FSX Chart Expansion Pack

PreviewFor CRGSIM-0_040.ZIP.

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For CRGSIM-0_040.ZIP.

This pack includes both pack 1 and pack 2.

This distribution contains both Terminal Area Charts for: Denver, Colorado Springs, New York, San Francisco, Dallas Fort Worth, and Boston. It also includes the second pack Terminal Area Charts for: Baltimore Washington, Seattle, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, and San Diago.

These charts are designed to work with the Chart Program in the CRGSIM release 0.040.

By Kapock Cavanaugh.

Screenshot of Chart display.

Screenshot of Chart display.

When TAC display capability is activated in the Chart Display and if the aircraft enters the area covered by any included TAC chart that chart will automatically be displayed.

There are two sizes of TAC charts: large and small.

Control over which type of charts are displayed can be made either in the Chart Display window or with the CRG Winkeys program. To use the Chart Display Window use the mouse to select the Chart Window. Then click on one of the following keys:

  1. Display only Wide Area Charts
  2. Display smaller sized TAC charts if available
  3. Display large TAC charts if available.

To use the WinKeys window select one of the 4 windows and click on one of the keys described above.

As an example:

Assume the aircraft is in the area near Denver covered by both WAC and TAC charts. Key 0 (zero) will display only the WAC chart in the Chart Window. Key 1 will display the smaller TAC chart and key 3 will display the large TAC chart. The chart display can be changed at any time by selecting any of the three keys.

If you do not want a specific TAC chart to take up room in your chart directory just delete it from the directory. On start up the chart program checks for existence of all TAC chart files, marks those missing, and will not attempt to use a missing TAC chart file.

If you do not want to use any of the large TAC charts just delete all files with extension ".mt3" before starting crgchart.exe.


Copy all the files in this distribution to the computer/directory where you have the CRGSIM Charts program and data installed.


These charts are compatible with version 0.40 and above of CRGSIM.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive crgsim-charts.zip has 35 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Charts-0107.25.120 B
bostac.mt207.18.127.90 MB
bostac.mt307.18.1231.59 MB
crgchart.dat07.24.1226.97 kB
cstac77.mt207.14.126.68 MB
cstac77.mt307.14.1226.68 MB
den77.mt207.14.125.35 MB
den77.mt307.14.1221.41 MB
dfwtac.mt207.15.129.16 MB
dfwtac.mt307.15.1236.61 MB
nytac.mt207.15.125.06 MB
nytac.mt307.15.1220.24 MB
sftac.mt207.15.124.78 MB
sftac.mt307.15.1219.12 MB
Charts-0207.25.120 B
baltwa.mt207.19.129.25 MB
baltwa.mt307.19.1236.97 MB
chitac.mt207.18.123.34 MB
chitac.mt307.18.1213.36 MB
crgchart.dat07.24.1226.97 kB
dfwtac.mt307.22.1218.23 MB
houtac.mt207.18.125.86 MB
houtac.mt307.18.1223.45 MB
latac.mt207.22.126.18 MB
latac.mt307.22.1224.94 MB
sdtac.mt207.22.124.56 MB
sea77.mt207.12.124.32 MB
sea77.mt307.12.1217.25 MB
CrgLicense.txt07.31.11467 B
crgsim-charts-VOL-01-0.1.jpg07.06.12172.81 kB
crgsim-charts-VOL-02-0.1.jpg07.22.12172.93 kB
README-Charts-01.txt07.25.121.94 kB
README-Charts-02.txt07.25.121.93 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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