OZx 3.5 Australian Airports Scenery Complete Package

PreviewAustralia is a large place measuring 4000kms wide and 3800kms high (2500 x 2350miles). It contains a lot of default runways and missing airstrips. A gap we at OZx are progressively filling.

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Flight Simulator X
Prepar3D v4, v5, v6 (64-bit)
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5.03 GB
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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 15 PRO members.

Australia is a large place measuring 4000kms wide and 3800kms high (2500 x 2350miles). It contains a lot of default runways and missing airstrips. A gap we at OZx are progressively filling.

One of the OZx airfield scenery packages displayed in FSX.This download is a complete OZx installer up to v3.5 in one single download for your convenience enhancing Orbx Australia.

This scenery package is guaranteed to be compatible with all versions of FSX including the Steam Edition. It should also work with Prepar3D - all versions including the latest v4 (maybe with some tweaking).


  • 426 Australian Airports and heliports plus many other sites of interest to experience
  • 28 Airstrips for the Orbx PNW region.

Please read the Manuals and use the Google Earth files contained in the OZx/User Docs folder.

Many of these airfields do not have ICAO codes and to find them requires heading and distance from a nearby airfield.

Directions are contained in the User Manuals if required.

Below is some information from the included PDF files. Please note, there are over 426 airports, heliports and airfields included in this package and not all of them are mentioned in the documentation below (only a few).

OZx 3.3

Experience the beauty of Tasmania. Ken’s Burnie (Wynyard) Airport is the perfect place to begin your Tasmanian odyssey, and is only an hour’s flight from Melbourne across the waters of the Tasman Sea.

Moving to the west coast of Australia, fly inland from Perth or Jandakot and navigate more accurately by using some of the dozens of photo-realistic lakes, dams and mines in the “tiger country” that frames the most isolated city in the world.

The wheat-belt town of Wagin is just a short hop from Narrogin or Katanning. Drop in and share a beer with the fellas at the Aeroclub there.

OZx logo.

Skim the alien moonscape of dry salt lakes that lead to Dumbleyung in Western Australia. There’s a small farm with an airstrip to the south of Lake Dumbleyung. There’s bound to be a fresh batch of scones on offer.

Not far from Bunbury in Western Australia is Wheeler Field. Rumour has it that there are several WW2 trainers hangared there. Beware the kangaroos.

Carved out of the trees are airstrips at Nannup, North Dwellingup, and Mundaring Weir. Refuel and refill your fire-bomber at these challenging landing spots.

Head back to the east of our continent and buzz the cows in country Victoria. Maybe take home some ice cream from the Fonterra Dairy Plant next to the Cobden Airfield. Also worth a visit is Euroa Airfield. Nestled amongst the Strathbogie Foothills and The Great Dividing Ranges, it has top year-round weather for skydiving.

Ten New Fields


  • YWYY Burnie/Wynyard Airport.


  • YCDE Cobden Airfield.
  • YEUA Euroa Airfield.

Western Australia

  • Lake Dumbleyung Farm Strip.
  • Mundaring Weir Airstrip.
  • YNAU Nannup Airstrip.
  • Northam Army Base Airstrip.
  • North Dwellingup Airstrip.
  • YWGN Wagin Airfield.
  • Wheeler Field Airstrip.

Added Features:

  • Model Libraries updated with many new custom objects.
  • Upgrades to existing fields’ layout and new static aircraft, people and vegetation models (eg YWLU, YBWX, YBLD, YKNG).
  • Upgrades to existing fields with ground-hugging Fencebuilder fences (eg Coominya, Maleny North, Beechmont, MtBrisbane, YBCX, YCGA, YQNS, YWSG).
  • Several patches to minor reported issues (eg. Black apron texture at YBUN).

New Sceneries:

  • Acacia Prison
  • Alcoa Banksiadale Mine
  • Alcoa Huntley Mine
  • Boddington Mines
  • Bunbury Landmarks
  • Byford Quarries
  • Canning Dam (CDM)
  • Casuarina Prison
  • Churchman Brook Dam
  • Dwellingup Township
  • Gosnells Quarry
  • Gundaring Lakes
  • Helena River Reservoir
  • Karnet Prison
  • Lake Banksiadale
  • Lake Dumbleyung
  • Melbourne CBD Skyscraper rooftops made landable
  • Mt Cooke (MTK)
  • Mt Dale (MUE)
  • Mt Saddleback Mines
  • New Victoria Reservoir
  • Norring Lake Group
  • North Dandalup Reservoir
  • Orange Grove Quarry
  • Pine Gap Tracking Station
  • Serpentine Reservoir
  • The Lakes (TLKS)
  • Wungong Reservoir

OZx 3.4

Start your adventures from the remote, isolated outstation of Heathlands in Northern Queensland. Take your favorite bush aircraft and drop about 42 nautical miles down to Moreton Telegraph Station for a break.

Start at Walker River and fly for another 35 nautical miles on a rough heading of 012 and you’ll get to the vibrant Arnhem community of Gan Gan. The locals here will be happy to help make yourself at home. With the massive swamps and marshlands just south of the community, you can’t miss it!

Take a flight another 80 odd NM in a northwesterly direction and you’ll arrive at the two lovely islands of Milingimbi and Mooroongga. Be sure to pay both of these spectacular islands a visit, but be careful, it’s easy to develop an urge not to leave!

