Grumman Widgeon VC with radial engines

A very rare version of a Radial Widgeon. 450hp P&W R-985 engines give a solid performance on a rather light aircraft.​

Complete with Base Model
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Content Rating
4 star rating.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 8 PRO members.

A very rare version of a Radial Widgeon. 450hp P&W R-985 engines give a solid performance on a rather light aircraft.​

Widgeon in flight.

VC has night lighting and custom XML gauges, a switch to move the yoke out of the way, rain effects, and much more. The exterior model weighs in at just under 18,000 polys.

Clean mesh and tight texture maps allow this high detail model to run very smooth. Engine temperature management is required to prevent overheating, don't forget the cowl flaps!

Airfiles are scratch built and meet the few numbers I could find for this rare version of the Widgeon. Custom sounds, big and beefy... but a good custom set would replace it.

Many hours into this project, I hope you enjoy it so far. Happy flying!

The archive has 76 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
low down.txt01.13.051.08 kB
Widge_radial01.13.050 B
Aircraft.cfg01.13.0513.35 kB
model.female01.13.050 B
model.cfg01.06.0531 B
widge_female.mdl01.13.051.72 MB
model01.13.050 B
model.cfg01.05.0531 B
widge_radial.mdl01.12.051.80 MB
panel01.13.050 B
cpt.toggles.208.CAB11.07.0230.09 kB
cpt.toggles.737.CAB11.07.0230.28 kB
cpt.toggles.steel.cab11.07.0229.17 kB
panel.cfg01.12.054.27 kB
panel1.bmp01.12.05301.05 kB
Thumbs.db11.11.0444.00 kB
vc_panel5.bmp08.23.04257.05 kB
widgeon_binks.cab01.11.05792.31 kB
sound01.13.050 B
cmgeardn.wav04.17.0153.24 kB
cmgearup.wav04.17.0157.24 kB
flap.wav04.17.01200.93 kB
mastall.wav04.17.0113.81 kB
prop.wav04.24.04504.31 kB
rpm1l.wav02.11.02156.14 kB
rpm1r.wav02.11.02175.79 kB
rpm2l.wav02.11.02174.19 kB
rpm2r.wav02.11.02204.13 kB
rpm3l.wav02.11.02220.13 kB
rpm3r.wav02.11.02212.25 kB
rpm4l.wav02.11.02227.40 kB
rpm4r.wav02.11.02168.21 kB
shutdown.wav09.13.02233.23 kB
sound.cfg01.12.057.48 kB
start.wav01.29.0333.44 kB
startup.wav02.11.02413.66 kB
typhoon_wap.wav02.11.02488.67 kB
Texture.N6208501.13.050 B
box.bmp01.07.0565.05 kB
cargonet.bmp01.11.0585.43 kB
chrome_L.bmp01.11.051.43 kB
chrome_T.bmp01.11.051.43 kB
darkgrey_T.bmp10.23.041.07 kB
dirtgrey_T.bmp10.23.041.07 kB
drip.bmp01.12.051.43 kB
dripa.bmp01.12.053.05 kB
g44_cockpit_C.bmp01.10.051.00 MB
g44_crew_T.bmp10.23.04256.07 kB
g44_fuse_L.bmp09.24.0417.05 kB
g44_fuse_T.bmp11.20.041.00 MB
g44_inside_T.bmp10.23.04256.07 kB
g44_radial_L.bmp09.24.0417.05 kB
g44_radial_T.bmp01.05.0585.43 kB
g44_tail_L.bmp09.24.0417.05 kB
g44_tail_T.bmp01.12.051.00 MB
jacket.bmp12.17.04257.05 kB
logoCoastGuard.bmp10.27.0464.07 kB
OHP.bmp12.31.041.33 MB
panel1_L.bmp11.11.04257.05 kB
panel2_L.bmp11.11.04257.05 kB
panel4_L.bmp11.11.04128.07 kB
panel5_L.bmp11.11.04257.05 kB
prop.bmp01.11.0585.43 kB
seatback.bmp11.11.048.07 kB
spinner_L.bmp09.24.0417.05 kB
spinner_T.bmp01.12.051.43 kB
Thumbs.db01.12.05103.00 kB
tire_blurred_T.bmp11.19.0464.07 kB
tire_still_T.bmp11.19.0464.07 kB
tire_still_T_bak.bmp11.18.0464.07 kB
window_ext_L.bmp09.24.0417.05 kB
window_ext_T.bmp10.23.0416.07 kB
yoke.bmp01.10.0565.05 kB
widge_radial.air01.11.057.98 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B


The Grumman Widgeon is a very impressive aircraft, but it’s one that is rarely done “right”. This model was created to offer a more impressive take on the old-school VC, adding in many of the changes and additions that should have been included in the first place.

Preview screenshot

For example, this now provides a much better level of performance than many of its competitors. With 450HP P&W R-985 engines, this gives you a very high level of performance for a rather stunty piece of kit. I will admit to feeling a little taken aback by just how far ahead of normal aircraft of this profile and size fly – this is a badass!

The virtual cockpit also comes with some new night lighting which I felt was a much-needed add-on. It was very hard to see what you were doing at the best of times in this cockpit, so the new lighting was an excellent addition.

New XML gauges were made, too, which make it much easier for you to control and manage the aircrafts performance. You can change various effects about the aircraft, too, from moving the yoke out of your visible view to stopping rain effects from limiting the enjoyment of your flight.

The Model

One of the best parts of the mod, though, is the new model itself. For all the pomp of the performance, the model does a great jo of making it so much easier for you to make the most of. With just under 18k polycount, this does a great job of capturing a very impressive and sharp model that looks like it fits into the world around it.

With the help of new engine temperature features to avoid overheating, too, the model adds a touch of realism into the performance side of things, also. This is a useful touch for those who want to make sure that this is more than simply a nice looking mod – they want to know that it flies at the right level of consistency, too.

Many of the airfiles are built from nothing, too, which I was really impressed with given their cohesion and professional output. With the new custom sounds representing each of the new features so well, too, you can begin to notice a big impression and change in the way that you are thinking about the aircraft – before long, the sounds diagnose the issues for you!

It’s a wonderful project and one that I will be using much more in the future. The Radial Widgeon is a rare sight, and this is a good way for you to enjoy flying what has become a bit of an antique, and a classic, in the eyes of many pilots.

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe is a flight sim enthusiast who has been simming since the days of FS95. Adam writes all of the download section editorials after testing each of the files. Adam has extensive knowledge using various flight simulator packages and thoroughly tests the files before writing about them. Adam also like to fly real-world aircraft in his spare time and is training for his PPL.

Should you wish, you can contact Adam via email at

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Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

FISHMAN63Mon, 21 Dec 2009 18:03:07 GMT
splitt84thThu, 05 Apr 2007 04:16:24 GMT
No problems, a hoot to fly
broccoliboyFri, 23 Mar 2007 16:51:01 GMT
Not too bad, could use a few tweaks, NICE Co- Pilot
rideraceWed, 21 Mar 2007 21:14:44 GMT
Someone spent a lot of time on this excellent (looking) A/C. Too bad he/she included a poorly functioning overheating problem that constantly shut-down the engines. You are spending most of your flying time adjusting the mixtures and cowl flaps! Bummer....
captainslugMon, 13 Nov 2006 08:36:51 GMT
Pros: Excellent virtual cockpit, good exterior model, good handling Cons: No 2d panel (not that I care though), has levers in cockpit for cowl flaps, but no cowl flaps are present on the model and they have no effect on engine, wheel touchpoints in .air file are too low, engine overheats and stalls readily at high throttle settings, no nose door

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