FSX Red/White Cessna 414 Chancellor N4869R

PreviewThis repaint offers a striking red and white color scheme for Premier Aircraft Design’s Cessna 414A Chancellor, and it has been carefully tailored for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Created by Tom Tiedman, it showcases vivid accents that highlight the aircraft’s aerodynamic lines. The real-wor...

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This repaint offers a striking red and white color scheme for Premier Aircraft Design’s Cessna 414A Chancellor, and it has been carefully tailored for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Created by Tom Tiedman, it showcases vivid accents that highlight the aircraft’s aerodynamic lines. The real-world Cessna 414 Chancellor is a pressurized twin-engine aircraft with a roomy cabin, often seating up to eight passengers. It was originally designed by Cessna to provide efficient performance at moderate altitudes, and this repaint aims to enhance the sense of authenticity when flying it in the simulator. Be aware that the freeware base model by the P.A.D. (Premier Aircraft Design) team must be obtained separately in the Fly Away Simulation library.

Distinctive Exterior Design

The bold red and white theme seen here highlights the 414’s classic silhouette, including its mid-set wings and tip-tank design—commonly admired on many pressurized light twin aircraft. In real life, this model is known for its turbocharged piston engines, delivering reliable power for operations at higher altitudes. This repaint, featuring registration number N4869R, incorporates realistic line details, window outlines, and subtle shading that bring depth to every airframe component in FSX.

Screenshot of Red/White Cessna 414 Chancellor in flight.

Screenshot of Red/White Cessna 414 Chancellor in flight.

Key Installation Steps

Before adding this texture, confirm that you have Premier Aircraft Design’s original Cessna 414A Chancellor installed, as this download only provides the new paint scheme. The following instructions outline how to integrate the repaint into your existing aircraft folder:

  1. Place the folder named Texture.Red and White N4869R inside your P.A.D. Cessna 414A directory.
  2. Open the aircraft.cfg file for the 414A in a text editor. Insert the accompanying [fltsim.X] block of text as a new entry under the existing entries. Change the “X” to the appropriate sequential number that follows your previous repaint entries. Finally, save your modifications.

Essential [fltsim.X] Segment

title=Cessna 414A Red and White N4869R
texture=Red and White N4869R
ui_type=414A Chancellor
ui_variation=Red and White N4869R
description=Aircraft by the P.A.D. team. Red and White N4869R repaint by Tom Tiedman. The Cessna 414A Chancellor is a 6/8 place pressurized twin with turbocharged engines. A typical cruise speed is 170 Kts (indicated airspeed) at 24,000 ft. (approx 270 mph ground speed)

Performance Notes

With its turbocharged engines, the Cessna 414A can reach higher flight levels for smoother, more efficient cruising. In practice, pilots often appreciate its blend of cabin comfort and reliable handling. This repaint underscores every aspect of its geometry to give a detailed visual representation, whether you are taking off from a short strip or climbing to cruising altitude.

Additional Credits

The freeware model comes from Premier Aircraft Design, known for crafting meticulous add-ons. This red and white repaint carries the personal touch of developer Tom Tiedman, who has focused on small markings and structural nuances. For those who enjoy simulating corporate or personal cross-country flights, this distinctive livery introduces a refreshed visual element that complements the Chancellor’s practical design.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive fsx_cessna_414a_red_and_white_n4869r.zip has 27 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
file_id.diz05.31.12217 B
READ ME and INSTALLATION.txt05.31.121.26 kB
screenshot 2.jpg05.30.12189.31 kB
screenshot.jpg05.30.12294.04 kB
Texture.Red and White N4869R05.31.120 B
c414_cockpit.bmp05.26.12512.07 kB
C414_Engines.bmp05.29.124.00 MB
C414_fuse.bmp05.29.124.00 MB
C414_Interiors.bmp05.30.124.00 MB
c414_wings.bmp05.30.124.00 MB
chrome.bmp05.25.1264.07 kB
Elevator.bmp05.29.121.00 MB
lights.bmp05.25.1232.07 kB
lights_L.bmp05.25.1265.05 kB
misc.bmp05.25.12512.07 kB
paneldbleVC.bmp05.25.12512.07 kB
pilote.bmp05.25.128.07 kB
prop2_TBX.bmp05.25.121.00 MB
roue2.bmp05.25.1265.07 kB
screenshot 2.jpg05.30.12189.31 kB
screenshot.jpg05.30.12294.04 kB
Seats.bmp05.25.12128.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg05.30.12131.86 kB
Yoke.bmp05.25.12512.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg05.30.12131.86 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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