98-FS2K Swissair MD11
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This archive contain a self installing archive "FS98MD11U112.exe". Run this "exe" file and you will receive a requester where you can specify the installation path of your FS98. The standard default path is already set for you. Check this path is correct for your own installation configuration. Change it if necessary and then press unzip button to install.
First thing to do is to install basic version of "Swissair MD11, the full package" (file: ACSMD11a.ZIP) exactly like described into installation instruction of this package, BUT INSIDE FS2000 directory instead of FS98. Please DO NOT INSTALL the engine sound extension (file: ACSMD11s.ZIP).
In a second step, use self installing archive "FS2KMD11U112.exe" included in this archive. Run this "exe" file and you will receive a requester where you can specify the installation path of your FS200. The standard default path is already set for you. Check this path is correct for your own installation configuration. Change it if necessary and then press unzip button to install.
Read carefully here after, "HOW TO USE FS2000 VERSION". It contains VERY IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS on how to use this version to avoid unsolvable compatibility problems Microsof introduce as a gift to us, poor FS developers!
This adaptation to FS2000 tries to take advantage of new features introduced with FS2000. I was able, for example, to partially adapt "engine startup sequence" to the FS2000 similar feature introduced with this new version.
You will be also able to see all lateral views (left, right, forward-left forward-right etc...) with new FS2000 graphics. This version make use of 737-400 graphics for now. Fortunately, these nice pictures goes well with MD11 panel colors, even of course, if this is not realistic at all, because you will be looking in fact at a 737 instead of a MD11. I found this solution better than nothing, in the meantime somebody draw nice MD11 specific graphics views.
I had to modify some parameters in the flight dynamic model because the MD11 will behave almost like the FS98 model. Obviously MS don't take great care about compatibility with FS98 models. This adaption is far from being complete.
You will be able to call FS2000 GPS direct from the MD11 panel.
FS2000 does not recognize FS98 jet engine models well. This is the reason you must avoid the following manipulation:
Never load MD11 aircraft from an FS2000 aircraft WITH ENGINE OFF. This will lead to a situation where MD11 is partially considered as a propeller small aircraft having mechanical "attitude indicator". Both MD11 indicators will goes to a "mechanical OFF" position, like with the Cessna for example, and these indicators will NOT turn to ON when engines will be started.
Engine startup sequence:
OFF state is like with FS98 version: Carburant switches to OFF (down position), all three Starter orange buttons not pushed not lit (OFF position).
From this state, when you push Starter buttons, you will hear compressed air admission into engine and see turbine RPM indicator showing rotation. Now, you are ready to operate corresponding carburant switch. You will hear the MD11 engines startup noise and see a few seconds later, the starter button popping out and lit bright orange to indicate active GEN.
To cut OFF engine, you just have to switch OFF corresponding Carburant button. Starter button will be unlit to indicate OFF position.
If you save a situation with MD11 with engine OFF state, this will work with the following small problem. When you load the situation, you may have first engines running and immediately going to OFF state instead of being straight OFF. In this case, you may have Starter buttons in state "pushed not lit", but without compressed air admission, which would be normal for this position of the button. Just click these buttons and they will be correct (not pushed and not lit), ready to be pushed again for compressor primed air admission.
Ideally, DO NOT USE the automatic engine startup feature of FS2000 (CTRL-E). This will not work as expected with an FS98 model (Microsoft boof). With the MD11, this may lead to a wrong synchronization of variables used for engine start and MD11 buttons used for this purpose.
For a realistic setting of outside view from cockpit, please set zoom factor of this view to 0.75.
To call FS2000 GPS direct from the MD11 panel. A new mouse spot exists. It is located on the button labeled "PL", just under the toggle button "MP" used to change CRT No 2 between ACS-GPS98 and EHSI screen.
Adaptation to FS2000 gave me the opportunity to discover all the "dirty" work Microsoft have done in regard of compatibility with previous FS98 version. Technically speaking and for a programmer like me, it is obvious that every part they have touched to introduce their own new features have been modified almost without any care about compatibility with FS98.
You want examples ? First, what about all variables used around engine startup. Try MD11 without adaptation pack and you will see. What about meteo variables used in adventure? Fly a FS98 adventure and you will hear 00.00 for atmospheric pressure and alway clear sky, even if you have several clouds layer defined. What about flight dynamic behaviors tremendously different for a same FS98 model running into FS2000 or FS98. If you believe it is because they have improved all this, just look at the 737 or 777 pitch attitude on landing final. What about the orange panel night effect, which they have probably removed to avoid this effect occur with side views, they were probably too lazy to implement a new flag to manage this properly and maintain compatibility.
If you add to that, all frame rate problems and jerky video stream, the dissipation of shadows, especially bad when speaking of aircrafts and all the rest..., I say it is enough already!
Flight Simulator success is probably due to a large part of people like me, producing quality freeware. When I see all this, the little respect Microsoft seem to grant to us, I say goodbye FS2000! The present work will be the first and the last one I do for FS2000, almost until Microsoft issue a new SDK and a radical patch to correct all these numerous problems (not to say more and remain polite).
Many thanks to Laurent MASTEY (ex real life DC10 pilot), to take the time for testing the new FDI feature and giving precious advice.
No thanks at all to Microsoft, which force us to spend hours and hours just to overcome all compatibility problems they introduced with FS2000.
This upgrade for "Swissair MD11, The Full Package" is signed by:
GAUGES PROGRAMMATION: Alain Capt. AIRCRAFT DYNAMIC MODEL: Alain Capt. TECHNICAL ADVISOR: Fethi Bouchelarm (real life MD11 pilot).
Have nice flights with Swissair MD11, the full package.
The archive acsmd112.zip has 7 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
FS2KMD11U112.EXE | 11.14.99 | 260.85 kB |
FS98MD11U112.EXE | 11.14.99 | 167.32 kB |
readme-UG2.txt | 11.14.99 | 16.51 kB |
file_id.diz | 11.14.99 | 795 B |
md11fs2k.gif | 11.14.99 | 80.63 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
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