FSX British Airways Airbus A350-1000 V4

PreviewThis release merges an enhanced ground crew experience with the distinctive British Airways look, all while showcasing CamSim’s refined Version 4 model. Developed and painted by Camil Valiquette, it offers animated ground service interactions and carefully crafted textures. Most importantly, it...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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This release merges an enhanced ground crew experience with the distinctive British Airways look, all while showcasing CamSim’s refined Version 4 model. Developed and painted by Camil Valiquette, it offers animated ground service interactions and carefully crafted textures. Most importantly, it is a freeware add-on that enriches Microsoft Flight Simulator X with more authentic cargo operations and passenger door animations.

CamSim Version 4 Enhancements

This latest update features additional Animated Ground Servicing (AGS). You will spot service vehicles hooking and unhooking trailers, plus static displays for added immersion. These advanced visual details represent CamSim’s focus on precision and realism.

Screenshot of British Airways Airbus A350-1000 with ground services.

Screenshot of British Airways Airbus A350-1000 with ground services.

Notes on the Aircraft and Livery

The Airbus A350-1000 is known for its efficient long-range performance and cutting-edge avionics. British Airways famously employs modern wide-body jets to cover its extensive route network. This repaint highlights the airline’s iconic visual theme combined with the sleek A350 nose design and extended fuselage.

Installation Details

  • Extract all files into your FSX “Airplane” folder. This ensures the core aircraft model is placed correctly.
  • Skip this step if you already have an existing AGS aircraft installed. Otherwise, open the “Effects.zip” file and place its contents into the main FSX “Effects” folder. These files provide night lighting and other special visuals.

Activating the Animations

The AGS system elevates the realism by introducing movable service vehicles and animated cargo operations. You can access these interactions using specific commands.

  • Press Shift+E to open or close the second passenger door (M2) with built-in air stairs.
  • Press Shift+E+2 to open or close the first passenger door (M1). Doing so can activate FSX ground services.
  • Press Shift+D to open or close the cargo doors. That allows you to mimic baggage loading procedures.
  • Press Shift+C to start and end the dynamic service vehicle animations for an immersive scene.

In order to utilize these animations fully, you may need to confirm or add the following command mappings within FSX:

  • Assign “Wing fold/unfold” to Shift+C
  • Assign “Tail hook up/down” to Shift+D

Technical Summary

This freeware add-on merges realistic airline paintwork with expanded ground interaction options. The animated content uses FSX’s built-in logic for door and cargo operations. CamSim’s approach to modeling, overseen by Camil Valiquette, ensures updated fuselage details and accurate proportions. The overall package improves both the visual fidelity of ground handling and the in-cockpit experience, rounding out the modern A350 aesthetic found within British Airways’ global fleet.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive 350v4bax.zip has 36 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CamSim Airbus 350-1000 V4 British Airways04.30.130 B
350-1000.air02.25.1012.75 kB
350v4ba_2.jpg04.28.1378.46 kB
350v4ba_ags_.jpg04.28.13273.82 kB
aircraft.cfg04.30.1315.28 kB
Effects.zip03.25.061.80 kB
file_id.diz04.30.13240 B
model.350-1000 ags v404.30.130 B
350-1000 ags v4.mdl12.18.122.80 MB
Model.cfg06.11.1234 B
PANEL04.30.130 B
787_350_panel_background.bmp02.25.102.25 MB
787_350_panel_background_night.bmp02.25.102.25 MB
Airbus_A321.cab09.04.062.72 MB
panel.cfg02.25.105.48 kB
panel camsim 787-350 afx_2.jpg04.09.10182.86 kB
Read Me_FSX.txt04.30.132.36 kB
SOUND04.30.130 B
Sound.cfg11.04.0935 B
texture.ba04.30.130 B
359fuse_t.bmp04.28.131.00 MB
35eng_t.bmp04.23.131.00 MB
35int_L.bmp04.29.134.00 MB
35int_t.bmp04.30.131.00 MB
35tail_t.bmp04.28.131.00 MB
35wings_t.bmp07.19.091.00 MB
787ext_L.bmp04.29.134.00 MB
787ext_t.bmp04.30.131.00 MB
gris_t.bmp12.09.0916.07 kB
pilot1.bmp03.04.10257.05 kB
pilot1_l.bmp12.06.061.00 MB
tail.bmp12.02.121.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg04.30.134.30 kB
w_t.bmp12.06.0816.07 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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