FSX KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Boeing 737-800 PH-BXZ v2

PreviewKLM Royal Dutch Airlines, the national carrier of the Netherlands, operates a wide selection of Boeing 737 variants for short- to medium-range routes across Europe. To honor the modernized KLM visual identity, this repaint offers the Boeing 737-800 (registration PH-BXZ) in the striking “Uil” ...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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11.52 MB
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KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, the national carrier of the Netherlands, operates a wide selection of Boeing 737 variants for short- to medium-range routes across Europe. To honor the modernized KLM visual identity, this repaint offers the Boeing 737-800 (registration PH-BXZ) in the striking “Uil” colors. Created for Microsoft Flight Simulator X, it showcases a precise recreation of the livery and requires the freeware Tenkuu Developers Studio (TDS) 737-800 base model. Authored by the talented Elmar Westra, it retains a balance of accurate detailing and full simulator compatibility.

Repaint Design and Technical Highlights

  • Nickname “Uil”: The PH-BXZ aircraft is recognized within KLM’s fleet for its unique owl-inspired name.
  • 32-bit Textures: Crisp and detailed texturing ensures realistic surface reflections.
  • Opening Doors & Cargo Hatches: Custom animations allow for immersive loading and boarding sequences.
  • Dynamic Shine & Effects: Enhanced reflective modeling captures external lighting accurately.
  • Wing Flex Reactions: Responsive wing flex adapts to in-flight turbulence and weather phenomena.
  • Accurate Flight Dynamics: Developed to align closely with real-world Boeing 737 performance parameters.

Screenshot of KLM Boeing 737-800 on landing approach.

Screenshot of KLM Boeing 737-800 on landing approach.

Background on the Model

The Boeing 737 Next Generation (often abbreviated as 737NG) series elevates Boeing's legacy of single-aisle aircraft. It entered service in the late 1990s and features improved aerodynamics, a redesigned tail section, and upgraded flight decks. Tenkuu Developers Studio (TDS) has captured these enhancements in their freeware Boeing 737-800 package, making it a popular platform for repainters worldwide. With thousands of 737NG aircraft in operation globally, this model emulates the variant’s distinctive handling characteristics for added realism.

Installing the New KLM Livery

  1. Decompress the downloaded archive to a convenient location on your hard drive.
  2. Locate your TDS Boeing 737-800 folder (the exact name may vary) and copy the enclosed Texture.KLM_PH-BXW directory into that folder.
  3. Edit your aircraft.cfg file by adding the following entry. Assign a unique number in place of “XX” if necessary.

Aircraft.cfg Addition

title=TDS_16AUG2013_738_CFM56-7B--W2_+A0000_+D10_+B0 KLM New Livery 737-800 PH-BXZ
atc_parking_types=GATE, RAMP
ui_variation=KLM Royal Dutch Airlines "PH-BXZ"
ui_typerole=Commercial Airliner
description=The Boeing 737NG is Boeing's 3rd generation of the 737 family... Textures by Elmar Westra.

Compatibility and Requirements

This repaint is intended for the freeware TDS 737-800 base pack (TDS_B737-800_BASE_PACKAGE.ZIP) found in the Fly Away Simulation library. It is designed primarily for Microsoft Flight Simulator X users seeking an authentic KLM experience. By combining detailed external textures, dynamic animations, and carefully tuned flight dynamics, this package allows enthusiasts to capture the feel of a real-world KLM Boeing 737-800 in their simulator environment.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive klm_ph-bxz_tds737-800_v2.zip has 66 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
DECAL_TDS737_COCKPIT_BTMDECAL.bmp03.16.1464.07 kB
DECAL_TDS737_COCKPIT_TOPDECAL.bmp05.16.1564.07 kB
DECAL_TDS738_BOTTOM.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
TDS_WT250E2_L.BMP03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS_WT250E2_T.BMP12.01.141.00 MB
TDS737_BBJANT.BMP03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_CFM56-7_Fanblade.bmp03.16.141.00 MB
TDS737_ELEVL_L.BMP03.16.144.07 kB
TDS737_ELEVL_T.bmp03.16.141.00 MB
TDS737_ELEVR_L.BMP03.16.144.07 kB
TDS737_ELEVR_T.bmp03.16.141.00 MB
TDS737_ENGINE_L.BMP03.16.144.00 MB
TDS737_ENGINE_T.bmp12.01.144.00 MB
TDS737_GSU_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_GSU_T.bmp12.01.144.00 MB
TDS737_GSU2_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_GSU2_T.bmp12.01.144.00 MB
TDS737_GSU3_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_GSU3_T.bmp12.01.144.00 MB
TDS737_GSU4_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_GSU4_T.bmp12.01.144.00 MB
Tds737_inside_L.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
Tds737_inside_t.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
TDS737_PARTS_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_PARTS_T.BMP03.16.144.00 MB
TDS737_PARTS2_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_PARTS2_T.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
TDS737_PARTS3_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_PARTS3_T.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
TDS737_PARTS4.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
Tds737_pylon_L.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
Tds737_pylon_t.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
Tds737_spring.bmp03.16.1416.07 kB
TDS737_TIRE.BMP03.16.141.00 MB
Tds737_TRANSPARENT.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737_WINGL_L.BMP03.16.144.07 kB
TDS737_WINGL_T.bmp12.01.144.00 MB
TDS737_WINGLET3_L.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
TDS737_WINGLET3_T.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
TDS737_WINGR_L.BMP03.16.144.07 kB
TDS737_WINGR_T.bmp12.01.144.00 MB
Tds737_Wire.bmp03.16.1416.07 kB
TDS737ngstair_l.bmp03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737ngstair_t.bmp03.16.141.00 MB
TDS737Option.bmp06.08.1485.40 kB
TDS737Option2.bmp06.08.1485.40 kB
TDS737SHAFT_L.BMP03.16.14256.07 kB
TDS737SHAFT_T.BMP03.16.1416.07 kB
TDS738_FUSEL_FRONT_L.BMP03.16.144.07 kB
TDS738_FUSEL_FRONT_T.bmp05.16.154.00 MB
TDS738_FUSEL_LIGHTSPLASH.bmp05.16.154.00 MB
TDS738_FUSEL_REAR_L.BMP03.16.144.00 MB
TDS738_FUSEL_REAR_T.bmp05.16.154.00 MB
TDS738_FUSER_FRONT_L.BMP03.16.144.07 kB
TDS738_FUSER_FRONT_T.bmp05.16.154.00 MB
TDS738_FUSER_LIGHTSPLASH.bmp05.16.154.00 MB
TDS738_FUSER_REAR_L.BMP03.16.144.00 MB
TDS738_FUSER_REAR_T.bmp05.16.154.00 MB
TDS738_SELFILLUMINATION.bmp03.16.144.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg05.16.1536.14 kB
Readme.txt05.16.152.76 kB
2015-5-1_16-34-27-7.png05.16.15527.64 kB
2015-5-1_16-34-27-8.png05.16.151.02 MB
2015-5-1_16-34-27-9.png05.16.151.19 MB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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