FSX MCAS Miramar - Mitscher Field Scenery

Preview 1n 1996, The USMC abandoned the cramped quarters of MCAS El Toro and MCAS Tustin and moved into the newly redesignated MCAS Miramar. The 3rd Marine Air Wing relocated and flew its flag at MCAS Miramar in 1999. Home of many FA-18 attack squadrons, MCAS Miramar and Mitscher Field has recently un...

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1n 1996, The USMC abandoned the cramped quarters of MCAS El Toro and MCAS Tustin and moved into the newly redesignated MCAS Miramar. The 3rd Marine Air Wing relocated and flew its flag at MCAS Miramar in 1999. Home of many FA-18 attack squadrons, MCAS Miramar and Mitscher Field has recently undergone changes to support deployment of the V-22 Osprey and will receive one of the first operational squadrons of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. There is a mockup of an LHD flight deck in the southeast corner of the field. Miramar is a pretty big place. Scenery was kept to the south side of Boyington, Sidewinder, and Raven roads just to minimize the number of models. There are some very recent changes to the field without enough info to model. There's a new Hangar 7 and some tarmac changes. The octagonal fueling area is being removed to make room for more vertical lift equipment. The old runway 10-28 has given way to two vertical landing areas. By Jim Dhaenens.

Aerial view of MCAS Miramar scenery.

Aerial view of MCAS Miramar scenery.

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The archive knkx_fsx.zip has 101 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
knkx_fsx10.28.120 B
289 pp knkx10.28.120 B
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P3PARK.dds10.18.1264.12 kB
pbupnllltan.dds09.16.09128.12 kB
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RAMPLTRS.dds10.21.12256.12 kB
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tmrks.dds07.05.09256.12 kB
twrtile.dds09.30.1232.12 kB
twrtile2.dds09.30.12128.12 kB
V22_USMC.dds10.08.12128.12 kB
whitemark.dds10.27.1264.12 kB
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knkxlhd.jpg10.28.12170.18 kB
knkxover.jpg10.28.12216.88 kB
KNKXreadme.txt10.28.122.92 kB
miramarsouth.jpg10.28.12124.65 kB
miramarthumb.jpg10.28.1226.52 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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