FSX CAF F-104 G Starfighter

PreviewCAF F-104 G Starfighter. A Lockheed F-104 Starfighter in the colors of CAF "Cold Lake". Requires the Alphasim F-104G. Repaint by Henry William.

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CAF F-104 G Starfighter. A Lockheed F-104 Starfighter in the colors of CAF "Cold Lake". Requires the Alphasim F-104G. Repaint by Henry William.

CAF F-104 G Starfighter in flight.

CAF F-104 G Starfighter in flight.

F-104G Starfighter in the colors of CAF "Cold Lake" You must own a legal copy of the Alphasim F-104G to use this files. Repaint by Henry William [textures only]

Install instructions:

A) Extract the content of this file on your prefered location.

B) Copy and paste the texture.cold in the folder where you have the ALPHASIM F-104 Starfighter 2. In my computer the location is this:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\ALPHA F-104 Starfighter 2

c)Open the aircraft.cfg file and paste the following after the last number in your entry. Where you se an XX, reemplace this with a number as said after the previous number:

title=ALPHA F-104 Starfighter Cold Lake
ui_type=F-104G Starfighter
ui_variation=CAF Cold Lake 744
ui_createdby="AlphaSim Ltd"
description=© AlphaSim 2007\n\nLockheed's F-104 Starfighter was sleek, sexy, and difficult to fly. Essentially a J-79 turbojet with tiny wings and a place for the pilot to sit, it had a poor turning radius and very unpredictable behaviour at high angles of attack along with very high takeoff and landing speeds. Yet, with modifications such as blown flaps and a stick shaker that pushed the nose down in a stall, the plane proved quite capable. Its strength was never in its agility, but rather in its speed. The type was the only aircraft in existence at the time that could sustain speeds of over Mach 2.0, and it had a stellar rate of climb. A good airplane, it sold well to foreign forces after being phased out of active USAF service in 1967. The Starfighter was an icon among jet interceptors throughout the 1970s, serving in large numbers in the US Air National Guard as well as with the German, Italian, and Canadian air forces. The last Italian Starfighters were retired from active service in 2004.
atc_airline=AIR FORCE

Repaint by Henry William

CAF F-104 G Starfighter in flight.

CAF F-104 G Starfighter in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive sf_cold.zip has 21 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
af2.jpg01.09.10361.40 kB
readme.txt01.09.102.25 kB
sf.jpg01.09.10299.16 kB
small.gif01.09.1012.94 kB
texture.cold01.09.100 B
f-104_1_t.bmp09.19.074.00 MB
f-104_2_t.bmp09.15.074.00 MB
f-104_3_t.dds10.05.094.00 MB
f-104_4_t.dds10.05.094.00 MB
f-104_5_t.dds10.05.094.00 MB
f-104_6_t.dds10.05.094.00 MB
f-104_7_t.bmp08.30.071.00 MB
Pilot_t.dds04.09.081.00 MB
Seat.dds04.09.08256.12 kB
texture.cfg08.15.07128 B
thumbnail.jpg10.07.0736.32 kB
Thumbs.db01.09.1047.50 kB
Thumbs.db01.09.1016.00 kB
sf_cold01.09.100 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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victor yancovitchWed, 14 Apr 2021 18:24:10 GMT

your f-104 cold lake....doesn't work in Virtavia's f-104......and who has an AlphaSim now..... so disappointed.

Paul HartlSat, 05 Oct 2019 17:40:46 GMT

Hi Jim, I had the same problem, but after a couple of hours of investigation, I found the solution. The path specified in the "texture.cfg" file (inside of "texture.cold") is wrong for your file configuration.

Instead of it reading, "fallback.1=....ALPHA F-104 Starfighter 0texture.shared" and "fallback.2=....ALPHA F-104 Starfighter 0texture.bump", rewrite it to read "fallback.1=....Virtavia F-104 Starfighter 0texture.shared" and "fallback.2=....Virtavia F-104 Starfighter 0 Or even "fallback.1=..texture.shared" and "fallback.2=..texture.bumptexture.bump." will work.

Sorry, I'm 2 years late - hope you already found the solution!

Jim ReidSun, 04 Jun 2017 10:05:49 GMT

Has their been any release of a texture fix for this repaint by Henry...?? Blacked out Canopy as well as surrounds and Pilot within it's 3D Cockpit. Gauges OK. Bought Virtavia's F-104G specifically for this CAF version Repaint... but it fails to render properly when loaded into FSX - Acceleration Sim. Some on forums have said it's an "FS9 conversion to FSX" texture issue... ?? Hope there's an updated version of this Repaint to resolve the above... Hope to hear back Regards Jim Christchurch NZ

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