FSX Noorduyn Norseman

PreviewThe Noorduyn Norseman was built from 1935 until 1959. It has been used all over the world in both civil and military roles. After WW2, most Norseman were used primarily as bush planes on both wheels and floats. Most of them being used in Canada. Original model by Brian Gladden. Upgrade to FSX (te...

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Flight Simulator X
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6.52 MB
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3 star rating.

Rated 3 out of 5 stars by 3 PRO members.

The Noorduyn Norseman was built from 1935 until 1959. It has been used all over the world in both civil and military roles. After WW2, most Norseman were used primarily as bush planes on both wheels and floats. Most of them being used in Canada. Original model by Brian Gladden. Upgrade to FSX (tested in FS2004/FSX/FsxAcceleration, Windows7) by A.F. Scrub.

Screenshot of Noordyun Norseman in flight.

Screenshot of Noordyun Norseman in flight.

The Noorduyn Norseman is a Canadian single-engine bush plane designed to operate from unimproved surfaces. The partial streamlining of the landing gear, in the form of two small "wings" extending from the lower fuselage, is a distinctive feature of the design which makes it easily recognizable.

Originally introduced in 1935, the Norseman remained in production for almost 25 years with over 900 produced. A number of examples remain in commercial and private use to this day. Norseman aircraft are known to have been registered and/or operated in 68 countries throughout the world and also have been based and flown in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The Noorduyn Norseman was built from 1935 until 1959. They have been used all over the world in both civil and military roles. With the outbreak of war in Europe, demand for a utility transport led to major military orders. The Royal Canadian Air Force and the United States Army Air Forces became the two largest operators; the RCAF ordered 38 Norseman Mk IVWs for radio and navigational training for the Commonwealth Air Training Plan.

In postwar production, the Canada Car and Foundry in Fort William, Ontario acquired rights to the Norseman design, producing a version known as the Norseman Mk V, a civilian version of the wartime Mk IV. In order to exploit the market further, the "Can Car" factory designed and built the Norseman Mk VII. This version had a bigger engine, a new all-metal wing and greater cargo capacity but was fated never to go into production. With large Korean War commitments at that time, the company put it into temporary storage where it was destroyed in a hangar fire in September 1951. Most planes have been used primarily for bush planes on both wheels and floats. Most of them being used in Canada. FSX mdl Includes 3 paint schemes. Full moving parts including opening doors and moving suspension. Features a fully functional VC. Dynamics based on Fred Banting's DH Beaver.


  • Unzip "Norseman" into a temporary file and move the "Norseman" folder into the main Aircraft directory.
  • Read instructions carefully when installing the gauges , say YES...when asked if the gauges sources should be trusted. If you say no....most of the gauges are not going to work!
  • Leave all gauges in the Norseman panel folder.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8

The archive norseman-1.zip has 62 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Aircraft.cfg02.25.1312.79 kB
all.jpg02.25.1371.85 kB
file.diz02.25.13383 B
model02.25.130 B
Model.cfg09.18.0330 B
norseman_v2.m0009.18.03945.67 kB
norseman_v2.m0109.18.03945.67 kB
Norseman_V2.mdl09.18.03945.67 kB
Norseman_V2.air07.17.028.55 kB
orRead_Me.txt02.25.131.90 kB
panel02.25.130 B
cessna.gau09.20.011.47 MB
lights.cab02.25.1377.88 kB
MAIN.bmp02.25.135.49 MB
oldgauges.cab02.25.13210.19 kB
panel.cfg02.25.135.38 kB
panel.cfg.txt02.25.135.33 kB
Read_Me.txt02.25.133.40 kB
sound02.25.130 B
Sound.cfg09.28.0335 B
texture02.25.130 B
$Norse_VC109.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC209.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC309.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC409.16.03768.05 kB
Chrome.bmp10.08.03341.38 kB
Norse_parts.bmp10.10.034.00 MB
Norse_parts2.bmp10.08.031.00 MB
Norse_Side.bmp10.10.034.00 MB
panel.bmp09.16.03257.05 kB
prop.bmp08.26.0165.05 kB
thumbnail.jpg01.26.13115.20 kB
texture.lsm02.25.130 B
$Norse_VC109.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC209.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC309.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC409.16.03768.05 kB
Norse_parts.bmp10.10.034.00 MB
Norse_parts2.bmp09.17.034.00 MB
Norse_Side.bmp10.10.034.00 MB
panel.bmp09.16.03257.05 kB
prop.bmp08.26.0165.05 kB
thumbnail.jpg01.26.13120.99 kB
texture.usafa02.25.130 B
$Norse_VC109.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC209.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC309.16.03768.05 kB
$Norse_VC409.16.03768.05 kB
Chrome.bmp09.16.0385.43 kB
Norse_parts.bmp10.10.034.00 MB
Norse_parts2.bmp10.08.031.00 MB
Norse_Side.bmp10.10.034.00 MB
panel.bmp09.16.03257.05 kB
prop.bmp08.26.0165.05 kB
thumbnail.jpg01.26.13143.84 kB
US.jpg10.10.0385.78 kB
US1.jpg02.25.13146.61 kB
US2.jpg10.10.0358.35 kB
v_cockpit.jpg02.25.13508.81 kB
Norseman02.25.130 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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