FSX Team GEX Enhanced Autogen World Scenery
Team GEX Enhanced Autogen World. This package upgrades 522 world wide autogen building textures and changes the entire FSX world. The enhanced autogen has a much more robust and realistic look from the building surface details, the roof details including roof utilities and weather wear, and, it a...
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- 38.8K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- fsx_enag.zip
- File size
- 105.84 MB
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- Scanned 21 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
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- Everyone
Team GEX Enhanced Autogen World. This package upgrades 522 world wide autogen building textures and changes the entire FSX world. The enhanced autogen has a much more robust and realistic look from the building surface details, the roof details including roof utilities and weather wear, and, it adds an awesome night lighting enhancement to autogen. This package does not require GEX or any other addon to use. This package can be used with FSX default or any addon which calls the default FSX autogen. The night lighting addition will add entire new level of realism to the FSX default night textures or GEX Enhanced USA/Canada and are a great match for the upcoming GEX Europe release. Please note these are only textures for auto-generated houses, buildings, offices, apartments, etc. and are not the major city skyscrapers and landmarks. There is absolutely no performance loss or performance gain when using these textures which are only for FSX. By Nick Needham and Anthony Vos of Ground Environment X. (See also FSXENAG2.ZIP).
Team GEX Enhanced Autogen World Scenery.
These instructions contain everything you need to know in order to back up, install the enhanced autogen textures and revert back to the FSX defaults.
does not allow pulling files off the DVDs. MAKE SURE you follow the directions and BACK UP the ORIGINAL FSX files noted in case you wish to revert to the originals!
Inside this package you will find:
a. Backup = An empty folder provided for you to manually place the default files in for safe keeping.
b. Images = Some shots of the enhanced autogen in action.
c. Install Autogen Textures = Contains the files needed to upgrade the FSX autogen.
d. KNOWN ISSUES = A folder containing images and a description of issues.
e. FILE_ID.DIZ = A synopsis of the package.
f. README_NOW.TXT = This instruction file.
g. screenshot.jpg or screenshot.gif = Introduction Image.
BACK UP !!!!!!!!!!!
Browse to the main FSX install folder on your system. Many people install FSX to a location other than default. You will have to browse to that location to locate and backup the original files. The default path should be:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X
In the main FSX directory, COPY and paste the following FOLDER into the provided BACKUP folder in this package:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator X\Texture <---------- COPY THIS FOLDER and PASTE IT in the provided BACKUP folder.
Inside this package, open the folder named:
Install Autogen Textures.
Inside that folder you will find the following directory:
Simply COPY and PASTE the entire TEXTURE folder into the main Flight Simulator X directory. Select YES to allow the process to complete and OVERWRITE the autogen textures in FSX.
Enjoy the new autogen!
Open the BACKUP folder where you placed the original files. (If you did not do that step, you can not restore the default FSX autogen).
Simply COPY and PASTE entire Texture folder into the main Flight Simulator X directory. Select YES to allow the process to complete and restore (overwrite) the enhanced autogen textures.
From Team GEX: Nick Needham and Anthony Vos
Team GEX Enhanced Autogen World Scenery.
The archive fsx_enag.zip has 540 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
BACKUP | 12.15.08 | 0 B |
README.txt | 12.15.08 | 257 B |
Images | 03.24.24 | 0 B |
screen-1.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 4.44 MB |
screen-2.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 4.78 MB |
screen-3.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 6.06 MB |
screen-4.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 6.73 MB |
screen-5.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 7.73 MB |
screen-6.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 8.06 MB |
screen-7.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 7.66 MB |
screen-8.jpeg | 03.24.24 | 900.72 kB |
Install Autogen Textures | 12.15.08 | 0 B |
Texture | 12.16.08 | 0 B |
AirportHangars_Large.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
AirportHangars_Large_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
AirportHangars_Medium.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
AirportHangars_Medium_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
AirportHangars_Small.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
AirportHangars_Small_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDA2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDA2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDA3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDA3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDB2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDB2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDB3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDB3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDC2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDC2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDC3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDC3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDD2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDD2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDD3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDD3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDE2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDE2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDE3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDE3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDF2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDF2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDF3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDF3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDG2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDG2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDG3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDG3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDH2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDH2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDH3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDH3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDI2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDI2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDI3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDI3LM.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDJ2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDJ2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDJ3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDJ3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDK2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDK3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDK3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDL2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDL2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDL3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDL3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDM2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDM2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDM3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDM3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDN2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDN2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDN3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDN3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDO2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDO2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDO3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDO3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDP2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDP2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDP3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDP3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDQ2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDQ2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDQ3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDQ3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDR2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDR2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDR3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDR3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDRoofB.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDS2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDS2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDS3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDS3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDT2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDT2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDT3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDT3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDU2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDU2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDU3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDU3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDV2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDV2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDV3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDV3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDW2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDW2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDW3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDW3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDX2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDX2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDX3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDX3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDY2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDY2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDY3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDY3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLDZ2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLDZ2LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLDZ3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
BLDZ3LM.bmp | 12.15.08 | 42.74 kB |
BLD_2storyArch_elizabethan_2a.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_2storyArch_elizabethan_2b.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_2storyArch_elizabethan_2c.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_2storyArch_elizabethan_2d.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_2storyArch_elizabethan_2e.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_Central_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_Central_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_Central_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_Central_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_South_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_South_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_South_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Africa_South_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Arctic_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Arctic_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Arctic_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Arctic_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Central_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Central_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Central_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Central_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Cold-Dry_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Cold-Dry_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_ColdDry_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_ColdDry_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Indian_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Indian_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Indian_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Indian_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Industrial_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Industrial_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Industrial_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Asia_Industrial_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_Red_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_Red_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_Red_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Australia_Red_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_ConcreteBlue_ConcreteBrown.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ConcreteChipped_ConcreteTan.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ConcreteGreen_ConcreteMauve.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ConcreteTan_ConcreteGreen.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Concrete_Concrete_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Concrete_Concrete_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Concrete_Concrete_3.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Concrete_Concrete_4.