The Handy Objects Library

PreviewThe latest version of the famous "The Handy Objects Library" scenery library for X-Plane.  Used in many freeware scenery creations as a required dependency.  This download is the latest version with all library objects included.

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585.74 MB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 PRO members.

The latest version of the famous "The Handy Objects Library" scenery library for X-Plane.  Used in many freeware scenery creations as a required dependency.  This download is the latest version with all library objects included.

This is the latest Version 8.20.

Handy Objects Library v8.20 logo/artwork.?This library and all the objects included are for personal use only and have been provided free of charge by my good self to enhance your overall enjoyment within the X-Plane community. Please do not use any of the objects or texture files in any commercial context or outside the realms of X-Plane without first asking me.

Feel free to use the objects in any of your own scenery packages, or those you share, and all I would ask is that you give me a wee mention. I would also very much appreciate if you would take the time to use the voting stars or send me some feedback via the comments box.

PLEASE NOTE: "One or more textures on these 3D models have been created with images from These images may not be redistributed by default. Please visit for more information." In addition, textures from other sites such as,, and may have also been used in the creation of this library and please refer to their websites for further information on the rules for distribution of their material. As a general point, IN ALL CASES, textures can only be used in conjunction with their respective object files in the bundle provided and cannot be redistributed or used individually.++

To use these objects, you can either use Overlay Editor (OE) or World Editor (WED) to add to the scenery. In the respective library preview pane look for Handy Objects and once you have done this, locate the object you require. You will be able to view the object and then add it to the scenery pack as you wish. If you are using a string, remember to set the distance required, and if you are trying to make a continuous line such as a fence, the distance should be set to the width of the object.

Please also note that any objects with the suffix SPD are designed to be used with the Sea Plane Dock Object.

I really hope you find the library useful as I have had great fun creating it and all suggestions and ideas for new objects are always welcome.


5.81 updated 7th January 2017. All png texture files are converted to DDS.

5.8 updated 6th January 2017 with a great horned owl, bicycle stands, and modern bus stops. Screenshots were added as a .pdf file.

5.7 updated 20th November with seaplane dock with red carpet, oil storage tanks on plynth and black variation, radio arial, clubhouse 'C' sign, low grass lines, house IV, hanger 9, red roofed carpark cover and brick BBQ pits.

5.6 updated, 28th October with Nissen huts (4), fire station & control tower, lighthouse with buildings, sheds 2, 3, 4, 5, SMHanger7, SMHanger8, terminal 1, 2 (with and without wall), 3, 4, cardboard box stack, portaloo multicoloured, clubhouse modified with smoke and lights, clubhouse_2, clubhouse_3, animated and modified crop duster loader, house 1, 2, 3, lighthouse 2, flammable cupboard open 1, 2, food trough with water, seaplane dock texture updated, oil supply boat LODs increased to 5000m, picnic rug retextured, the gardenshed texture darkened, other portaloos optimised, remainder of 'C' objects optimised and all 'D','E' and 'F' objects optimised.

5.5 updated 18th October with additional large and small horses and re sized all horses, additional sheep, 3D herons & seagulls, safety barriers, football, pallets and microlites.

5.4 updated 20th August with small fishing boats, hop up steps, H beams, fire hose reel, banana boats, upgraded NUI, oil rig life boat (original SketchUp lifeboat model courtesy of Laurentiu), oil tankers (original SketchUp oil tanker model courtesy of PM3D), NUI mono tower, NUI lite, NUI SPAR, remote flare and FPSOs (original SketchUp FPSO model courtesy of Uilian S.). Big thanks to the modelers!

5.3 updated 5th July with street light with ad board, runway controller caravans, concrete circles, fire trainer II, helicopter hotspot IV, runway closure crosses (2), curved path light, taxiway closure cross, red and white 10m windsock no light, taxi line drawing template, 10m open sliding bar gate, large rusty pipes, zebra crossing with no lights, ramp fire extinguisher raised to sit on helipad, ramp fire extinguisher, grit container, triangular traffic cone, red windsock with no lights all raised to sit on hospital helipad, ferry ramps with additional concrete base, harbour pillars, single grey walkway barrier, oil supply boats, clutter objects for oil supply boats (generator, IBC, ISO tanks, shipping containers) and horse boxes and horse raised to go inside. A number of 'C' objects optimized and a number of textures modified to darken colors.

