FS2004 AFCAD2 File For Midway Island

PreviewMidway Island (PMDY). Two different AFCAD2 files for Midway Island in the Pacific. Runway 06/24 has been extended to 10,000 feet and is equipped with full day, night and approach lighting. Parking includes 14 GA ramps, 6 small gates, 1 medium gate, 6 heavy gates and 2 cargo ramps, helicopter pads...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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Midway Island (PMDY). Two different AFCAD2 files for Midway Island in the Pacific. Runway 06/24 has been extended to 10,000 feet and is equipped with full day, night and approach lighting. Parking includes 14 GA ramps, 6 small gates, 1 medium gate, 6 heavy gates and 2 cargo ramps, helicopter pads and an enlarged apron. Other extras for this island are a tower view and ATC including ATIS. Midway Island is an ideal Pacific stopover or diversion airport. This package contains two versions - default AI traffic with normal gates or real world AI traffic with airline assigned gates. You can only use one or the other. Bonus files also in here include voicepack updates and two flights from the island using default aircraft. This package is meant for the default FS2004 scenery. By Lee Brompton.

Plane approaching the runway at Midway Island.

Plane approaching the runway at Midway Island.

NOTE: You have a choice of 2 parking systems - either with or without gate assignments. You can only use 1 of them, so choose wisely!

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive lb_pmdy.zip has 30 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
About & Install.txt12.08.043.94 kB
Flights12.08.040 B
Midway Island - Windy Approach.JPG12.08.0417.73 kB
Midway Island12.08.040 B
desc.txt12.08.04232 B
Hot Summer Day.FLT12.08.047.61 kB
Hot Summer Day.WX12.08.04656 B
IFR Henderson Field to Sand Island.PLN12.08.04637 B
IFR Sand Island to Henderson Field.PLN12.08.04479 B
Midway Island Thunderstorms - 1.FLT12.08.047.11 kB
Midway Island Thunderstorms - 1.WX12.08.04244 B
For Default Look In Here12.08.040 B
Parking - Normal Gates12.08.040 B
AF2_PMDY.bgl12.08.045.61 kB
Traffic - Default Airlines12.08.040 B
Traffic_MidwayIsland_D.bgl12.08.0479.32 kB
For Real World Look In Here12.08.040 B
Parking - Assigned Gates12.08.040 B
AF2_PMDY.bgl12.08.045.73 kB
Traffic - Real Airlines12.08.040 B
Aircraft_MidwayIsland.txt12.08.04635 B
Airports_MidwayIsland.txt12.08.04511 B
FlightPlans_MidwayIsland.txt12.08.046.22 kB
Voice12.08.040 B
Midway Island ACIO.vcpmod12.07.043.69 kB
Midway Island AGENT.vcpmod12.07.043.70 kB
PMDY.bmp12.08.041.33 MB
File_id.diz12.08.04827 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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