FSX Italian Navy Harrier

PreviewItalian Navy Harrier. The model reproduces an aircraft in use by the Italian Navy Pilots. It features the usual moving parts, such as flight controls, spinning wheels and so on. The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found in the net. Included ...

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Complete with Base Model
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Italian Navy Harrier. The model reproduces an aircraft in use by the Italian Navy Pilots. It features the usual moving parts, such as flight controls, spinning wheels and so on. The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found in the net. Included in this model there is a virtual cockpit with working essential gauges and animated flight controls. Model, flight dynamics and texture by Giovanni Quai. Panel by Italo D'Attomo. VTOL capability by Rob Barendregt. FSUIPC by Peter Dowson. VTOL .dll by Doug Dawson.

Italian Navy Harrier on runway.

Italian Navy Harrier on runway.

This is a full package (aircraft and panel) for FSX only.


1)You MUST insert the enclosed 'GougeSound.dll' in the Main FSX folder, or you will experience a FS crash!

2)Requires FSUIPC4 (By Peter Dowson...registered or unregistered, NOT INCLUDED).

3)Some simmers runnig Vista or Windows 7 reported some problems with the above version of FSUIPC4, if so, download and install the new version.

4)You MUST also insert the included 'RCB_VTOL.dll' in the Main FSX folder to make everything work.


A particular credit goes to: Rob Barendregt, and the other authors (Dowson,Dawson) for their kind permission to use parts of their work.

- FSUIPC is created by Peter Dowson.
- The VTOL .dll is created by Doug Dawson.
- The xml VTOL-controller is created by Rob Barendregt.

Without their work this aircraft could never perform as VTOL.
NOTE: Developers planning to use the above files must request the permission from the above Authors.


The model reproduces an aircraft in use by the Italian Navy Pilots: it features the usual moving parts, such as flight controls, spinning wheels and so on.
The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found in the net.
Many gauges have been created by Italo D'Attomo.
Included in this model there is a Virtual Cockpit with working essential gauges and animated flight controls.
We have received permission by the authors of the ''VTOL'' software to use their creation for the proper operation of this aircraft (See Credits above).
Please note that even the most experienced simmer may need some time to become familiar with the handling of a VTOL aircraft.
We strongly recommend to read carefully the 'Flying Tips' section in this document, which are an extract of the enclosed original tutorial (Readme rcbhc-15.txt).

Just unzip this file into your Flight SimulatorX\airplanes folder and you will find a "Harrier-AV8B-FSX" folder with the usual subfolders, plus the following:

1) GaugeSound.dll file.
2) RCB_VTOL.dll file.

Now open the the folder and operate as by the following steps:

Step 1-Copy/Paste the 'GougeSound.dll' in your main Flight SimulatorX (if you don't have it yet).

Step 2-Copy/Paste the ' RCB_VTOL.dll 'in your main Flight SimulatorX (if you don't have it yet).

Step 3-Download and install the FSUIPC4 by By Doug Dawson or updated versions...see above note and link.

We think this should be the end of the installation procedure.

Flying Tips
A special ''Flaps/Nozzles gauge'' is displayed in the lower left part of the panel.

1). Vertical Take off:
- Taxi the aircraft in to Take off position.
- Set the Parking Brakes. (A lot of power is required to operate a VTOL plane so the Parking Brake Set is required or the plane will move forward at idle thrust).
- With Flaps-Control , select Nozzle to vertical position (use default keys F5,F6,F7,F8, or gauge clicks to operate flap/nozzle...F8 Key will do it at once).
- Now set Throttle to Full Thrust. the plane will Lift Off when RPM reaches green sector (80% or more).
- Gain altitude, then...gradually, using F6 Key or gauge clicks retact nozzles, pause few seconds on each retaction increment. The aircraft will start to pick up speed (20 kts each nozzle up increment).
- Continue to retract nozzles and slowly raise aircraft nose to 10° nose up attitude.
- When Flaps reaches 20° or less, retract landing gear, then, slowly, continue Flaps retraction to Flaps Up position (using F6 Key or gauge clicks).
- Now it's time to reduce thrust as required to control speed.
- The plane from now on acts as a normal jet fighter.