5.2 updated 31st May with car parking lines, beer keg, electrical switch boxes, caravans with different coloured awnings, caravan with controler sign, parking meter, bus stops with smoked glass, and all "B" objects now optimised to reduce triangle counts (generally a 5 to 50% improvement) and LOD and TILTED atributes added where relevant.

5.1 updated 21st May with additional telegraph poles with no ends and marker balls, including strings to allow for better long line creation, fence facades and 40ft containers. Marquee textures modified and all "A" objects now optimised to reduce triangle counts (generally a 5 to 50% improvement) and LOD and TILTED atributes added where relevant.

5.0 updated 6th May with marquees, triangular traffic cones, boulders and boulder groynes, geysers, grass line facades, pylons and mole hills. One or two objects optimised to reduce triangle counts.

4.9 updated 26th April with globe path lights, lifebouys, beach groynes, Robinson R22s, large cow II, mobile phone tree mast, sewage clarifier and sewage aeration basin.

4.8 updated 13th April with single car park barriers, polar bear, seals, bison, sliding gates,key pad, gate mnotor, square ground helipad, barbed wire fences II, windsock no lights, general update of texture files to give more definition.

4.7 updated 19th March with a large wheeled fire extinguisher created by brosenguy, wheel clamp, wheel clamp warning sign, spiral street light, SCUBA Tanks and trolley, litter bins, snow drifts, sand & earth piles, HESCO barriers, cross barrier, inflatable speedboats, caribou, penguins, tree trunk picnic table.

4.6 updated 7th February with portable generators, lube oil containers and chinese lanterns.

4.5 updated 26th January with ATVs, helix wind turbine, refreshed traffic cones and added cone pair with bar, trampoline, curved open ended hanger and carpark cover.

4.4 updated 20th Jaunuary 2016 with objects made by leovox01, engine hoist, tool chest, tool chest open and work platfirm. Many thanks to him for allowing me to include these in the library.

4.3 updated 15th January 2016 with checkered hut, carpark security barriers, football pitch and stadium, wind socks, picnic tables, airport signs, small transformers, raised and new plant pots and curved bollard.

4.2 updated 27th November 2015 with ferry ramp, harbour walls, ground helipads, parasols and airboats. Fixed a file naming error with the Wooden Bumper Barrier String. 20,000 downloads!!!

4.1 updated 21st November 2015, with traffic cone with taxi light, whiteboard, trestle table, paddle boats, pigs and runway marker cones.

4.0 updated 31st October 2015, with London taxi, courtesy shuttle, gazebos, large ground radome, green curved hangers (14 X 20m, 16 x 20m & 18 x 22.5m), wind turbine, wind turbine II and, green portaloo, dome greenhouse, helipad landing light, helipad marking with lights. Fixed large wind turbines, parafoil kites, anemometers, advertising blimps, wind turbine III and large weather vane which were still not aligned with the wind due to an error that occured during the upload of 3.9. Some small texture fixes made to ride on mower trailer, mower with trailer, lawn mower and camper van. Adjusted height of anticollision lights with no poles as the were all 1m too short.

3.9 updated 13th September 2015 with capsizsed motor boats, large, small and stand flags (Shell, Aberdeen, St Andrews, Lion Rampant, Union Jack, China, Azores, Portugal, EU, DHL), football goals (large and small), VW camper, pickup truck, show jumping fences, vertical wooden fences, diagonal wooden fences, bollards, large concrete pipes, 3D animals (horse, cow, sheep, kangaroo), tennis court with no surround, carpark log barrier, wooden bumper barrier, howitzer and also a number of objects that track the wind modified so that they will follow the wind direction as is and no further adjustment required in WED or OE, these include, advertsing blimps, anemometers, large weather vane, large wind turbines and parafoil kites.

