FSX Stellweg Airlines Canadair CRJ-200

PreviewStellweg Airlines Canadair CRJ-200 for AI. This is one of the medium range aircraft in the livery of Stellweg Airlines, member of The DFW Group. This is an AI aircraft, model included with default panel and sound of the FSX Bombardier CRJ700. Credits to Charles Dayhuff and the paint kit by Jonath...

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Stellweg Airlines Canadair CRJ-200 for AI. This is one of the medium range aircraft in the livery of Stellweg Airlines, member of The DFW Group. This is an AI aircraft, model included with default panel and sound of the FSX Bombardier CRJ700. Credits to Charles Dayhuff and the paint kit by Jonathan Barton and Tony Fosler. This is a complete AI aircraft with extra bright navigation lights and exhaust smoke features, jetway will connect to frontdoor and baggagehandling starts, when used as AI aircraft. By D. F. W. Stellweg.

Stellweg Airlines Canadair CRJ-200.

Stellweg Airlines Canadair CRJ-200.

Thank you for downloading this FSX AI version of the Canadair / Bombardier CRJ-200.

It is one of the medium range aircraft in the livery of " Stellweg Airlines " , member of "The DFW group " .

This is an AI aircraft , model included with default panel and sound of the FSX Bombardier-CRJ700.

Credits to Mr.Charles Dayhuff and the paintkit by Mr.Jonathan Barton and Mr.Tony Fosler.

This is a complete AI aircraft with extra bright navigation lights and exhaust smoke features ,

jetway will connect to frontdoor and baggagehandling starts , when used as AI aircraft.

Check the www.FlightSim.com library for "Stellweg " , for more aircraft of Stellweg Airlines.


Installation instructions are simple ;

Unzip this downloaded file : "Canadair CRJ200 Stellweg Airlines.zip"

in ; let's choose C:\Temp and drag ( or copy ) the yellow folder called

"Canadair CRJ-200 Stellweg Airlines" into ;

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Simobjects\Airplanes

Drag ( or copy ) the contents of the yellow Effects folder ( fx_smoke_exhaust_TheDFWgroup.fx )

into here ; C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects.

When finished unpacking and dragging , start-up Flightsimulator X and find this aircraft

amongst manufacturer ; " Canadair " , were an aircraft thumbnail picture is shown.

All Credits to ; Mr.Charles Dayhuff and paintkit by J. Barton and Tony Fosler.

Stellweg Airlines Canadair CRJ-200 in flight.

Stellweg Airlines Canadair CRJ-200 in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive canadaircrj-200stellwegairlines.zip has 27 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
PH-STW 4.jpg01.04.11119.95 kB
Please read me first.txt01.04.111.58 kB
Thumbnail.jpg01.04.11192.15 kB
Aircraft.cfg01.04.1115.08 kB
BombardierCRJ700_check.htm07.28.0653.98 kB
BombardierCRJ700_ref.htm06.25.0611.38 kB
CDAI CRJ200v2.0.air11.21.1010.60 kB
model01.04.110 B
CDAI CRJ200v2.0.mdl11.21.10434.77 kB
Model.cfg11.21.1034 B
panel01.04.110 B
panel.cfg01.02.1140 B
sound01.04.110 B
sound.cfg08.09.0930 B
soundai01.04.110 B
soundai.cfg05.12.0634 B
Texture.stw01.04.110 B
cdaicrj200.bmp01.04.111.00 MB
cdaicrj200_l.bmp01.04.11256.07 kB
Thumbnail.jpg01.04.11132.81 kB
Thumbs.db01.04.115.00 kB
fx_smoke_exhaust_TheDFWgroup.fx01.04.115.79 kB
PH-STW 1.jpg01.04.11110.69 kB
PH-STW 2.jpg01.04.11188.28 kB
PH-STW 3.jpg01.04.1166.13 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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