2). Vertical Landing:
- Approaching the landing spot, (say 4 nm from landing spot and 1000 ft Above Ground Level) reduce Thrust to idle, ( the spoilers are also available)
- At 260 knots or below, incrementally lower Flaps using F7 or gauge clicks (note: the gear horn will be activated if thrust is idle...add a little thrust to silence it).
When speed is around 230 kts continue to lower the flaps and, when Flaps are 20° put the landing gear down.
- Now it is time to use thrust to control speed an altitude.
-When speed is around 130 knots, gradualy direct NOZZLES downwards using F7 or gauge clicks. The speed will reduce rapidly and, in this phase of flight you might experience a ''stall'', if so, set immediately power at 70% or more).
- Use 45 or 70 degrees Nozzles for final approach and FINE TUNE THE RATE OF DESCENT USING THROTTLE (use RPM as required to get 600 ft/min descent rate).
- At your discrection set the Nozzles to Vertical position and fly the aircraft in to the landing spot using THROTTLE to control the rate of descent (500 f/m or less) use the RUDDER for direction and STICK (for/aft/ for speed control, left/right for bank and side drift control).
- Note: with nozzles set to vertical (F8 Key sets nozzles vertical) with attitude '0°' and bank '0°' you will notice the speed will be '0' Kts.
- When your aircraft touches the ground, reduce thrust to idle,and Set Parking brakes.

3). Normal Jet Take off and Landing:
- For Takeoff: use Flaps UP or 10°, Full thrust, at speed 130 kts rotate to 15° nose up attitude , then put gear up, Flaps up then thrust as required.
- Landing: use Flaps 20° or FULL (NO Nozzles), gear down speed 130/140 kts, spoilers at your discrection, thrust as required (75% if the angle of descent is correct) .
- NOTE : In normal Jet landings never set flaps beyond the orange line that delimitate the Flaps/Nozzles border (see the flap/nozzle gauge).

4).Aircraft Carrier Operation:
The model has NOT been tested on a navigating Aircraft Carrier.
We think the plane can be landed VTOL on an Aircraft Carrier selecting the Nozzles position 1 or 2 steps away from vertical position to make the plane fly forward at 20 to 40 kts.
Select Nozzles position Using Keys F6/F7or gauge clicks.

Please do not hesitate to use elevator trim as required to fly the plane hands-off.
Flying on virtual cockpit you can move the eyepoint as required for better vision (check your eyepoint keyboard on FS options\controls\assignements for the keys required to move the 'eyepoint of view' (left/right/up/down/back or forward).
Please use ''A'' key to cycle views within a category and 'S' to change category (check the quick reference key commands).
Use keys: Shift+2 for gps, Shift+3 for description, Shift+4 for radio, Shift+5 for annunciator,Shift+7 for compass, Shift+8 for autopilot, to pop up relative panel

..Happy landings!


NOTE: We installed succesfully this model on FSX Deluxe Edition and FSX Gold plus Acceleration simply following the above installation procedure, please DO NOT USE INSTALLERS.

NOTE 1: Loading the aircraft for the first time on FSX you will get an 'unknown author' message for each (more than 30) gauge. Click 'YES' if you like the gauge or 'NO' if you don't. If you say 'NO' you will not have the instrument displayed on the panel, but the default ones only.

NOTE 2: You will get a second message asking you to "trust" the related gauge; if you click "Yes" when asked, you will never be asked again.


Note 3: If you want to see a different panel, copy or aliase a panel of a single engine jet. of your choice: in this case, the VC will not be shown correctly.
You might also create a panel by removing our gauges and installing your preferred.

Note 4: Installing & using this package is at your own risk.

Note 5: FSX-Settings\Display\Graphics; selecting ''Light_Bloom'' check box, in the global options window, might not be compatible with our model and the selected plane may not appear.

Note 6: We grant permission for repainting or other updates.


Capt. G.Quai
Capt. I. D'Attomo

Italian Navy Harrier in flight.

