FSX Flying The Airbus A320 Mission
Flying The Airbus A320. Learn to fly the next generation aircraft A320 of Wilco/feelThere. A guiding copilot will be on your side, going through all procedures with you and giving all important hints during the flight, so that you are able to bring the jet straight into the air and in the end ...
- Download hits
- 7.4K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- flyingthe320.zip
- File size
- 25.34 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 14 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Flying The Airbus A320. Learn to fly the next generation aircraft A320 of Wilco/feelThere. A guiding copilot will be on your side, going through all procedures with you and giving all important hints during the flight, so that you are able to bring the jet straight into the air and in the end safely back to the ground. The mission based on the real flight of JetBlue Airlines 241 between Oakland International and Long Beach in Los Angeles. An additional tutorial-document is including, that shows you all gauges, switches and buttons you need for this mission and it shows you all indications of the flight management system appearing on the PFD and SD display, sorted by the different phases of the flight. Please notice, that this mission requires the commercial add-on of Airbus Volume 1 from Wilco/feelThere. By Carsten Wanzelius.
Flying The Airbus A320 Mission.
Flying the 320
Author: Carsten Wanzelius
Requirements: - The Microsoft Flight Simulator X with Service Pack 2.
- The commercial Addon Wilco/Feelthere Airbus Volume 1 with Service Pack 3.
- Copy only the "Flying the 320"-folder into your Mission-Folder \Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\ Mission folder
That´s all.
The Mission is certainly not perfect. If you have problems with mission, or you thing something is not correct or something have to be improved, please send me an E-MAIL.
The mission is freeware. You can copy it, you can change it, you can give it to other people. Any use for commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. Do not make money from it in any way.
A special thanks to `Sílvio Eduardo de Castilho Lages´ who test the mission for me and give me important hints for corrections of the mission.
The mission is tested on the Flight Simulator X running on WIN7 64 with Intel Core 2 Q9550 and 2x XFX Radeon HD 4870(Crossfire), Vista 64 with Intel Core 2 Q6600 and Winfast GF9800 DX2 and WinXP 32 with AMD AthlonXP 3500+ and XFX GF8800.
I thing there is no reason, that the mission can not run also on other systems. Nevertheless, you install this mission on your own risk.
I assume no reponsibility for any problems on your system as a result of the installation of the mission.
Greetings from Osnabrück(Germany)
Carsten Wanzelius
Flying The Airbus A320 Mission.
The archive flyingthe320.zip has 133 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
category_images | 04.29.10 | 0 B |
header.JPG | 04.27.10 | 34.34 kB |
header.psd | 05.26.08 | 312.44 kB |
img_sechdr02.png | 05.12.06 | 716 B |
img_sechdr03.png | 05.12.06 | 984 B |
Thumbs.db | 04.29.10 | 7.00 kB |
Flying the 320 | 05.07.10 | 0 B |
320Bild1.JPG | 04.29.10 | 18.21 kB |
320Bild2.JPG | 04.29.10 | 23.95 kB |
320Bild3.JPG | 04.29.10 | 30.48 kB |
B6241.FLT | 04.19.10 | 10.33 kB |
B6241.WX | 03.22.10 | 208.47 kB |
B6241.xml | 04.27.10 | 135.48 kB |
Charts.htm | 04.19.10 | 1.06 kB |
Charts_Tab.htm | 04.19.10 | 5.41 kB |
Details.htm | 04.19.10 | 7.11 kB |
Details_Tab.htm | 04.19.10 | 5.40 kB |
FILE_ID.DIZ | 05.07.10 | 842 B |
FlightsimText.txt | 04.29.10 | 790 B |
flyingthe320.gif | 05.06.10 | 6.71 kB |
images | 04.29.10 | 0 B |
Overview.jpg | 04.18.10 | 23.14 kB |
Overview.psd | 10.16.06 | 176.11 kB |
route.JPG | 03.02.10 | 28.20 kB |
skyl3.JPG | 03.02.10 | 38.32 kB |
tandy3.JPG | 03.02.10 | 28.74 kB |
Thumbs.db | 04.26.10 | 16.50 kB |
m_c.bmp | 04.18.10 | 87.17 kB |
m_ci.bmp | 03.30.08 | 172.26 kB |