3.8 updated 26th July 2015 with ornate street light, fire bucket, water well, welcome sign, round baler, dome tent, shipping container, camper van, caravan, skate park ramp, paddling pool, picnic rug, and camping table & chairs.

3.7 updated 6th July 2015, fence lights, tour bus, city bus, mini bus, double decker bus, minivan, Coach Trip tour bus, delivery van, anti collsion lights (all 99 of them), London bus, and powered light tower.

3.6 updated 12th June 2015 with pig shelter, corrugated shed, animal feeders, buckrakes, submarine, substation transformer, fountains, advertising blimps, parafoil kites, orange and blue wheelie bins, small and large wind turbines and also removed a couple of rogue spaces that were effecting the stationary trailer and also the stationary trailer II objects, fixed flickering texture in large tool kits, wheelie bins and buckrakes.

3.5 updated 17th May 2015 with lawn mower, covered walkway with blue roof, large weather vane, ride on mower with accessories (roller, trailer, snow plough, grass collector)and segway.

3.4 updated 3rd May 2015 with logs, rotary drier, greenhouse (with clutter items), canoe rack, helicopter hotspot III and glass fence. In addition this text file was upated with permission info regarding object and texture usage.

3.3 updated 25th April 2015 with tires and tire tie down, half barrel runway marker, segmented circle markers, glider trailers, helicopter hot spots, guard watch tower, golf driving range, updated texure in snow piles, car park ticket machine, car park vending machine, canoe, tubular barrier, piles, motor boat and motor boat trailer.

3.2 updated 14th April 2015 with lighthouses with helidecks, Big Water Of Fleet Viaduct, camp fires, satellite dish, runway marker barrels, telegraph poles, runway marker tire and I also fixed the library naming issue with the bus stop benches.

3.1 updated 5th April 2015 with double and multiple playground swings, roundabout, seesaw, chute, sandpit, bouncy castle and runway markers.

3.0 updated 3rd April 2015 with more birds (albatross, cormorant, gannet I & II, heron I & II, puffin, tern), lighthouse, shipping buoy (angle, II both red and green), shipping cans and nuns, seaplane dock steps, red carpet, patio table and chairs, playground swing, tire swing.

2.9 updated 21st March 2015 with bleachers, baseball fields, chainline fence, barbed wire fence, short chain link fence, flatbed skip, small and large sports dugouts, tennis court, umpire chair, worksite fence, softball field, rugby union pitch, basketball court & hoops, shipping buoy, fish farm, courtesy buggies, covered walkways, glass walkway, glass bus stop, bus stop benches and sea birds (seagull I, II, III, pelican I, II, III). Flickering texture in Grit Continer, 200 litre drums and drum pumps fixed.

2.8 updated 28th February 2015 with large tool kit, vintage petrol pump, sea plane dock & clutter items, scoffold hop up, trailer II and stone bridges.

2.7 updated 22nd February with American fire hydrant, car park height barrier, offshore survival capsule, triple vintage street light, anemometer with wind vane, speed bumps and portaloo. In addition NUI deck fixed to make H a " hard" surface, and whole top deck of hospital helipad also made "hard". File names updated in library.txt file to avoid LINUX conflict.

2.6 updated 7th February 2015 with flower pots, vintage light with hanging baskets, hanging baskets, snow piles, 2 additional garden sheds, vision technician tool kit, small patio table, cable reels, small water pipes, hospital helipad, double street light. In addition, traffic cone stack, topsoil piles, garden shed and dustbin textures updated to fix flickering.

2.5 updated 30th January 2015 with ladders, step ladders and painting items. Also removed version number from folder description.

2.4 updated 28th January 2015 with grey wheelie bin, round helipad, updated vintage street light, updated pathway marker, NUI, fueling point cover, zebra crossing, large water pipes, drum mover and drain covers.