Italian Navy Harrier in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3

The archive harrier-av8b-4fsx.zip has 145 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
1 Harrier_Read me.txt05.08.1110.09 kB
2 README rcbhc-15.txt06.30.0412.26 kB
3 FILE_ID.DIZ02.15.11952 B
Aircraft.cfg05.07.1114.33 kB
Flaps-Nozzles Indicator.jpg04.08.066.56 kB
GaugeSound.dll05.01.0340.00 kB
Harrier-AV8B-4FX.air04.16.1112.73 kB
Harrier-Panel.jpg05.07.11213.82 kB
model05.06.110 B
harrier-av8b-4fx.mdl05.05.111.13 MB
Model.cfg02.16.1135 B
panel05.08.110 B
Harr_PanelV3.bmp05.08.112.25 MB
Har_gauges05.08.110 B
GV_specchio_VC.gau02.04.09793.50 kB
ID_747_RaltV2.gau12.23.05125.50 kB
ID_A380_Spoil_Lbl.gau03.13.0622.00 kB
ID_DC8_ClockV2.gau05.24.0393.50 kB
ID_DH100_fuelvalve.gau03.04.0639.50 kB
ID_EFA_GmeterV2.gau03.04.06286.50 kB
ID_EFA_HUDComp.gau02.18.0640.50 kB
ID_EFA_HUDmach.gau02.18.0620.50 kB
ID_EFA_HUD_Alt.gau02.12.06174.00 kB
ID_EFA_HUD_speed.gau02.12.0696.50 kB
ID_F104_OilPress.gau03.04.06109.00 kB
ID_F104_Oil_Temp.gau03.04.06109.00 kB
ID_F80_EngStart.gau12.12.0536.00 kB
ID_Gear_Alert.gau05.15.0617.00 kB
ID_Harrier_ADI.gau05.04.11281.50 kB
ID_Harrier_Attitude.gau04.11.06113.00 kB
ID_Harrier_Radar.gau04.26.111.44 MB
ID_Harr_AP_Comm.gau03.06.0680.50 kB
ID_Harr_BattSw.gau03.05.0622.00 kB
ID_Harr_DME1.gau03.06.0616.00 kB
ID_Harr_DME2.gau03.06.0616.00 kB
ID_Harr_FlapsNozz.gau04.28.1120.00 kB
ID_Harr_FlapSw.gau03.04.0619.50 kB
ID_Harr_FuelQty_C.gau03.03.0616.50 kB
ID_Harr_FuelQty_L.gau03.03.0616.50 kB
ID_Harr_FuelQty_R.gau03.03.0616.50 kB
ID_Harr_GearSW.gau03.04.0620.00 kB
ID_Harr_IAS.gau03.04.0635.50 kB
ID_Harr_MachNr.gau03.03.0616.00 kB
ID_Harr_Master_Wrng.gau03.04.0622.00 kB
ID_Harr_TAT.gau03.03.0615.50 kB
ID_HH_RPM.gau12.25.0537.50 kB
ID_IAS_Dig.gau03.06.0616.50 kB
ID_M346_hudAtt.gau06.09.08209.50 kB
ID_Specchietto_Caccia.gau05.05.06837.50 kB
ID_TAS.gau03.06.0618.00 kB
ID_Vulc_Appr_Logic.gau05.06.0617.50 kB
IRIS-FSX.cab03.13.07139.09 kB
PANEL.CFG05.08.118.34 kB
pspbrwse.jbf05.08.112.76 kB
rcb-gauges05.06.110 B
FILE_ID.DIZ02.15.11952 B
FLD.ini07.28.06885 B
FLD.xml02.19.0717.88 kB
FLD_Background.bmp02.27.073.01 kB
FLD_LightAmber.bmp07.30.06178 B
FLD_LightGreen.bmp07.28.061.15 kB
FLD_LightOff.bmp07.30.061.15 kB
FLD_LightRed.bmp07.29.061.15 kB
FLD_MetalSwitchCenter.bmp10.20.062.14 kB
FLD_MetalSwitchDown.bmp10.20.062.14 kB
FLD_MetalSwitchUp.bmp10.20.062.14 kB
FuelLoadDump.txt02.19.075.21 kB
FuelPodControl.xml02.27.07887 B
LightAmber.bmp02.19.07150 B
LightRed.bmp02.19.07150 B
rcbvcb10.gif02.27.0712.16 kB
README rcbvcb10.txt03.17.0719.82 kB
