FSX RSDG Lancair Legacy

PreviewThis is a highly modified version of Robert Christopher's Lancair For Flight Simulator X Includes .. New Texture , Airfile And CFG files created by Rooks Silva Design Group ( RSDG ) by Mark Rooks " Fireball ".

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4
Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
File size
13.43 MB
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Scanned 8 days ago (clean)
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Free (Freeware)
Content Rating
3 star rating.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 10 PRO members.

This is a highly modified version of Robert Christopher's Lancair For Flight Simulator X Includes .. New Texture , Airfile And CFG files created by Rooks Silva Design Group ( RSDG ) by Mark Rooks " Fireball ".

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17Screenshot 18Screenshot 19Screenshot 20Screenshot 21Screenshot 22

The archive RSDGLancair.zip has 151 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Read Me First.txt10.26.06707 B
RSDG Lancair10.27.060 B
Aircraft.cfg10.27.0612.26 kB
model10.26.060 B
lancair.mdl01.27.062.81 MB
Model.cfg01.27.0626 B
panel10.26.060 B
decal_extra_300s_2.bmp05.12.06257.02 kB
extra_background.bmp05.12.06769.02 kB
Extra_Gauge_Backgrounds.bmp05.12.06257.05 kB
Extra_XML.cab09.04.06511.75 kB
panel.cfg07.23.064.64 kB
RSDG_Lancair.air10.26.0610.50 kB
sound10.26.060 B
c4wind4.wav07.10.06274.56 kB
canopy_latch_close.wav05.12.0695.79 kB
canopy_latch_open.wav05.12.0684.69 kB
ee1a.wav05.12.0654.81 kB
ee1b.wav05.12.0636.19 kB
ee2a.wav05.12.0643.81 kB
ee2b.wav05.12.0642.25 kB
ee3a.wav05.12.0619.81 kB
ee4a.wav05.12.0644.31 kB
eep1a.wav05.12.0657.79 kB
eep1b.wav05.12.0658.79 kB
eep2a.wav05.12.0667.29 kB
eep2b.wav05.12.0658.79 kB
eeshuta.wav05.12.0631.69 kB
eeshutb.wav05.12.0635.75 kB
eestarta.wav05.12.068.75 kB
eestartb.wav05.12.0635.29 kB
ewind.wav05.12.0629.19 kB
Extra_Prop1A.wav07.10.0645.70 kB
Extra_Prop2A.wav07.10.0645.70 kB
Extra_Prop2Ab.wav07.10.0669.42 kB
Extra_Prop2Ac.wav07.10.06131.16 kB
Extra_rpm01.wav07.10.06354.31 kB
Extra_rpm02.wav07.10.06617.25 kB
Extra_rpm03.wav07.10.06544.90 kB
Extra_rpm04.wav07.10.06383.12 kB
Extra_Shutdown.wav07.10.06407.06 kB
Extra_Starter.wav07.10.06232.87 kB
Extra_Startup.wav07.10.06494.08 kB
sound.cfg07.10.0612.27 kB
wind_general.wav07.10.06269.64 kB
xee1a.wav05.12.0654.31 kB
xee1b.wav05.12.0638.19 kB
xee2a.wav05.12.0648.81 kB
xee2b.wav05.12.0648.75 kB
xee3a.wav05.12.0629.31 kB
xee4a.wav05.12.0641.31 kB
xeep1a.wav05.12.0657.79 kB
xeep1b.wav05.12.0658.79 kB
xeep2a.wav05.12.0667.29 kB
xeep2b.wav05.12.0658.79 kB
xeeshuta.wav05.12.0624.75 kB
xeeshutb.wav05.12.0625.75 kB
xeestarta.wav05.12.065.31 kB
xeestartb.wav05.12.0630.29 kB
xExtra_Prop1A.wav07.10.0645.70 kB
xExtra_Prop2A.wav07.10.0645.70 kB
xExtra_rpmf01.wav07.10.06217.49 kB
xExtra_rpmf02.wav07.10.06226.46 kB
xExtra_rpmf03.wav07.10.06262.45 kB
xExtra_rpmf04.wav07.10.06237.50 kB
xExtra_rpmr01.wav07.10.06285.84 kB
xExtra_rpmr02.wav07.10.06268.95 kB
xExtra_rpmr03.wav07.10.06274.75 kB
xExtra_rpmr04.wav07.10.06218.38 kB
xExtra_Shutdown.wav07.10.06181.03 kB
xExtra_Starter.wav07.10.06120.94 kB
xExtra_Startup.wav07.10.06151.69 kB
texture10.26.060 B
AnnunIll.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
BlueL_t.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
Breaks.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
Canopy_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
Canopy_t.dds10.26.0610.80 kB
Center.dds10.26.0685.48 kB
CPWall.dds10.26.06682.80 kB
DMEIll.dds10.26.0610.80 kB
EngineIllum.dds10.26.0610.80 kB
Floor.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
FuelIll.dds10.26.0610.80 kB
FuseGray1_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
FuseGray1_t.bmp10.26.06682.75 kB
GearDoor1.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
GenTex_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
GenTex_t.bmp10.26.06682.75 kB
Glare2.dds10.26.06341.48 kB
Gray_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
Gray_t.bmp10.26.0642.75 kB
GrayWall.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
guide.dds10.26.06682.80 kB
Illum1.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
Lamp_t.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
LandingLight.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
Legacy1_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
Legacy1_t.bmp10.26.06682.75 kB
Panel2.dds10.26.06682.80 kB
Prop_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
prop_move1.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
Prop_t.dds10.26.0642.82 kB
PropBack_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
PropBack_t.dds10.26.0642.82 kB
RadioIll.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
Red_t.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
RudderTube.dds10.26.062.80 kB
Screw.dds10.26.062.80 kB
sectional.dds10.26.06341.48 kB
Silver_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
Silver_t.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
Simpson1.dds10.26.0610.80 kB
Spinner_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
Spinner_t.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
thumbnail.jpg10.26.06120.21 kB
Thumbs.db07.23.068.00 kB
Tire1.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
TransIll.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
vp1000.dds10.26.06170.80 kB
WarningIll.dds10.26.0610.80 kB
White_Acc_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
White_Acc_t.dds10.26.0642.80 kB
White1_l.dds10.26.062.80 kB
White1_t.bmp10.26.0642.75 kB
WirelessKB.dds10.26.0685.48 kB
Screen Shot .jpg10.26.06148.05 kB
text1.txt10.26.06215 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Screenshots10.17.190 B
screen-1.jpg10.02.19158.82 kB
screen-10.jpg10.02.1987.82 kB
screen-11.jpg10.02.1992.63 kB
screen-12.jpg10.02.19148.90 kB
screen-13.jpg10.02.19191.03 kB
screen-14.jpg10.02.1987.30 kB
screen-15.jpg10.02.19440.33 kB
screen-16.jpg10.02.19219.81 kB
screen-17.jpg10.02.19130.75 kB
screen-18.jpg10.02.1994.26 kB
screen-19.jpg10.02.19101.73 kB
screen-2.jpg10.02.19186.25 kB
screen-20.jpg10.02.19409.06 kB
screen-3.jpg10.02.19147.27 kB
screen-4.jpg10.02.19129.69 kB
screen-5.jpg10.02.19148.08 kB
screen-6.jpg10.02.19132.00 kB
screen-7.jpg10.02.19149.94 kB
screen-8.jpg10.02.19276.70 kB
screen-9.jpg10.02.1988.24 kB