2.3 updated 11th January 2015 with anemometer, road marker, wooden block path markers, workman rest area, road works light, cooler boxes, wooden benches, crash barriers I & II, marker poles, aircraft batteries, no parking cones, marker stones, rainwater barrels, traffic cones with and without lights, radome, snow poles, panel fences, pathway lights, road and rail tunnels, baggage trolley tug, poly tunnel, large storage tank, security cameras, oil storage tank, railway sleepers, public address speakers, roadside markers, aircraft jacks, vertical panel barricades, 200 litre drums, drum pumps, ISO tanks, helipad, ramp fire extinguisher, vintage street light, additional SM3 hangers, black and white walkway barriers and green and blue roofed bus stops.

2.2 updated 20th December with life raft, pedestrian overpass, traffic barrel, delineator posts, jersey barrier, taxiway marker, pressure washer, storage tank and jerrycans.

2.1 updated 14th December with, closed cantilever tool box, sun loungers, safety shower, crop duster loader, fire extinguisher and trolley, suitcases, picket fencing, white wooden fence, welding set, additional wheel chocks, New Orleans barricade, air compressor, air driven transfer pump, gas BBQ, kettle BBQ, additional baggage trolley with cases, patio heater, switch back ramp, gas bottles, Shell petrol station and storage boxes.

2.0 updated 27th October is exactly the same as 1.10 as far as content goes, only the revision number has been changed to avoid confusion.

1.10 updated 26th October with hang glider, fire trainer, cantilever tool box, top dressing bins and soil piles, shed, deck chairs, tall hedge and two modified hanger objects (SM3_narrow and SM4_long). In addition, the correct object has now been referenced in the hedge_wide.str file.

1.9 updated 5th October with double metal gate, red/white barrier, observatory, storage silo, grave stones, security hut and portacabin with darker windows. Internal faces also removed from hedge and boundary wall objects.

1.8 updated 28th September with wheel chocks, electric tug and food trough objects.

1.7 updated 23rd September with park bench and wheelbarrow objects.

1.6 updated 20th September with bus stop, IBC, walkway barrier and boundary wall objects.

1.5 updated 14th September with bottled water cooler object.

1.4 updated 14th September with garden shed and dust bin objects.

1.3 updated 13th September with hedge and fence strings.

1.2 updated 13th September with air drop crate objects.

1.1 updated 11th September with hedge and fire hydrant objects.