m_ci.psd | 03.30.08 | 647.79 kB |
m_i.bmp | 04.18.10 | 87.17 kB |
Overview.htm | 04.27.10 | 2.95 kB |
Overview_Tab.htm | 04.27.10 | 5.40 kB |
readme.txt | 04.26.10 | 1.59 kB |
sound | 04.29.10 | 0 B |
10000ft.wav | 04.21.10 | 327.40 kB |
1500.wav | 01.16.10 | 135.84 kB |
After2.wav | 03.07.10 | 30.53 kB |
After3.wav | 03.07.10 | 36.52 kB |
After4.wav | 03.07.10 | 44.14 kB |
After5.wav | 03.07.10 | 79.24 kB |
afterl1.wav | 03.18.10 | 102.36 kB |
afterl2.wav | 03.18.10 | 35.70 kB |
afterl3.wav | 03.18.10 | 58.83 kB |
afterl4.wav | 03.18.10 | 82.78 kB |
Appr.wav | 01.16.10 | 576.38 kB |
approachbrief.wav | 03.07.10 | 3.86 MB |
approachbrief2.wav | 03.07.10 | 3.79 MB |
At10000ft.wav | 04.21.10 | 215.02 kB |
blind.wav | 08.13.08 | 3.51 kB |
ClearToLand.wav | 01.16.10 | 364.14 kB |
ContactKLGB.wav | 01.16.10 | 1.33 MB |
ContactLA.wav | 01.09.10 | 890.45 kB |
cruise1.wav | 01.05.10 | 191.62 kB |
deactR.wav | 03.14.10 | 169.04 kB |
Decend2500.wav | 01.10.10 | 699.30 kB |
Decend5200.wav | 01.10.10 | 443.91 kB |
Decend9000.wav | 01.10.10 | 446.54 kB |
DecendFL150.wav | 01.10.10 | 583.65 kB |
descentcheck.wav | 03.22.10 | 295.84 kB |
FL21.wav | 12.28.09 | 488.44 kB |
FL31.wav | 12.28.09 | 500.08 kB |
Flaps1.wav | 01.16.10 | 42.22 kB |
gate.wav | 03.19.10 | 223.18 kB |
handoffCenter.wav | 12.28.09 | 643.55 kB |
HandoffDep.wav | 01.06.10 | 1.04 MB |
HandoffLA.wav | 01.10.10 | 629.08 kB |
HandoffSocal.wav | 01.10.10 | 615.51 kB |
KLGBtaxi1.wav | 03.18.10 | 216.93 kB |
KLGBtaxi2.wav | 03.18.10 | 133.39 kB |
nexttaxi.wav | 03.14.10 | 930.62 kB |
Oakland2.wav | 01.06.10 | 547.21 kB |
parking1.wav | 03.19.10 | 136.93 kB |
parking2.wav | 03.19.10 | 152.17 kB |
parking3.wav | 03.19.10 | 35.43 kB |
parking4.wav | 03.19.10 | 53.93 kB |
parking5.wav | 03.19.10 | 63.18 kB |
parking6.wav | 03.19.10 | 776.66 kB |
preflight1.wav | 12.08.09 | 424.00 kB |
preflight2.wav | 03.24.10 | 1.96 MB |
preflightbrief.wav | 02.27.10 | 3.78 MB |
preflightbrief2.wav | 03.24.10 | 5.67 MB |
prepare1.wav | 03.22.10 | 259.92 kB |
prepare10.wav | 03.08.09 | 193.79 kB |
prepare11.wav | 03.08.09 | 280.87 kB |
prepare12.wav | 03.08.09 | 282.23 kB |
prepare13.wav | 10.21.09 | 544.28 kB |
prepare13A.wav | 04.21.10 | 563.05 kB |
prepare14.wav | 10.22.09 | 527.95 kB |
prepare15.wav | 03.22.09 | 264.82 kB |
prepare16.wav | 03.22.09 | 618.28 kB |
prepare17.wav | 03.22.09 | 489.57 kB |
prepare18.wav | 03.22.09 | 344.28 kB |
prepare2.wav | 03.03.09 | 295.57 kB |
prepare3.wav | 03.03.09 | 376.11 kB |
prepare4.wav | 03.04.09 | 295.57 kB |
prepare5.wav | 03.04.09 | 492.30 kB |
prepare6.wav | 03.04.09 | 516.79 kB |
prepare7.wav | 03.05.09 | 325.76 kB |
prepare8.wav | 03.05.09 | 364.14 kB |
prepare9.wav | 03.05.09 | 336.66 kB |
startup1.wav | 12.11.09 | 453.39 kB |
startup2.wav | 12.11.09 | 308.90 kB |
startup3.wav | 12.11.09 | 242.77 kB |
startup4.wav | 12.11.09 | 646.58 kB |
startup5.wav | 12.14.09 | 381.28 kB |
startup6.wav | 12.14.09 | 532.30 kB |
startup7.wav | 12.15.09 | 420.19 kB |
startup8.wav | 12.15.09 | 413.93 kB |
Takeoff1.wav | 12.22.09 | 1.08 MB |
Takeoff10.wav | 03.07.10 | 195.55 kB |
Takeoff2.wav | 09.28.08 | 331.56 kB |
Takeoff3.wav | 12.22.09 | 35.16 kB |
Takeoff4.wav | 12.22.09 | 32.17 kB |
Takeoff5.wav | 12.22.09 | 30.53 kB |
Takeoff6.wav | 12.22.09 | 60.74 kB |
Takeoff7.wav | 12.28.09 | 106.17 kB |
Takeoff8.wav | 12.22.09 | 163.32 kB |
Takeoff9.wav | 12.22.09 | 170.94 kB |
taxi1.wav | 04.21.10 | 712.44 kB |
taxi2.wav | 12.16.09 | 1.19 MB |
taxi3.wav | 12.22.09 | 431.35 kB |
taxi4.wav | 12.22.09 | 395.43 kB |
taxi5.wav | 08.17.08 | 351.07 kB |
touchdown.wav | 03.14.10 | 67.54 kB |
transition.wav | 01.05.10 | 175.84 kB |
Transition2.wav | 01.10.10 | 166.04 kB |
welcome.wav | 01.04.10 | 1.43 MB |
Thumbs.db | 06.22.08 | 28.00 kB |
What I have to know about.doc | 04.23.10 | 762.00 kB |
Flying the 320 | 04.29.10 | 0 B |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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