YIGR Ingomar by FTXflyer

Fly west along the coast for another 40 miles and you will arrive at Maningrida Regional Airport and town. The town here is very large so you’re bound to find a good place to stay here! (Tip- crank your aircraft AI sliders all the way up and YMGD will get pretty busy! Good luck in finding a parking spot!)

Fly another 40-50 NM along the coast and you will get to the enormous Goulburn Islands. The runway here is nearly 4600ft long so you should be able to get some pretty large aircraft into here! The island is seeping with natural beauty so hop out of your fast aircraft and take a low and slow flight around the area.

Fly another 80 miles along the coast to the beautiful Coburg Peninsula and to Cape Don and Vashon Head. You may want to stay a little longer at Vashon, the Peppers resort there is top class!

End your NT adventure by flying across Van Dieman Gulf to Darwin International (Ant’s Aussie Airports scenery, download separately). Lay back there and enjoy a weekend, you’ll have to make your way back soon!

14 new airfields

Northern Territory:

  • YCPD Cape Don
  • YVSH Vashon Head
  • YGBI Goulburn Island
  • YMGD Maningrida
  • YMGB Milingimbi
  • YMSX Mooroongga Island
  • YGAN Gan Gan
  • YWRV Walker River


  • YHTL Heathlands
  • YMOT Moreton Telegraph Stn

South Australia:

  • YWSI Wirrida Siding mca
  • YIGR Ingomar mca


  • YTGG Taggerty

Western Australia:

  • YMMI Murrin Murrin lam

Developer: OZx (re-published by Jay Kae from an archived version)

Images & Screenshots

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The archive OZx_COMPLETE.zip has 51 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
logo.jpg01.23.1913.16 kB
logo.png01.23.1913.30 kB
OZx_AUS_v3.008.17.160 B
OZx_AUS_v3.0p1.exe08.14.161457.19 MB
OZx_AUS_v3.0p2.exe08.14.16728.64 MB
OZx_AUS_v3.108.17.160 B
OZx_AUS_v3.1.exe08.14.16318.08 MB
PLEASE_READ_ME_FIRST_OZX_AUS_v3.1.txt08.14.16359 B
OZx_AUS_v3.208.14.160 B
OZx 3.2 A (Preparation).exe08.14.16120.66 kB
OZx 3.2 B (Airfields).exe08.14.16261.36 MB
OZx_AUS_v3.308.14.160 B
Australian_AM_Radio_Broadcast_Stations_List.pdf08.14.16235.32 kB
OZx3.3_Manual.pdf08.14.16902.23 kB
OZx_AUS_v3.3.exe08.14.16220.76 MB
OZx_Extras_Readme.pdf08.14.16485.55 kB
OZx_ORBX_Ant_Fields_3.3_directions.pdf08.14.16604.80 kB
OZx_AUS_v3.408.14.160 B
OZx3.4_Manual.pdf08.14.161.03 MB
OZx_3.4.exe08.14.16365.55 MB
OZx_AUS_v3.508.17.160 B
OZx v3.5 Installation Instructions.txt08.14.16386 B
OZx v3.5 Patch 1 Installation Instructions.txt08.12.16546 B
OZx_AUS_v3.5.exe08.14.16980.69 MB
OZx_AUS_v3.5_patch1.exe08.12.165.13 MB
OZx_LIB_v1.208.17.160 B
OZx_Lib_v1.2.exe08.14.16229.49 MB
OZx_NA_v1.0108.14.160 B
OZx NA1.01 (Airfields).exe08.14.16584.83 MB
Screenshots07.30.190 B
screen-1.jpg07.30.19189.30 kB
screen-10.jpg07.30.1985.44 kB
screen-11.jpg07.30.19195.42 kB
screen-12.jpg07.30.19135.74 kB
screen-13.jpg07.30.19223.62 kB
screen-14.jpg07.30.1992.03 kB
screen-15.jpg07.30.19123.93 kB
screen-16.jpg07.30.19144.54 kB
screen-17.jpg07.30.19184.96 kB
screen-18.jpg07.30.19177.31 kB
screen-19.jpg07.30.19174.03 kB
screen-2.jpg07.30.19135.55 kB
screen-20.jpg07.30.19218.28 kB
screen-3.jpg07.30.19159.75 kB
screen-4.jpg07.30.19142.24 kB
screen-5.jpg07.30.19130.64 kB
screen-6.jpg07.30.1990.50 kB
screen-7.jpg07.30.19151.46 kB
screen-8.jpg07.30.19156.92 kB
screen-9.jpg07.30.19151.76 kB
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

Geoffrey AtkinsonWed, 03 Apr 2024 01:23:33 GMT

What about the Norfolk Island International Airport and island scenery for Norfolk Island, Phillip Island, and Nepean Island halfway between NZ and Noumea?

Kevin ROBBWed, 15 Feb 2023 18:05:01 GMT

Is ORBX required to install these files?

Geoff DaleSat, 18 Dec 2021 14:54:24 GMT

I have the ORBX Australia V2 installed in my FSX. Does your airport's package fit in OK with this?

Robert ForemanSat, 04 Dec 2021 14:54:58 GMT

Dear Sir In your new edition for FSX and Prepare3Dv.5 would you be able to advise the South Australian Airfields that are included? If you can supply any photos of these as well it would be very much appreciated. Kindest regards Bob.

john g mchargSun, 27 Jun 2021 00:37:23 GMT


Is your OZ package compatible with ORBX's Australia and will they run happily together?


John McHarg

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