FSX Columbia Metropolitan Airport

Preview (KCAE), South Carolina (SC), USA> The Columbia Metropolitan Airport Authority has provided substantial information about KCAE online, making it possible to pretty accurately model this airport. The taxiway signs have been placed according to exhibits in the airports certification manual, and t...

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(KCAE), South Carolina (SC), USA> The Columbia Metropolitan Airport Authority has provided substantial information about KCAE online, making it possible to pretty accurately model this airport. The taxiway signs have been placed according to exhibits in the airports certification manual, and taxiway designations have been revised in accordance with upgrades to be effective mid-November 2012. Most buildings have been custom modeled in accordance with information available on the internet, including Microsoft Bing birdseye views. The airport layout and landclass changes are in accordance with Google Earth imagery. If you have Jim Dhaenens' lightobj.bgl installed, apron lighting will be included, and if you have KB_static_aircraft_FSX installed additional parked aircraft will be visible. The layout of scenery is optimized for use with Ultimate Terrain X-USA. The new taxiway designations are not yet shown in the latest observed FAA airport diagram. An airfield sketch provided to pilots by the Columbia Metropolitan Airport is included in the package to show the taxiway designation changes. By Art Poole.

Screenshot of Columbia Metropolitan Airport.

Screenshot of Columbia Metropolitan Airport.

Extract the zip file and move the KCAE folder to the "Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery" folder and then add this folder to the scenery list in FSX settings. The Models folder and other files are not needed in FSX.

For all scenery objects to display, the Scenery Complexity slider in Scenery settings must be set to "Very Dense".

This airport can be further modified by the user with Airport Design Editor (freeware, but worth a donation). The Models folder contains all of the models compiled in the KCAE_ADEX_AP.BGL file.

To revert back to FSX default, uncheck KCAE in the AddOn Scenery list.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9

