FSX Aloha Boeing 747-400

PreviewImmerse yourself in the unique blend of island-themed visuals and long-haul flight capabilities with this freeware add-on. This custom Aloha Boeing 747-400, bearing registration number N747AL, offers optimized flight dynamics and carefully preserved design quality. The original model is by Melvin...

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Immerse yourself in the unique blend of island-themed visuals and long-haul flight capabilities with this freeware add-on. This custom Aloha Boeing 747-400, bearing registration number N747AL, offers optimized flight dynamics and carefully preserved design quality. The original model is by Melvin Rafi, and the updates plus FSX conversion are by David Grindele.


This add-on stands out as a "MELJET" release. It retains its unmistakable exterior shape while offering enhanced performance within FSX. It underwent refinement for modern simulators, ensuring it flies with stable behavior when compared to earlier versions. The package includes elegant livery details that reflect the airline’s spirit and merges well with the 747’s iconic form. Aloha Airlines had strong inter-island roots, but here you can enjoy a wide-body twist on their typical operations.

Aloha Boeing 747-400.

Aloha Boeing 747-400.

Key Modifications

Developers tweaked the aircraft configuration files (cfg) and air files to raise realism under FSX. This process eliminated earlier flight instability so you can ascend, cruise, and land with greater authenticity. They added A2A 3D Lights and Redux enhancements, which enrich the external lighting effects during night operations. The exterior still features opening engine cowlings (press Shift + E) for a thorough maintenance view. At the gate, pressing Ctrl + J smoothly connects the jetway to the fuselage.

The creators prioritized preserving the inherent MELJET fidelity for those who appreciate the original workmanship. Each detail, from textural sharpness to the placement of control surfaces, remains faithful to the initial design goals. Meanwhile, flight behavior was recalibrated for FSX without compromising visual elements.


Original Model By: MELVIN RAFI
Conversion and Updates To FSX By: DAVID GRINDELE

Technical Notes

Tests occurred in FSX with Windows Vista 32-bit and Windows XP. No additional software other than FSX is needed, aside from the separate A2A 3D Lights & Redux package. That optional addition refines the lighting system but is not mandatory for core functionality.

Installation Steps

  1. Copy the included Aircraft folder into the …\FSX\Simobjects\Airplane\ directory.
  2. Launch FSX, then select MELJET under the aircraft list, choosing the desired repaint.
  3. All essential files are included. However, the A2A 3D Lights & Redux component is recommended for dynamic lighting.

Aloha Boeing 747-400 taking off.

Aloha Boeing 747-400 taking off.

Additional Observations

MELJET releases are recognized for their meticulous external modeling. This version remains loyal to that standard. It is freeware, and it showcases the skillful dedication of the creators, especially when compared to contemporary payware offerings. Many will value how the classic lines merge with the bright Aloha scheme, providing a captivating experience when departing from or arriving in island destinations.