Images & Screenshots

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The archive has 2796 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url08.22.1952 B
Screenshots07.29.230 B
Screenshots.pdf12.02.2245.55 MB
Screenshots 147.png07.29.23185.50 kB
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Screenshots 291.png07.29.231.15 MB
Screenshots 292.png07.29.231.19 MB
The_Handy_Objects_Library07.29.230 B
0.10_x_0.10_Post.obj09.29.182.17 kB
0.10_x_0.10_Post.str09.29.1864 B
0.15_x_0.15_Post.obj09.01.182.45 kB
0.15_x_0.15_Post.str09.29.1864 B
ATV.dds12.28.20682.80 kB
ATV.obj05.04.171.54 MB
ATV.png03.28.19871.97 kB
ATV_Bare.obj05.04.171.21 MB
ATV_Bare_No_Smoke.obj05.04.171.21 MB
ATV_Follow_Me.obj05.04.171.27 MB
ATV_Follow_Me_No_Smoke.obj05.04.171.27 MB
ATV_Follow_Me_With_Rider_For_Ground_Routes.obj01.06.191.59 MB
ATV_Lower_Tow_Hook.obj01.05.191.60 MB
ATV_No_Rifle.obj05.04.171.39 MB
ATV_No_Rifle_Lower_Tow_Hook.obj01.05.191.40 MB
ATV_No_Rifle_No_Smoke.obj05.04.171.39 MB
ATV_No_Rifle_No_Smoke_Lower_Tow_Hook.obj01.05.191.46 MB
ATV_No_Smoke.obj05.04.171.54 MB
ATV_No_Smoke_Lower_Tow_Hook.obj01.05.191.60 MB
ATV_Trailor.obj01.04.1966.73 kB
ATV_Trailor_Tilted_Backward.obj01.05.1966.73 kB
ATV_Trailor_Tilted_Forward.obj01.05.1966.72 kB
ATV_With_Rider.obj10.30.201.42 MB
Aberdeen_Large_Flag.obj07.28.15855.75 kB
Aberdeen_Small_Flag.obj07.28.15451.49 kB
Aberdeen_Stand_Flag.obj07.28.15445.75 kB
Aberdeen_Stand_Flag.str07.28.1567 B
AeroShell4_Oil_5Litre_Container.obj01.30.1636.46 kB
AeroShell4_Oil_5Litre_Container_Rack_3.obj02.07.1636.45 kB
AeroShell_Fluid_41_Keg.obj01.30.1624.85 kB
AeroShell_Fluid_41_Keg_Rack_1.obj02.07.1624.84 kB
AeroShell_Piston_Engine_W15W-50_Oil_Bottle.obj01.30.1628.61 kB
AeroShell_Piston_Engine_W15W-50_Oil_Bottle_Rack_2.obj02.07.1628.61 kB
AeroShell_Sport_Plus4_Oil_Bottle.obj01.30.1628.61 kB
AeroShell_Sport_Plus4_Oil_Bottle_Rack_2.obj02.07.1628.60 kB
AeroShell_W100Plus_Oil_Bottle.obj01.30.1630.92 kB
AeroShell_W100Plus_Oil_Bottle_Rack_1.obj02.07.1630.91 kB
AeroShell_W120_Oil_Bottle.obj01.30.1630.90 kB
AeroShell_W120_Oil_Bottle_Rack_3.obj02.07.1630.89 kB
Agusta_Westland_AW159_With_Cammo_Army.obj05.26.172.77 MB
Agusta_Westland_AW159_With_Cammo_Army_With_Rockets.obj05.26.173.78 MB
Agusta_Westland_AW159_With_Cammo_Navy.obj05.26.173.91 MB
Air_Compressor.obj05.21.22656.09 kB
Air_Compressor_With_Smoke.obj09.04.22656.13 kB
Air_Compressor_With_Tail_Lights.obj09.04.22656.19 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_RedCross.obj05.19.17554.18 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_RedCross_20m.obj05.19.17560.06 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_RedCross_40m.obj05.19.17420.69 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_RedCross_60m.obj05.19.17411.79 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_Unpainted.obj05.19.17423.95 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_Unpainted_20m.obj05.19.17424.16 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_Unpainted_40m.obj05.19.17424.19 kB
Air_Drop_Packing_Crate_Unpainted_60m.obj05.19.17424.16 kB
Airboat_Moving.obj05.19.17860.72 kB
Airboat_Stationary.obj05.19.17904.44 kB
Aircraft_Battery.obj05.19.17342.11 kB
Aircraft_Battery_II.obj05.19.17168.67 kB
Aircraft_Jack_Caution_Sign.obj01.14.1646.37 kB
Aircraft_Jack_Short.obj05.19.17103.50 kB
Aircraft_Jack_Tall.obj05.15.16125.27 kB
Airfield_Sign_1.obj04.11.1818.20 kB
Airfield_Sign_2.obj04.11.1812.27 kB
Airport_Barricade.obj01.06.1844.39 kB
Airport_No_Tresspassing_Sign.obj01.14.1635.03 kB
Airstrip_Ahead_Warning_Sign.obj01.14.1625.56 kB
Albatross.obj05.01.1713.43 kB
Ambulance.png11.08.223.90 MB
Ambulance_Scottish.obj11.08.22326.09 kB
Ambulance_Scottish_No_Lights.obj11.08.22324.84 kB
Ambulance_UK.obj11.24.22326.06 kB
Ambulance_UK_No_Lights.obj11.24.22324.82 kB
American_Fire_Hydrant.obj05.19.17295.69 kB
American_Fire_Hydrant.str02.11.1569 B
American_Fire_Hydrant_Yellow.obj05.15.16281.51 kB
American_Fire_Hydrant_Yellow.str02.12.1576 B
Anchor_Handler_Red.obj05.25.191.98 MB
Anchor_Handler_Red_II.obj05.25.191.85 MB
Anchor_Handler_Yellow.obj05.25.192.02 MB
Anchor_Handler_Yellow_II.obj05.25.191.85 MB
Anemometer.obj05.19.17208.50 kB
Anemometer_II.obj04.05.18459.81 kB
Anemometer_III.obj12.03.18482.95 kB
Anemometer_No_Base.obj05.19.17203.11 kB
Anemometer_With_Weather_Vane.obj05.19.17278.17 kB
Anemometer_With_Weather_Vane_No_Base.obj05.19.17272.75 kB
Animal_Feeder_Empty.obj05.19.16155.20 kB