ViewDirection.bmp02.28.071.58 kB
ViewDirection.xml02.28.07805 B
VSTOLControlIPC_Background.bmp02.19.073.17 kB
VSTOLControlIPC_Display.xml02.27.075.87 kB
VSTOLControlIPC_Function.xml03.01.077.30 kB
VSTOLFlapsNeedle.bmp10.02.051.13 kB
VSTOLNozzlesNeedle.bmp10.19.051.13 kB
VSTOLWindNeedle.bmp10.19.051.13 kB
stby folder05.06.110 B
Sigma Simulations Harrier05.06.110 B
Aircraft.cfg03.13.0761.16 kB
panel05.06.110 B
IRIS-FSX.cab03.13.07139.09 kB
Panel.cfg03.17.079.14 kB
rcb-gauges05.06.110 B
FILE_ID.DIZ03.17.07948 B
FLD.ini07.28.06885 B
FLD.xml02.19.0717.88 kB
FLD_Background.bmp02.27.073.01 kB
FLD_LightAmber.bmp07.30.06178 B
FLD_LightGreen.bmp07.28.061.15 kB
FLD_LightOff.bmp07.30.061.15 kB
FLD_LightRed.bmp07.29.061.15 kB
FLD_MetalSwitchCenter.bmp10.20.062.14 kB
FLD_MetalSwitchDown.bmp10.20.062.14 kB
FLD_MetalSwitchUp.bmp10.20.062.14 kB
FuelLoadDump.txt02.19.075.21 kB
FuelPodControl.xml02.27.07887 B
LightAmber.bmp02.19.07150 B
LightRed.bmp02.19.07150 B
rcbvcb10.gif02.27.0712.16 kB
README rcbvcb10.txt03.17.0719.82 kB
ViewDirection.bmp02.28.071.58 kB
ViewDirection.xml02.28.07805 B
VSTOLControlIPC_Background.bmp02.19.073.17 kB
VSTOLControlIPC_Display.xml02.27.075.87 kB
VSTOLControlIPC_Function.xml03.01.077.30 kB
VSTOLFlapsNeedle.bmp10.02.051.13 kB
VSTOLNozzlesNeedle.bmp10.19.051.13 kB
VSTOLWindNeedle.bmp10.19.051.13 kB
RCB_FuelLoadDump.dll02.19.0787.68 kB
RCB_VTOL.dll10.22.0664.80 kB
Sigma Simulations Harrier GR7 - 4-Normal-Standard.jpg02.28.077.63 kB
pspbrwse.jbf05.07.115.65 kB
RCB_VTOL.dll10.22.0664.80 kB
sound05.06.110 B
Sound.cfg12.14.0530 B
texture05.08.110 B
$128vc.bmp02.05.0917.05 kB
$128vc1.bmp02.09.0917.05 kB
$128vc2.bmp02.05.0917.05 kB
$128vc3.bmp02.09.0917.05 kB
$pnl512.bmp01.21.06257.05 kB
fx-harr-seat.bmp03.16.1165.05 kB
fx.harr-pil.bmp12.07.1065.05 kB
fx.harrCanopy.bmp04.21.11257.05 kB
fx_harr-fan.bmp03.04.1165.05 kB
fx_harr-fan_blrr.bmp03.17.1165.05 kB
fx_harr-fuse_nose.bmp04.29.111.00 MB
fx_harr-ruote.bmp03.04.1165.05 kB
fx_harr.nozz.tail.bmp04.29.111.00 MB
fx_harr_rear.fuse.bmp05.06.111.00 MB
fx_harr_switch.bmp04.14.11257.05 kB
fx_Harr_VC_PanStrum.bmp04.12.111.00 MB
fx_Harr_vert.bmp04.20.111.00 MB
fx_harr_wings.bmp05.06.111.00 MB
glass_Harr.bmp02.11.0965.05 kB
pspbrwse.jbf05.07.1146.23 kB
thumbnail.jpg04.07.1124.96 kB
Thumbs.db05.08.11196.50 kB
Harrier-AV8B-FSX05.06.110 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

StefanoTue, 31 Jan 2017 19:50:09 GMT

I think that this is the best flyawaysimulation's Harrier. Very Good.

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