FSX/FS2004 Beechcraft Super King Air 200, Air Greenland, OY-PCL

PreviewThe King Air 200 is a continuation of the King Air line, with new features including the distinctive Ttail, more powerful engines, greater wing area and span, increased cabin pressurisation, greater fuel capacity and higher operating weights compared to the King Air 100. Beech began design work o...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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The King Air 200 is a continuation of the King Air line, with new features including the distinctive Ttail, more powerful engines, greater wing area and span, increased cabin pressurisation, greater fuel capacity and higher operating weights compared to the King Air 100. Beech began design work on the Super King Air 200 in October 1970, resulting in the type's first flight on October 27 1972. Certificated in mid December 1973, the King Air 200 went on to be the most successful aircraft in its class, eclipsing such rivals as the Cessna Conquest and Piper Cheyenne. Today the King Air 200 is the only one of the three in production. The 1500th commercial King Air 200 was built in 1995. In 1996 Raytheon dropped the `Super' prefix for all 200, 300 and 350 model King Airs. This is a model of the very first model 200 as produced in 1973. The original 200 had 3 bladed propellers. Power was provided by P&W Canada PT6A-41's rated at 850 shp. OY-PCL was built in 1999 as aircraft number BB-1675 and was initialy registered as N2355Z before it was registered as OY-PCL. It is owned and operated by Air Greenland. It is used in Greenland for medical transport, light cargo, passengers. OY-PCL is based in Nuuk, BGGH.

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The archive agl-be20.zip has 49 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
200.air07.25.0512.29 kB
Aircraft.cfg01.11.0712.89 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ08.02.05153 B
model01.11.070 B
Beechcraft King Air 200.mdl07.22.05331.17 kB
Model.cfg07.21.05190 B
OY-PCL.jpg01.11.0715.02 kB
panel01.11.070 B
cad_kln90brored.gau07.07.02144.00 kB
cad_kln90brored_2.gau07.07.02144.00 kB
console.bmp02.28.05590.68 kB
dfd_adi84a.gau11.16.011.20 MB
dfd_hsi.gau03.11.05900.00 kB
dfd_pp.gau10.01.013.05 MB
dfd_wiskey.gau10.01.0180.00 kB
Forward_left.bmp12.17.99332.66 kB
Forward_right.bmp06.20.05769.05 kB
hghb_c90_vsp.gau01.10.00128.00 kB
hghb_ki_250.gau01.10.00149.00 kB
Kingair_C90_Radio.gau02.28.05456.00 kB
KingAirPB.gau12.07.0168.00 kB
Left.bmp12.17.9984.20 kB
Main.bmp03.11.053.52 MB
panel.cfg03.11.056.77 kB
radio_stack.bmp02.27.05706.42 kB
Rear.bmp04.17.05769.05 kB
Rear_left.bmp12.17.99325.55 kB
Rear_right.bmp04.17.05769.05 kB
Right.bmp12.17.99548.84 kB
switches.bmp02.28.05319.80 kB
Up.bmp12.17.99202.58 kB
wradar2.gau04.08.98769.00 kB
RA_BEEP.wav06.11.9821.19 kB
Read me- Air Greenland King Air BE20 OY-PCL.txt01.11.073.86 kB
Readme.txt08.02.051.50 kB
real-OY-PCL.jpg01.11.0729.82 kB
sound01.11.070 B
Sound.cfg03.09.0542 B
texture01.11.070 B
B200.bmp01.11.071.00 MB
B200_l.bmp05.11.0465.05 kB
Cabin.bmp07.16.05257.05 kB
Cabin_l.bmp05.11.0465.05 kB
ckpt.bmp07.28.05257.05 kB
ckpt_l.bmp05.11.0465.05 kB
prop-hs.bmp02.01.0564.07 kB
Thumbs.db01.11.0713.50 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

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T-BonePilotSat, 28 Feb 2009 21:40:19 GMT
this plane is not so bad but there is no picture with it when i choose it so all the pictures are messed up. If there is a picture, where the *** is it?
kdescenteMon, 20 Aug 2007 06:44:13 GMT
No cockpit. On loading this aircraft in FSX there were several security warnings about the addon. This package needs a major overhaul to be enjoyable in FSX. Also, when loading this aircraft- you are told that it was designed for Flight Simulator '98.
KittyCaTzWed, 31 Jan 2007 21:47:12 GMT
No cockpit view at all only showing engine cowling's. The whole aircraft was only visible from external views. From external view the the spinning props would appear to bring any cloud to the front of the props. On loading this aircraft in FSX there were numerous security warnings about the addon and on one of them it was noted that this was made for FS98 and some items would not work. LOL I am sure it's a great addons, however I would not waist time running it in FSX unless there is a fix.
rantamWed, 24 Jan 2007 01:40:21 GMT
Some of the gauges used were designed using a version older then FS-98 and therefore will not work in FSX

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