Animal_Feeder_With_Bale.obj05.19.16162.34 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_10m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_12.5m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_15m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_1m.obj07.05.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_2.1m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_20m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_25m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_2m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_30m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_35m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_3m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_40m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_45m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_4m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_50m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_5m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_7.5m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_10m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_12.5m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_15m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_1m.obj07.05.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_2.1m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_20m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_25m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_2m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_30m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_35m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_3m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_40m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_45m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_4m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_50m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_5m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Day_On_7.5m.obj10.22.1528.67 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_10m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_12.5m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_15m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_1m.obj07.05.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_2.1m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_20m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_25m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_2m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_30m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_35m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_3m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_40m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_45m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_4m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_50m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_5m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_Night_7.5m.obj10.22.1528.68 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_10m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_12.5m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_15m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_1m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_20m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_25m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_2m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_30m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_35m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_3m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_40m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_45m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_4m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_50m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_5m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_7.5m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_10m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_12.5m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_15m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_1m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_20m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_25m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_2m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_30m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_35m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_3m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_40m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_45m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_4m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_50m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_5m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Day_On_7.5m.obj07.05.1535.03 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_10m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_12.5m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_15m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_1m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_20m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_25m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_2m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_30m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_35m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_3m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_40m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_45m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_4m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_50m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_5m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Anti_Collsion_Light_With_Pole_Night_7.5m.obj07.05.1535.04 kB
Apple_Box.obj11.19.2225.35 kB
Apple_Box_With_Apples.obj11.19.2254.23 kB
Apple_Box_With_Apples_II.obj11.19.2225.97 kB
Arial.obj11.15.1651.66 kB
Ariel_With_Anemometer.obj04.01.18332.03 kB
Army_Medical_Tent.obj11.30.22387.34 kB
Army_Medical_Tent_Closed.obj11.30.22335.61 kB
Army_Medical_Tent_Open_Both_Ends.obj11.30.22391.46 kB
Army_Tent.obj11.30.22374.25 kB
Army_Tent_Camo.obj11.30.22355.10 kB
Army_Tent_Camo_Closed.obj11.30.22333.61 kB
Army_Tent_Camo_Large.obj11.30.22268.58 kB
Army_Tent_Camo_Open_Both_Ends.obj11.30.22359.13 kB
Army_Tent_Closed.obj11.30.22315.56 kB
Army_Tent_II.obj11.30.22364.50 kB
Army_Tent_II_Closed.obj11.30.22330.22 kB
Army_Tent_II_Open_Both_Ends.obj11.30.22369.26 kB
Army_Tent_Large_II.obj11.30.22271.10 kB
Army_Tent_Open_Both_Ends.obj11.30.22379.32 kB
Articulated_Lorry_And_White_Box_Trailor.obj12.07.18659.00 kB
Articulated_Lorry_And_White_Box_Trailor_No_Smoke.obj04.07.19658.38 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Tractor_Unit.obj12.07.18498.76 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Tractor_Unit_No_Smoke.obj04.07.19498.34 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Tractor_Unit_Static.obj12.07.18498.72 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Black_II.obj05.23.19161.80 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Black_III.obj09.03.22182.61 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Black_Short.obj05.23.19126.97 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Black_Static.obj12.07.18159.51 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Black_Static_II.obj05.23.19161.80 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Black_Static_III.obj09.03.22182.61 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Black_Static_Short.obj05.23.19126.97 kB
Articulated_Lorry_Trailor_Blue_Static.obj12.07.18187.69 kB
Ash_Tray.obj11.27.227.59 kB
Azores_Large_Flag.obj08.01.15855.75 kB
Azores_Small_Flag.obj08.01.15451.49 kB
Azores_Stand_Flag.obj08.01.15445.75 kB
Azores_Stand_Flag.str08.01.1565 B
BBQ_Pit.obj11.13.1620.97 kB
BBQ_Pit_With_Smoke.obj11.13.1632.42 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Row_10.obj05.19.171.86 MB
Baggage_Trolley_Row_2.obj05.19.17372.85 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Row_5.obj05.19.17937.31 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Single.obj05.19.17184.55 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Single_With_Cases_I.obj05.19.17840.83 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Single_With_Cases_II.obj05.19.17839.61 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Single_With_Cases_III.obj05.19.17512.70 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Single_With_Cases_IV.obj05.19.17676.45 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Tug.obj05.19.17462.39 kB
Baggage_Trolley_Tug_With_Lights.obj05.19.17462.50 kB
Banana_Boat.obj05.19.17252.99 kB
Banana_Boat_On_Tow.obj05.19.17294.95 kB
Banana_Tree.for01.12.18540 B
Bar_Sliding_Gate_Single_10_x_2.5m_Open.obj06.24.16295.10 kB
Bar_Sliding_Gate_Single_8_x_2.5m_Closed.obj04.09.16295.70 kB
Bar_Sliding_Gate_Single_8_x_2.5m_Open.obj04.09.16295.10 kB
Bar_Sliding_Gate_Single_8_x_2.5m_Part_Open.obj04.09.16294.92 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence.fac05.14.16171 B
Barbed_Wire_Fence.obj05.28.168.32 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence.str03.02.1565 B
Barbed_Wire_Fence_10_Panel.obj05.28.1668.91 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_20_Panel.obj05.28.16137.45 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_2_Panel.obj05.28.1615.05 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_5_Panel.obj05.28.1635.23 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II.obj04.12.168.32 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II.str04.12.1668 B