Overall, this package keeps the Meljets legacy alive in FSX. It combines visual quality with reliable handling and modern lighting effects. Special thanks go to both Melvin Rafi for the original design and to David Grindele for ensuring it thrives in newer simulators.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive al74fsx.zip has 93 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ALOHA 747-400.bmp12.09.092.22 MB
ALOHA 747-400.jpg12.09.0988.11 kB
Aloha744.jpg12.09.09147.00 kB
Boeing 747-400 Aloha12.10.090 B
Aircraft.cfg12.09.0920.60 kB
Boeing747-400-MR-MKIII.air10.20.028.32 kB
Boeing747-400-MR-MKIII_notes.txt06.07.020 B
boeing747-400_check.htm07.27.0656.25 kB
boeing747-400_ref.htm05.12.0611.80 kB
model12.10.090 B
Boeing747-400-MR-MKIII.mdl10.18.022.35 MB
Model.cfg01.02.0241 B
panel12.10.090 B
panel.cfg09.01.0232 B
sound12.10.090 B
Sound.cfg10.10.0432 B
soundai12.10.090 B
soundai.cfg05.12.0634 B
texture.aloha12.10.090 B
744interior1.bmp09.22.02257.05 kB
747Cargohold.bmp09.14.02257.05 kB
747cockpitwindows.bmp08.15.02256.07 kB
747FuselagePort1_L.bmp09.21.021.00 MB
747FuselagePort1_T.bmp10.20.041.00 MB
747FuselagePort2_L.bmp09.21.021.00 MB
747FuselagePort2_T.bmp10.20.041.00 MB
747FuselageStar1_L.bmp10.21.021.00 MB
747FuselageStar1_T.bmp10.20.041.00 MB
747FuselageStar2_L.bmp09.21.021.00 MB
747FuselageStar2_T.bmp10.20.041.00 MB
747gear1_L.bmp09.22.0216.07 kB
747gear1_T.bmp10.20.041.00 MB
747LandingGear01.bmp09.01.02257.05 kB
747Tail_L.bmp09.22.021.00 MB
747Tail_T.bmp10.19.041.00 MB
747winglight1.bmp06.28.025.05 kB
747winglight2.bmp06.28.025.05 kB
747Wing_L.bmp09.22.0216.07 kB
747Wing_T.bmp10.21.021.00 MB
Powerplant-RB211-1_L.bmp09.22.0216.07 kB
Powerplant-RB211-1_T.bmp10.19.041.00 MB
Powerplant-RB211-2_L.bmp09.22.0216.07 kB
Powerplant-RB211-2_T.bmp10.19.041.00 MB
Powerplant-RB211-3_L.bmp09.22.0216.07 kB
Powerplant-RB211-3_T.bmp10.19.041.00 MB
Powerplant-RB211-4_L.bmp09.22.0216.07 kB
Powerplant-RB211-4_T.bmp10.19.041.00 MB
Powerplant-RB211-Fan.bmp06.20.0217.05 kB
Powerplant-RB211-FanShaftMotion_T.bmp06.20.0265.05 kB
Powerplant-RB211-FanShaft_T.bmp06.20.0265.05 kB
PSDs.RR Paint Kit12.10.090 B
PSDs.RR Paint Kit(2)12.10.090 B
747cockpitwindows.alpha.psd09.08.0212.95 kB
747cockpitwindows.psd09.22.02121.78 kB
747FuselagePort1_L.alpha.psd09.21.0298.52 kB
747FuselagePort1_L.psd09.21.02471.05 kB
747FuselagePort1_T.alpha.psd09.08.0235.41 kB
747FuselagePort1_T.psd10.15.02281.03 kB
747FuselagePort2_L.alpha.psd09.21.0297.21 kB
747FuselagePort2_L.psd09.21.02266.19 kB
747FuselagePort2_T.alpha.psd09.08.0236.79 kB
747FuselagePort2_T.psd09.22.02233.22 kB
747FuselageStar1_L.alpha.psd09.21.0298.49 kB
747FuselageStar1_L.psd09.21.02471.04 kB
747FuselageStar1_T.alpha.psd09.08.0235.39 kB
747FuselageStar1_T.psd10.15.02561.04 kB
747FuselageStar2_L.alpha.psd09.21.0297.21 kB
747FuselageStar2_L.psd09.21.02266.21 kB
747FuselageStar2_T.alpha.psd09.14.0236.13 kB
747FuselageStar2_T.psd09.22.02176.81 kB
747gear1_L.alpha.psd09.22.022.82 kB
747gear1_L.psd09.22.026.68 kB
747gear1_T.alpha.psd09.08.0235.09 kB
747gear1_T.psd09.22.022.90 MB
747Tail_L.alpha.psd09.22.0297.20 kB
747Tail_L.psd09.22.021.40 MB
747Tail_T.alpha.psd09.08.0242.79 kB
747Tail_T.psd10.15.02356.73 kB
747Wing_T.alpha.psd10.15.0250.23 kB
747Wing_T.psd10.15.021.45 MB
Powerplant-RB211-1_T.alpha.psd09.29.0236.33 kB
Powerplant-RB211-1_T.psd09.29.021.62 MB
Powerplant-RB211-2_T.alpha.psd09.29.02103.69 kB
Powerplant-RB211-2_T.psd09.29.021.66 MB
Powerplant-RB211-3_T.psd09.29.021.66 MB
Powerplant-RB211-4_T.psd09.29.021.62 MB
Thumbnail.jpg12.09.097.21 kB
file_id.diz12.08.091.83 kB
Install.txt12.10.091.39 kB
Thumbs.db12.10.0913.00 kB
AL74FSX12.10.090 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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