FSX Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye Update

PreviewThis is an update for FSX of the E2C Hawkeye by Rick Sasala. The flight dynamics have been updated, the 4th wheel added, the contact points corrected, restraints section for carrier take-off added and the 2D panel changed. Some gauges needed to be changed for FSX and some gauges were re-arranged....

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3
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This is an update for FSX of the E2C Hawkeye by Rick Sasala. The flight dynamics have been updated, the 4th wheel added, the contact points corrected, restraints section for carrier take-off added and the 2D panel changed. Some gauges needed to be changed for FSX and some gauges were re-arranged. It does have a working VC. This is the older model Hawkeye and the props have only four blades. By Bob Chicilo.

Screenshot of Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye on runway.

Screenshot of Northrop Grumman E-2C Hawkeye on runway.

Unzip to a folder of your choice. Copy the aircraft folder to the airplanes folder. Copy the gauges and effects to the main FS gauges and effects folders. No need to overwrite anything already there.

If you have not already done so, copy the .cab files from the default aircraft panel folders that have them to the main FS gauges folder. For some the .cab flies will be .zip files, as .cab files are a type of zip file.

[Reference Speeds]
cruise_speed=320.00 //over the ground at 24,000 ft. (225 indicated)
slow_cruise_speed=260 //owec hde fcouti ah 24,000 ft. (180 indicated)
max_level_speed=340 //over the ground at 24,000 ft. (240 indicated)

The above speeds section is for reference and is in the aircraft.cfg flie. I did not check out the actual stall speeds, but while updating the aircraft I tried to touch down at around 88 knots. The cruise speeds come from the Collins Gem Guide (Modern Combat Aircraft) 1986 edition. The top speed is at least 5 knots faster than the one in the book.

I added a tail hook light to the panel so you can tell when the tail hook is down. Note that the light comes on only when the hook is fully extended, and it goes out when the hook is fully retracted.

For any using the catapult to take off a carrier using this aircraft, don't try and pull up before the tail clears the deck. I added two scrape points to the aircraft and put them at the back, bottom points of the left and right outside vertical tails.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive e2c_upfsx.zip has 113 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Aircraft.cfg02.25.158.12 kB
E-2C.air02.25.1514.47 kB
E-2C.jpg02.24.1553.53 kB
E-2C_notes.txt02.06.120 B
model02.25.150 B
E-2C.mdl02.06.121.73 MB
Model.cfg02.06.1223 B
panel02.25.150 B
COMPASS.BMP02.06.1296.42 kB
PANEL.CFG02.25.157.61 kB
PANEL_BACKGROUND_800.bmp02.06.12469.80 kB
radio_stack_bg.bmp02.06.1267.86 kB
sound02.25.150 B
auto.wav02.06.12112.28 kB
ban11.wav02.06.1277.94 kB
ban12.wav02.06.1274.57 kB
ban13.wav02.06.1268.62 kB
ban14.wav02.06.1267.84 kB
BAN1SHUT.wav02.06.12538.00 kB
BAN1STRT.WAV02.06.12930.05 kB
ban21.wav02.06.1283.80 kB
ban22.wav02.06.1297.51 kB
ban23.wav02.06.12261.51 kB
ban24.wav02.06.12130.97 kB
BAN2SHUT.WAV02.06.12538.00 kB
BAN2STRT.wav02.06.12395.18 kB
bbn11.wav02.06.12180.38 kB
bbn12.wav02.06.12171.40 kB
bbn13.wav02.06.12154.09 kB
bbn14.wav02.06.12121.55 kB
BBN1SHUT.wav02.06.12369.88 kB
BBN1STRT.WAV02.06.12930.05 kB
bbn21.wav02.06.1283.80 kB
bbn22.wav02.06.1278.64 kB
bbn23.wav02.06.12149.82 kB
bbn24.wav02.06.12261.51 kB
BBN2SHUT.WAV02.06.12369.88 kB
BBN2STRT.wav02.06.12388.22 kB
BT.wav02.06.12271.96 kB
flaps.wav02.06.12213.18 kB
geardn.wav02.06.12763.75 kB
gearup.wav02.06.12771.85 kB
gs.wav02.06.1262.54 kB
Innermk.wav02.06.1286.17 kB
Lock.wav02.06.1259.25 kB
Middmk.wav02.06.12137.86 kB
outermk.wav02.06.12177.54 kB
ov.wav02.06.1227.29 kB
Sound.cfg02.06.1212.53 kB
stw.wav02.06.1247.86 kB
wind.wav02.06.12131.78 kB
x23.wav02.06.12287.50 kB
x24.wav02.06.12194.82 kB
XBT.wav02.06.12136.00 kB
texture02.25.150 B
104-6pilot.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
C2_Prop1.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Center_Radar_Support.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Controls.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
ds_tire.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Elevator.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Engine.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Engine_Exhaust.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Flap.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Flap1.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Flap2.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Flaps.bmp02.06.1217.05 kB
Floor.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Front2InnerRear.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
FrontInnerBot.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
FrontInnerTOP.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
FrontLG_Door_Forward.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Fuse_Bottom.bmp02.06.12257.05 kB
Fuselage.bmp02.06.12257.05 kB
FuseRear1Inner.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Gear.bmp02.06.1217.05 kB
gear1.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Hook.bmp02.06.1217.05 kB
Hook_Well.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Lower_Intake.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
MLGFrontDoor.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
MLGRearDoor.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Nose.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
P3_Prop1.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
P3_Prop2.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
panel.bmp02.06.12257.05 kB
panel_640.bmp02.06.12257.05 kB
Parts.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Radar_Dome.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Rear_Radar_Support.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
RFront_Middle_Radar_Support.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Right_Front_Radar_Support.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Rudder_Outer.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Tail_Horizontal.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Tail_Ver_Inner.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Tail_Ver_Outer_Inner.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Tail_Ver_Outer_Left.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Tail_Ver_Outer_Right.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Throttle.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Upper_Intake_Side.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Upper_Radar_Support.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
Wing.bmp02.06.12257.05 kB
Yoke.bmp02.06.1265.05 kB
E2-C-3.jpg02.24.1579.69 kB
E2-C-pan1.JPG02.24.15141.08 kB
fx_beaconbE-2C.fx02.06.123.01 kB
fx_smoke_f6.fx02.06.121.17 kB
file_id.diz02.24.15444 B
rafale.cab10.05.14559.98 kB
RKG_fuelstat.gau08.11.05601.50 kB
Read me.txt02.25.152.17 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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Noah HeftFri, 19 Jun 2020 13:35:51 GMT

It looks like It's from Microsoft Flight Simulator 1984 or something, but It does have a virtual cockpit I'll give it that.

E-MANThu, 23 May 2019 01:09:51 GMT

Great plane! A little low quality but handles really well and is easy to fly!

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