FSX Multicolor Cessna C172

PreviewThis vibrant repaint adds an original orange, white, pink, and purple color scheme to the renowned four-seat trainer, reflecting Mark Hollis’ creative flair. Designed for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X, this freeware add-on sustains all default cockpit functionality, engineered to integrat...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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5.97 MB
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This vibrant repaint adds an original orange, white, pink, and purple color scheme to the renowned four-seat trainer, reflecting Mark Hollis’ creative flair. Designed for use in Microsoft Flight Simulator X, this freeware add-on sustains all default cockpit functionality, engineered to integrate seamlessly with the base C172 model. Below, you will find installation details, quick configuration tips, and relevant background on the repaint’s fictional elements.

Unique Fusion of Tones and Purpose

This new artful livery gives the beloved American light aircraft a striking exterior in an unconventional palette. The original Cessna 172, introduced to the aviation community in the mid-1950s, remains a highly regarded flight training platform worldwide due to its stable handling and forgiving characteristics. Mark Hollis, based in New Zealand, reimagines this airframe with a custom aesthetic while retaining the reliable flight model and standard sound set. The virtual cockpit (VC) and two-dimensional panel are aliased from the default configuration, ensuring accurate instrumentation and familiar avionics.

Multicolor Cessna C172 in flight.

Enhanced exterior featuring lively, multicolor highlights.

Texture Folder and Configuration Adjustments

The download package includes only the livery files (repaint). You must acquire the freeware base model (the default Cessna 172) from the Fly Away Simulation library before proceeding. Once ready, follow these steps to install and activate the new paint:

  1. Configuration: Locate your Aircraft.CFG within C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172. Open it in a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. New Entry: Insert the code block below at the bottom of the [fltsim.X] entries. Replace “X” with the next available number (for example, if the highest entry is fltsim.9, use fltsim.10).

title=Cessna Skyhawk-Hollis Plane 2
ui_variation="Hollis2 Design"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="A new fictional plane designed by Mark Hollis."

  1. Texture Folder: Copy the entire texture.Hollis2 directory into C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172.
  2. Save and Test: Finally, save your changes, launch the simulator, and select the new variation. You should see this colorful addition available among existing C172 aircraft.

Optional Reflection Enhancements

For sim enthusiasts who prefer sharp visual reflections, Mark Hollis recommends incorporating Tom Knudsen’s environment map (file name erx07.zip). When installed correctly, this resource can add a polished look and enhance the sheen on this vivid paint scheme.

Multicolor Cessna C172 in flight.

The aircraft displaying reflective surfaces and bold graphics.

Author Credits

This fictional repaint was created by Mark Hollis in 2009. It epitomizes his unique approach to color coordination, showcasing a bright interpretation of the iconic single-engine trainer. Enjoy taking this energetic design for a spin in your favorite flight scenarios. Feel free to alternate between calm cross-country hops or lively discovery flights while exploring the simulator’s extensive world.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6

The archive hollis2.zip has 28 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
C172_1_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_1_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_2_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_2_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_3_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_3_night_C.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_4_C.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
C172_4_night_C.dds09.04.06170.79 kB
C172_Interior_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
c172_interior_t_night.dds09.04.0642.79 kB
C172_Pilot.dds09.04.06682.79 kB
C172_reflection.dds04.20.09341.48 kB
c172_T.dds05.27.091.33 MB
c172_t_bump.dds09.04.061.00 MB
c172_t_spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
FILE_ID.DIZ.txt06.03.09234 B
fresnel_ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
Picture 1.jpg06.03.09127.68 kB
Picture 2.jpg06.03.09180.20 kB
Picture 3.jpg06.03.09119.46 kB
Picture 4.jpg06.03.09164.41 kB
Picture 5.jpg06.03.0992.82 kB
Prop_C172.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
README.txt06.03.091.57 kB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg05.27.0958.07 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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