FSX Bristol Bombay

Preview The Bristol Bombay was designed to serve both as a bomber and a troop transport. It first flew in 1935. It was too obsolete to use as a bomber in Western Europe when the war broke out but served admirably in the Middle East. This is a native FSX Acceleration model. It is painted for service in...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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23.37 MB
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4 star rating.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 2 PRO members.

The Bristol Bombay was designed to serve both as a bomber and a troop transport. It first flew in 1935. It was too obsolete to use as a bomber in Western Europe when the war broke out but served admirably in the Middle East. This is a native FSX Acceleration model. It is painted for service in the Middle East desert. The Pegasus sound file is by Gary Jones. The VC has animated flight controls, working gauges and is based on photos of similar aircraft of the same era. By Paul Clawson.

Screenshot of Bristol Bombay in flight.

Screenshot of Bristol Bombay in flight.

INSTALLATION: Unzip BBombay.zip into a temporary folder. Copy the folder Bristol Bombay into the Airplanes folder of FSX. That's it!

title=Bristol Bombay
sim=Bristol Bombay
ui_variation="Desert Service"
ui_typerole="Twin Engine Prop"
description="The Bristol Bombay first flew in 1935. Despite the all-metal, monoplane construction, the Bombay retained some features which were outdated at the time, such as its fixed undercarriage. Although it was outclassed for the European theatre, it saw some service ferrying supplies to the British Expeditionary Force in France in 1940. Its main service was in the Middle East, replacing the Vickers Type 264 Valentia. The Bombay was capable of dropping 250 lb bombs held on external racks, and was also used to drop 20 lb anti-personnel mines, which were armed and thrown out of the cargo door by hand. The aircraft flew bombing sorties in Abyssinia, Italian Somaliland, Iraq, and Benghazi. Obsolete as a bomber by European standards, the Bombays were predominately used as transports, ferrying supplies and evacuating the wounded."

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive bbombay.zip has 76 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
BB_flt.jpg04.23.1233.54 kB
Bristol Bombay04.23.120 B
aircraft.cfg04.22.1216.34 kB
Bristol Bombay.air04.22.126.27 kB
model04.23.120 B
Bombay.mdl04.24.12673.12 kB
Bombay_Interior.mdl04.24.12650.37 kB
model.cfg04.24.1251 B
panel04.23.120 B
BBay.CAB04.23.12170.30 kB
panel.cfg04.23.121.69 kB
sound04.23.120 B
babsctr.wav05.09.06165.28 kB
babsdah.wav05.09.0634.50 kB
babsdit.wav05.09.0634.72 kB
cagear.wav04.18.01122.47 kB
door_small_close.wav04.09.0355.99 kB
door_small_open.wav04.09.0359.98 kB
Pegas_flaps.wav05.21.10304.53 kB
Pegas_geardn.wav01.23.03394.21 kB
Pegas_gearup.wav01.23.03362.21 kB
Pegas_noncombust_left.wav01.23.0322.66 kB
Pegas_noncombust_right.wav01.23.0326.13 kB
Pegas_rpm1L.wav11.25.10477.51 kB
Pegas_rpm1R.wav11.25.10973.13 kB
Pegas_rpm2L.wav11.25.10753.09 kB
Pegas_rpm2R.wav11.25.10438.42 kB
Pegas_rpm3L.wav11.24.10596.47 kB
Pegas_rpm3R.wav11.25.10678.50 kB
Pegas_rpm4L.wav11.09.101.28 MB
Pegas_rpm4R.wav11.09.101005.59 kB
Pegas_shutdownL.wav11.10.101.08 MB
Pegas_shutdownR.wav11.10.101.08 MB
Pegas_starterL.wav11.10.1070.13 kB
Pegas_starterR.wav11.10.1070.13 kB
Pegas_startupL.wav11.10.101.66 MB
Pegas_startupR.wav11.10.10925.67 kB
Pegas_wind.wav11.25.10845.97 kB
Readme.txt11.25.10405 B
sound.cfg11.25.108.98 kB
xPegas_noncombust_left.wav01.23.0332.63 kB
xPegas_noncombust_right.wav01.23.0343.81 kB
xPegas_rpm1L.wav11.24.10591.59 kB
xPegas_rpm1R.wav11.24.10980.67 kB
xPegas_rpm2L.wav11.24.10755.82 kB
xPegas_rpm2R.wav11.24.10440.67 kB
xPegas_rpm3L.wav11.24.10662.59 kB
xPegas_rpm3R.wav11.24.10442.31 kB
xPegas_rpm4L.wav11.24.10706.46 kB
xPegas_rpm4R.wav11.24.10743.64 kB
xPegas_shutdownL.wav11.10.101.08 MB
xPegas_shutdownR.wav11.10.101.08 MB
xPegas_starterL.wav11.10.1037.99 kB
xPegas_starterR.wav11.10.1037.99 kB
xPegas_startupL.wav11.10.101.66 MB
xPegas_startupR.wav11.10.101.90 MB
xPegas_whineL.wav11.25.10107.56 kB
xPegas_whineR.wav11.25.10106.46 kB
texture04.23.120 B
BBVCSW.dds04.23.12128.12 kB
BBVCSW_L.dds04.23.12128.12 kB
BBVC_L.dds04.23.12512.12 kB
BB_1.dds04.24.124.00 MB
BB_1_Spec.dds04.23.124.00 MB
BB_2.dds04.23.124.00 MB
BB_2_Spec.dds04.23.124.00 MB
BB_engine.dds04.23.12256.12 kB
BB_trans .dds04.23.1264.12 kB
BB_Wheel .dds04.23.12256.12 kB
prop_BB.dds04.23.1264.12 kB
thumbnail.jpg04.21.125.99 kB
File_id.diz04.23.12518 B
Readme.txt04.23.121.91 kB
BBombay04.23.120 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Mike SchofieldThu, 01 Nov 2018 14:14:44 GMT

Bristol Bombay. This is a very nice flying sim. The engines are throaty already during run, shutdown, and re-start. It has an incredible hang time at zero throttles so bring it in nice and slow. Very nice 3D effects of the airframe. No doors, no frills, and not needed. Upgrades of those in the future would be nice. I am building my fleet up with my long lost British cousins, that I have unforgivingly neglected over the years. The is a very nice download of a very nice job. Well done!

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