The archive columbia_sc.zip has 103 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
KCAE10.28.120 B
scenery12.12.120 B
KCAE_ADEX_AP.BGL12.13.121.15 MB
KCAE_ADEX_AP_CVX.bgl12.13.124.89 kB
KCAE_bridge_AP.bgl09.28.128.22 kB
KCAE_TERMINAL_AP.bgl10.23.1281.85 kB
texture12.12.120 B
AirportBldgs.bmp05.14.11341.43 kB
AirportBldgs_01.bmp01.08.11170.75 kB
AirportBldgs_01_lm.bmp01.08.11170.75 kB
AirportBldgs_lm.bmp05.14.11341.43 kB
Blastpad_markings.bmp07.25.1142.78 kB
Blastpad_markings_lm.bmp07.25.1142.78 kB
bp.bmp10.28.125.42 kB
bp_lm.bmp10.28.125.42 kB
HANGER_01_AP.bmp08.30.11170.75 kB
HANGER_01_AP_lm.bmp08.30.11170.75 kB
HANGER_02.bmp01.02.12170.75 kB
HANGER_02_lm.bmp09.14.11170.75 kB
HANGER_03.bmp02.08.12170.75 kB
HANGER_03_lm.bmp02.08.12170.75 kB
hanger_04.bmp11.03.12170.75 kB
hanger_04_lm.bmp01.31.12170.75 kB
HANGER_05.bmp12.24.11170.75 kB
HANGER_05_lm.bmp12.24.11170.75 kB
HANGER_06.bmp12.12.12682.75 kB
HANGER_06_lm.bmp12.12.12682.75 kB
HANGER_07.bmp12.10.12170.75 kB
HANGER_07_lm.bmp12.10.12170.75 kB
KCAE_01.bmp10.30.12170.75 kB
KCAE_01_lm.bmp10.30.12170.75 kB
KCAE_02.bmp10.27.12170.75 kB
KCAE_02_lm.bmp10.27.12170.75 kB
KCAE_03.bmp11.22.12341.43 kB
KCAE_03_lm.bmp11.22.12341.43 kB
KCAE_04.bmp11.24.12170.75 kB
KCAE_04_lm.bmp11.24.12170.75 kB
KCAE_05.bmp12.12.12170.75 kB
KCAE_05_lm.bmp12.12.12170.75 kB
Thumbs.db11.03.1287.00 kB
kcae01.JPG12.12.1299.70 kB
kcae02.JPG12.13.12122.40 kB
kcae03.JPG12.13.1259.87 kB
kcae04.JPG12.13.1291.12 kB
kcae05.JPG12.12.12140.63 kB
kcae06.JPG12.12.12165.56 kB
kcae07.JPG12.12.12177.12 kB
kcae08.JPG12.12.12161.19 kB
kcae09.JPG12.13.12111.89 kB
Models12.12.120 B
blastfence_80ft.mdl08.02.113.02 kB
Blastpad_markings_200x150.mdl07.25.111.65 kB
Blastpad_markings_200x200.mdl10.20.111.46 kB
Blastpad_markings_400x220.mdl07.25.111.65 kB
cargo_01.mdl07.28.113.76 kB
cargo_02.mdl10.27.123.76 kB
cargo_03.mdl10.27.123.76 kB
container_01.mdl03.17.115.53 kB
fencepost_01.mdl05.20.103.56 kB
Garage_06.mdl02.13.125.23 kB
gate_01.mdl05.20.1035.25 kB
gate_open_01.mdl05.20.1035.25 kB
Generic_02.mdl02.12.123.25 kB
Generic_05.mdl02.12.123.48 kB
Generic_06.mdl12.09.123.76 kB
Hanger_09.mdl11.08.118.10 kB
Hanger_14.mdl01.04.127.13 kB
Hanger_27.mdl11.25.123.89 kB
Hanger_28.mdl11.25.124.31 kB
Hanger_29.mdl11.25.123.76 kB
Hanger_31.mdl12.07.128.45 kB
Hanger_32.mdl12.10.127.14 kB
Hanger_33.mdl12.10.129.65 kB
KCAE_3-cover.mdl12.10.12480.14 kB
KCAE_FAA.mdl12.09.1214.63 kB
KCAE_FBO_01.mdl10.30.1219.49 kB
KCAE_FBO_02.mdl10.30.1212.33 kB
KCAE_FBO_03.mdl12.08.1241.17 kB
KCAE_FBO_04.mdl12.08.1216.69 kB
KCAE_FBO_05.mdl12.12.1219.11 kB
KCAE_firestation.mdl12.13.128.23 kB
KCAE_hanger_01.mdl11.05.129.63 kB
KCAE_hanger_02.mdl11.05.1253.94 kB
KCAE_hanger_03.mdl12.06.128.81 kB
KCAE_hanger_04.mdl11.26.124.18 kB
KCAE_hanger_05.mdl12.07.1211.58 kB
KCAE_hanger_06.mdl12.10.124.71 kB
KCAE_terminal.mdl10.27.12116.95 kB
KCAE_weathersta.mdl12.12.124.45 kB
medium_hanger_07.mdl04.24.124.45 kB
medium_hanger_13.mdl12.15.113.77 kB
medium_hanger_20.mdl01.30.114.17 kB
shed_01.mdl12.01.102.27 kB
shed_02.mdl11.03.124.31 kB
shed_03.mdl11.05.129.08 kB
shelter_01.mdl12.01.1029.21 kB
small_fuel_tank.mdl01.13.1112.18 kB
small_hanger_14.mdl05.06.117.11 kB
small_hanger_15.mdl05.06.115.69 kB
readme.txt12.13.122.63 kB
Thumbs.db12.13.1258.50 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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thump257Sun, 14 May 2017 23:40:27 GMT

I am considering creating KCAE for X-Plane, as freeware. I would like to know if I could use Art's models and objects where possible. Not sure how to contact him for the request. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Dale JohnsonSat, 24 May 2014 12:42:51 GMT

I've been looking for KCAE scenery for quite some time now. I had even started down the ADE route to do it myself. However, no need for that now. This is a very good recreation of the airport in its current layout. Kudos to the creator!!

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