Stylish and supreme, this highly detailed version of the Lancair for FSX made by Robert Christopher is worth downloading. The work by put into this by Mark Rooks is very impressive, helping to add even more to what was already a very appreciated and well-received model.

Preview screenshot

This helps to add new textures, a fresh new air file and new configuration files based on the Rooks Silva Design Group’ specifications. However, it lacks gauges and that obviously can make this quite a toughie to fly. While a bit of DIY work can help you to repair that, it’s time-consuming – but worth it, if you like the model enough. I found that in terms of performances it’s a very impressive piece of kit – it can bullet through the skies, climbing exceptionally fast without really suffering from any handling problems.

Fun, Not Fact

Some have complained it felt a little unrealistic, but I felt it was quite an enjoyable aircraft to try and take on once I got to grips with its rapid pace. It’s very fast and this means that it can take a bit of getting used to in terms of sensitivity – I spent way too much time just flying into things at first!

Once you get used to how it handles itself, though, this is a very fun aircraft to fly around in. Speaking to a friend, he said that it felt like more akin to a fighter jet video game than a true simulation, and I would probably need to agree. It’s certainly more fantasy than fact, put it that way.

That being said, if you enjoy hitting mad speeds and burling through the sky like a bullet, I would need to recommend giving this a shot. While it’s not really that much like the original – in that it feels a little "cartoony" in the way it manages itself – it’s still a fun little aircraft to have installed. It might not be something that you use all the time, and it could become a source of novelty rather than anything else, but it’s definitely a model well worth seeing how you can get to grips with how it handles itself.

Overall, I was pretty impressed with the aircraft. Just don’t pick it up and expect it to be a perfect replicate and recreation of the real thing: it’s certainly a bit of artistic license going on here!

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe is a flight sim enthusiast who has been simming since the days of FS95. Adam writes all of the download section editorials after testing each of the files. Adam has extensive knowledge using various flight simulator packages and thoroughly tests the files before writing about them. Adam also like to fly real-world aircraft in his spare time and is training for his PPL.

Should you wish, you can contact Adam via email at adam@flyawaysimulation.com.

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

photoshockThu, 16 Jul 2009 05:02:47 GMT
Without gauges its hard to fly, IFR but overall this is one of the best light aircraft packages around. Well worth the download, climb rate is spectacular and handling is unsurpassed. 7/10 for overall.
bill43050Mon, 07 Apr 2008 02:36:38 GMT
I didn't care for this one at all. It handled like I was flying one of the Extra 300's and seemed very unrealistic!
rideraceFri, 16 Feb 2007 09:54:51 GMT
Well I like it! Easy to install. Everything works. Very fast. Control's are touchy though.
wmdSun, 26 Nov 2006 21:37:22 GMT
super fun not real per say but more like an f22 in a video game the cockpit could use some work but this thing rocks hardcore EASY! FUN!!! kids will have a blast and it will make them want to take this game to the limit
bahilsabeckFri, 17 Nov 2006 11:52:19 GMT
Original plane rocked... This rebuild has a lot to be desired. Very unrealistic flight characteristics that do not even come close to handling of the real aircraft. Sorry, but a 2 is a stretch at best. :(

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