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_10_Panel.obj04.12.1668.91 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_20_Panel.obj04.12.16137.45 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_2_Panel.obj04.12.1615.05 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_5_Panel.obj04.12.1635.23 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_Wide.obj04.12.1613.53 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_Wide.str04.12.1673 B
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_Wide_10_Panel.obj04.12.16121.90 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_Wide_20_Panel.obj04.12.16243.76 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_Wide_2_Panel.obj04.12.1625.45 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_II_Wide_5_Panel.obj04.12.1661.28 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_Wide.obj05.28.1613.52 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_Wide.str03.02.1570 B
Barbed_Wire_Fence_Wide_10_Panel.obj05.28.16121.90 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_Wide_20_Panel.obj05.28.16243.76 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_Wide_2_Panel.obj05.28.1625.45 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_Wide_5_Panel.obj05.28.1661.28 kB
Barbed_Wire_Fence_With_Grass.fac08.16.20180 B
Baseball_Field.obj05.19.17308.55 kB
Baseball_Field_II.obj05.19.17308.55 kB
Basketball_Court.obj05.19.17576.38 kB
Basketball_Court_Asphalt.obj05.19.17568.65 kB
Basketball_Hoop.obj05.19.17215.33 kB
Basketball_Hoop_With_Stand.obj05.19.17231.96 kB
Beach_Groyne_10m.obj05.19.1721.66 kB
Beach_Groyne_10m.str04.14.1664 B
Beach_Groyne_20m.obj05.19.1743.83 kB
Beach_Groyne_20m.str04.14.1664 B
Beer_Glass.obj03.18.2210.04 kB
Beer_Glass_Group.obj03.18.2232.70 kB
Beer_Keg_Single.obj05.19.17293.13 kB
Bicycle_Stand.obj02.18.22514.79 kB
Bicycle_Stand_Blue.obj02.18.22514.79 kB
Biplane_Windsock.obj01.03.212.26 MB
Bison.obj05.19.17837.38 kB
Black_Drum.obj04.30.16172.09 kB
Blast_Wall.obj09.16.17111.90 kB
Bleachers.obj05.19.1784.35 kB
Blimp_Blue_And_White.obj05.19.17299.60 kB
Blimp_Red_And_White.obj05.19.17299.60 kB
Blimp_XPlane.obj05.19.17306.40 kB
Blister_Hangar_24_x_22m.obj06.19.21237.35 kB
Blue_Block_Path_Marker.str12.21.1477 B
Blue_Block_Path_Marker_Single.obj05.02.176.45 kB
Blue_Drum.obj04.30.16181.20 kB
Blue_Drum_SPD.obj05.01.17260.62 kB
Bluebell.for01.14.18583 B
Bollard_III_Black.obj05.28.1630.46 kB
Bollard_III_Black.str08.13.1565 B
Bollard_III_Concrete.obj05.28.1630.60 kB
Bollard_III_Concrete.str08.13.1568 B
Bollard_III_Red.obj05.28.1630.46 kB
Bollard_III_Red.str08.13.1563 B
Bollard_III_White.obj05.28.1630.46 kB
Bollard_III_White.str08.13.1565 B
Bollard_III_Yellow.obj05.28.1630.44 kB
Bollard_III_Yellow.str08.13.1566 B
Bollard_II_Black.obj05.28.169.82 kB
Bollard_II_Black.str08.12.1564 B
Bollard_II_Concrete.obj05.28.169.83 kB
Bollard_II_Concrete.str08.13.1567 B
Bollard_II_Red.obj05.28.169.82 kB
Bollard_II_Red.str08.13.1562 B
Bollard_II_White.obj05.28.169.82 kB
Bollard_II_White.str08.13.1564 B
Bollard_II_Yellow.obj05.28.169.82 kB
Bollard_II_Yellow.str08.13.1565 B
Bollard_I_Red.obj05.28.1621.79 kB
Bollard_I_Red.str08.13.1561 B
Bollard_I_White.obj05.28.1621.79 kB
Bollard_I_White.str08.13.1563 B
Bollard_I_Yellow.obj05.28.1621.79 kB
Bollard_I_Yellow.str08.13.1564 B
Bollard_Round_Large.obj05.28.1650.91 kB
Bollard_Round_Large.str08.13.1567 B
Bollard_Round_Small.obj05.28.1650.91 kB
Bollard_Round_Small.str08.13.1567 B
Bottled_Water_Cooler.obj05.19.17303.19 kB
Boulder_Group.obj04.30.1629.85 kB
Boulder_Group_Dark.obj04.30.1627.31 kB
Boulder_Groyne_10m.obj04.30.16100.21 kB
Boulder_Groyne_10m.str04.30.1666 B
Boulder_Groyne_10m_Dark.obj04.30.1686.23 kB
Boulder_Groyne_10m_Dark.str04.30.1671 B
Boulder_Groyne_20m.obj04.30.16213.42 kB
Boulder_Groyne_20m.str04.30.1666 B
Boulder_Groyne_20m_Dark.obj04.30.16183.81 kB
Boulder_Groyne_20m_Dark.str04.30.1671 B
Boulder_Single_I.obj04.30.165.20 kB
Boulder_Single_II.obj04.30.164.93 kB
Boulder_Single_III.obj04.30.165.20 kB
Boulder_Single_III_Dark.obj04.30.164.49 kB
Boulder_Single_II_Dark.obj04.30.164.91 kB
Boulder_Single_IV.obj04.30.164.65 kB
Boulder_Single_IV_Dark.obj04.30.164.28 kB
Boulder_Single_I_Dark.obj04.30.164.63 kB
Bouncy_Castle.obj05.19.17402.80 kB
Boundary_Wall_Stone.obj05.29.169.71 kB
Boundary_Wall_Stone_10panel.obj05.29.1656.34 kB
Boundary_Wall_Stone_20panel.obj05.29.16108.99 kB
Boundary_Wall_Stone_2panel.obj05.29.1614.86 kB
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

SandroFri, 05 Mar 2021 10:12:57 GMT

I'm a virtual flying enthusiast and your item library is super!

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