FSX Alphasim/Virtavia F-111 Panel
Alphasim/Virtavia F-111 Panel v2.6.7. Updates for the Alphasim/Virtavia General Dynamics F111 Aardvark package. These updates include a better 3D appearance to the 2D and VC cockpits, a more accurate instrument layout and match between the 2D and VC cockpits, Attack Radar shows ground (airports) ...
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- fsx_alphasim_virtavia_f111_panel_v2_6_7.zip
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- 23.96 MB
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Alphasim/Virtavia F-111 Panel v2.6.7. Updates for the Alphasim/Virtavia General Dynamics F111 Aardvark package. These updates include a better 3D appearance to the 2D and VC cockpits, a more accurate instrument layout and match between the 2D and VC cockpits, Attack Radar shows ground (airports) or air (AI aircraft) targets, added TFAS and AOB gauges, numerous panel graphic improvements, new fuel dump and burn effect, and an install program that supports both the Alphasim and Virtavia F-111 packages. This upgrade is for SP2 and Acceleration only. By Steve Hess.
New Alphasim/Virtavia F-111 Panel.
For SP2 and Acceleration ONLY.
IMPORTANT! You must have the original Alphasim F-111 installed as this package uses gauges that can not be included with this package.
For any of the following steps if asked to overwrite files answer YES!
Click FSX_Alphasim_Virtavia_F111_Panel_Vx.x.x.exe and select the directory where you have install Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
NOTE: If you have any additional repaint textures for the ALPHA F-111 Aardvark you will need to copy the 111ckpit3_l.bmp and 111ckpit3_t.bmp files from one of the seven default texture folders to each of your added texture folders for the virtual cockpit to have the updated graphics and for the gauges to be in their correct places.
You will also have to add the texture data into the new aircraft.cfg file
To open and close views use: Shift + 1 VFR Instrument Panel
Shift + 2 IFR Instrument Panel (close VFR panel 1st)
Shift + 3 GPS
Shift + 4 Radio Panel
Shift + 5 Auto Pilot Panel
Shift + 6 Fuel panel
Shift + 7 HIS
Shift + 8 Weapons System (WSO) panel
Shift + 9 Radar Control (default panel only)
What’s new for FSX version 2.6.7
•New Fuel Dump and Burn effect
•2D and VC cockpit graphic and gauge updates
•Attack Radar shows Ground or Air(AI) Targets
•Alphasim/Virtavia installer
What’s new for FSX version 2.5
•Better night Virtual Cockpit colors
•Attack Radar colors changed for better night VC visibility
•VC graphics updated for better clarity
•Freeware 3D landing and taxi lights
What’s new for FSX version 2.3
•Better virtual cockpit lighting
What’s new for FSX version 2.2
•Better Attack Radar colors, can turn ground targets and ground track on and off
What’s new for FSX version 2.1
•Antenna Graphics added to all Alphasim F-111 nose side panels
What’s new for FSX version 2.0
•Weapons Systems Operator Panel added
•Terrain Following RADAR scope displays accurate ground mapping ahead of aircraft
•Threat Warning Scope displays airborne AI aircraft
•Ground Attack RADAR scope displays airports
•Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude display on INS old avionics panel*
•New Autopilot Panel
What’s new for FSX version 1.8
•Slat indicator now works on wing sweep gauge.
•Added coordinates for Shockwave Lights Redux if you’ve purchased them
•General Dynamics F-111A 'Aardvark' Gray/White textures (BuNo 39766) by Bill Browning included.
•New ADI and STBY ADI gauges
•Overspeed light replaced with Speedbrake light
What’s new for FSX version 1.7
•White VC lighting changed to a more realistic RED lighting effect. Improved night lighting to some VC gauges.
What’s new for FSX version 1.6
•Better positioning of the horizon in the 2D panel view.
What’s new for FSX version 1.5
•Updated some gauges to a better quality gauges.
•Added Fuel Gauge panel that indicates Forward, Aft, and Drop tank fuel quantities.
•Added HSI panel.
•Cleaned up some 2D and VC artwork.
What’s new for FSX version 1.1
•I have changed most of the gauges to gauges that will work with FSX.
•I have made improvements to the virtual cockpit cleaning up the graphics.
•Updated the Nose Art for ‘Sleepy Time gal’ and ‘ Spirit Of The Seacoast’ and added antenna graphics to the nose panels
•Terrain Following Radar added.
•Improved 2d panel night lighting.
•Thumbnails for the aircraft select menu.
To use the Terrain Following Radar:
Select an altitude above the ground you would like to fly.
Click the Terrain Follow indicator light above RADAR altimeter.
Click the autopilot altitude hold button ( autopilot must be engaged first ).
Note: The lower you are and the faster you go, the more likely you are to crash as this is a very basic TFR. It is fun to fly so give it a try!
Note: In the Settings/Display/Hardware tab the Global Max Texture Size must be set to HIGH or greater or the Virtual Cockpit will appear blurred.
Conditions of use:
1.The panel contained in this archive is supplied for your use as "freeware". No fee or charge is made for its use.
2.The original author(s) retains full ownership of these files and reserves all rights and privileges under U.S. and international copyright laws.
3.This package may be redistributed freely provided that the entire package is distributed, as is, without any modifications whatsoever! It may not be included in any other package without my written permission!
4.No fee or charge may be made by any third party for the use or distribution of this software under any conditions.
5.Radar and other gauges developed by Dietmar Loleit based on specifications from Steve Hess and modified by Steve Hess. They may not be included or distributed in any other file package without the written permission from Steve Hess
This panel has been designed for FSX (SP2, & Acceleration), I will not work in FS9 and I will not support problems using it in FS2004.
I would like to thank Mike Stone for the use of his gauges.
I would like to thank Eric "Aeyes" de Best at Cockpits for the use of his bitmaps and allowing me to modify them. They gave me a great place to start.
Gray/White textures (BuNo 39766) by Bill Browning.
Chris Tomlin 3D landing lights.
Karol Chlebowski Dump and Burn Effect.
Special thanks to Dietmar Loleit for creating the Terrain Following RADAR, Threat Warning Scope and Ground Attack RADAR ant other gauges for this project.
*Latitude and Longitude are shown in degrees on the INS display. Using the FSX shift + Z key displays latitude and longitude in decimal. The numbers will not agree.
Note: If flying at Dawn or Dusk and some of the knobs are to Bright or Dark, turn On or Off to Panel Lights (Shift + L) to adjust.
Old Alphasim/Virtavia F-111 Panel.
The archive fsx_alphasim_virtavia_f111_panel_v2_6_7.zip has 10 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
Archive created by free jZip.url | 01.04.11 | 58 B |
F-111 Panel.doc | 09.04.11 | 907.50 kB |
Version History.txt | 09.05.11 | 2.44 kB |
README 1st.doc | 09.05.11 | 116.50 kB |
README 1st.txt | 09.05.11 | 6.53 kB |
FSX_Alphasim_Virtavia_F111_Panel_V2.6.7.exe | 09.05.11 | 23.18 MB |
FB-111A Old VC.jpg | 09.04.11 | 121.17 kB |
FB-111A new VC.jpg | 09.04.11 | 116.90 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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