Mode, TERREN DATA ,Mag/true HEADING
- ECAM Engine EWD Display Thrust limit modes TO-GA, FLX, REV indication, FOB Total fuel (Lbs or Kg),LP Rotor speed, in %,HP Rotor speed, in %.,Fuel flow per engine, (Lb/hour or Kg/hour), Exhaust Gas Temperature, in _C,Flaps / Slats indicator.
- ECAM System display PRESS (pressurization), ELEC AC (AC electrical),ELEC DC (DC electrical), BLEED (air bleed system), HYD (hydraulic), FUEL, CRUISE (common reference data),APU (auxiliary power unit),F/CTL (flight controls), DOOR/OXY (doors / oxygen), WHEEL (landing gear), COND (air conditioning) ECAM System Select Panel The ECAM Select Panel controls what data is show on a selected ECAM System display .
- Auto climb systems makes automatic- Optimal speed , vertical speed, and climb (220kt in 240kt until 10000 feed V/S 2000 f/min After 10000 feed automatic. turn on alt 32800 feed nearly 10000 meter and speed in 290kt in 18000 feed in 310kt V/S 1500f/m in 29000 feed in310kt V/S 1000 f/min until reaching optimal alt in MACH 0,819-0,839 Mach. Auto landing full systems
- Overhead Hydraulic system, Fuel system, Electrical system, Bleed Air Conditioning system change the temperature in each aircraft zones cabin altitude control panel, Lights control panel, APU control panel,
- Pedestal Engines Masters, Engines Starter, Rudder trim, Parking brakes lever, flaps and spoilers levers, Radio Audio, Transponder Panel.
- MDCU FS FPL function, GPS flight plan-data index page, position monitor page, Inertial Reference system monitor page, performance takeoff, climb, cruise, descent & approach pages, radio navigation.

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