FSX Sliac Airport Scenery

PreviewSliac Airport (LZSL), Slovak Republic. Sliac is a military airfield as well as a civilian airport. This scenery adds parking on ramps and in hardened shelters plus many scenery elements and enhanced landclass surrounding the airport. By Paul Strogen.

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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2.3 MB
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Rated 4 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

Sliac Airport (LZSL), Slovak Republic. Sliac is a military airfield as well as a civilian airport. This scenery adds parking on ramps and in hardened shelters plus many scenery elements and enhanced landclass surrounding the airport. By Paul Strogen.

Sliac Airport Scenery.

Sliac Airport Scenery.


The enclosed file contains several BGL's which enhance the default FSX airport, Sliac(LZSL), which is located in the Solvak Republic. Sliac is a military airfield as well as a civilian airport.

The files included in this download adds parking for military aircraft on the ramps and in numerous harded shelters as well as parking for general aviation aircraft. I use this airport for my Mig-15,17,19 and 21 AI aircraft in my virtual world.

I have added many scenery elements and enhanced the landclass surrounding the airport. I would like to thank the developers of Airport Design Editor (ADE), SBuilderX, FSXPlanner and Whisplacer for their tools which I used in creating the enhancements to Tokol.

I would also like to thank Jiri Masnik for the permission to use his hardened shelters that I obtained from various downloads.

This scenery is for FSX only and has only been tested with FSX-Acceleraton\SP2 on a WinXP Pro system. The scenery uses default FSX library objects, autogen and some RWY12 objects as well as the custom hardened shelters of Jiri Masnik. The drive-through shelters were created by me.

The landclass additions were done with Cloud9 XCLEU and the 38M European mesh by Raimondo Taburet and J. De Ferranti installed but should work fine with the default FSX terrain.


To install this scenery simply unzip file "LZSL_Sliac.zip" to any convenient place. Then copy the folder "LZSL_Sliac" and the included "scenery" and "texture" folders to your FSX "Addon Scenery" folder. Use the FSX Scenery Library "Add Area" menu to activate this scenery.

This scenery is entirely FREEWARE.
It may not be distributed on the Internet for fees.

Installing this file on your computer should not cause any adverse effects.
In the event that a problem does arise however, the author shall not be held responsible.

I hope you enjoy the fruit of my labor.

Paul Strogen aka Gypsy Baron

Sliac Airport Scenery.

Sliac Airport Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7

The archive sli_lzsl.zip has 11 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Sliac_1.jpg02.02.08146.65 kB
Sliac_2.jpg02.02.08359.99 kB
Sliac_3.jpg02.02.08226.69 kB
Sliac_4.jpg02.03.08201.65 kB
Sliac_5.jpg02.03.08221.16 kB
Sliac_6.jpg02.03.08254.38 kB
Sliac_7.jpg02.03.08274.88 kB
LZSL_Sliac.zip02.03.08674.29 kB
Readme.txt02.03.082.29 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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