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Concrete_Concrete_5.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Eurasia_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Eurasia_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Eurasia_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Eurasia_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Central_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Central_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Central_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Central_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_East_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_East_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_East_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_East_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_West_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_West_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_West_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Mediterranean_West_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_NorthCentral_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_NorthCentral_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_NorthCentral_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_NorthCentral_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_North_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_North_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Northwest_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_Northwest_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_West_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_West_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_West_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Europe_West_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_FacadeSquare.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_FormaIntense_FormalIntense_5a.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaIntense_FormalIntense_5b.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaIntense_FormalIntense_5c.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaIntense_FormalIntense_5d.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaIntense_FormalIntense_5e.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaMuted_FormalMuted_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaMuted_FormalMuted_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaMuted_FormalMuted_3.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_FormaMuted_FormalMuted_4.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Middle_East_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Middle_East_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Middle_East_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Middle_East_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_ModIndustrial_ModIndustrial_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModIndustrial_ModIndustrial_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModIndustrial_ModIndustrial_3.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModIndustrial_ModIndustrial_4.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModIndustrial_ModIndustrial_5.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModStone_ModClapboard_4c.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModStone_ModStone_4d.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModStone_ModStucco_4a.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModStone_ModStucco_4b.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_ModStone_ModStucco_4e.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_North_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_North_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_North_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_North_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_South_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_South_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_South_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_South_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_Southwest_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_Southwest_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_Southwest_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_North_America_Southwest_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Roof_Side_L01.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_Roof_Top_L01.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_East_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_East_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_East_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_East_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_West_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_West_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_West_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_South_America_West_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Stucco50s_Stucco50s_3a.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Stucco50s_Stucco50s_3b.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Stucco50s_Stucco50s_3c.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Stucco50s_Stucco50s_3d.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_Tropical_Pacific_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropical_Pacific_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropical_Pacific_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropical_Pacific_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_American_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_American_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_American_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_American_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_Asian_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_Asian_1_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_Asian_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_Tropics_Asian_2_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
BLD_arched_ornate_1a.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_arched_ornate_1b.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_arched_ornate_1c.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_arched_shutters_2a.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_arched_shutters_2b.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_arched_shutters_2c.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_arched_shutters_2d.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_colonial_1_blue_blue.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_colonial_1_blue_green.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_colonial_1_green_pink.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_colonial_1_grey_grey.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_colonial_1_grey_white.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_colonial_1_pink_adobe.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_colonial_1_yellow_peach.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_K01.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_K01_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_K02.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_K02_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_L01_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_L02.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_L02_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_O01.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_O01_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_O02.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_side_O02_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_K01.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_K01_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_K02.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_K02_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_L01_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_L02.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_L02_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_O01.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_O01_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_O02.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_roof_top_O02_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
BLD_stucco_stone_1a.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_stucco_stone_1b.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_stucco_stone_1c.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLD_stucco_stone_1d.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
BLDk2.dds | 12.14.08 | 682.80 kB |
CorrugatedRoof.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
DarkGravelRoof.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
GenericAirportBuildings1.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
LargeAirport.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
LargeAirport_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
LightGravelRoof.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
MediumAirport.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
MediumAirport_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
RoofTopChotchkes.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
ShingleRoof.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
SmallAirport.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
SmallAirport_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
air_tb1_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb1_2_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb3_4.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb3_4_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb5_6.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb5_6_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb7_8.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb7_8_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb9_10.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
air_tb9_10_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
ap_tb1_2.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ap_tb1_2_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ap_tb3_4.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ap_tb3_4_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ap_tb5_6.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ap_tb5_6_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ap_w1.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
ap_w1_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
ap_w2.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w2_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
ap_w3_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
ap_w4.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w4_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w5.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w5_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w6.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w6_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w7.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ap_w7_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
aptsign.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
ba_tb1_2.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ba_tb1_2_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ba_tb3_4.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ba_tb3_4_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
ba_w1.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w1_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w2.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w2_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w3.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w3_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w4.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w4_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w5.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
ba_w5_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 754 B |
blueroof.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
blueroof2.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
blueroof2_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
blueroof3.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
blueroof3_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
blueroof_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
br_apt1_2.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
br_apt1_2_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
br_apt1w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt1w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt2w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt2w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt3_4.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
br_apt3_4_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
br_apt3w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt3w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt4w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt4w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt5_6.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
br_apt5_6_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
br_apt5w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt5w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt6w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
br_apt6w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
dkgrayroof.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
dkgrayroof3.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
dkgrayroof3_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
dkgrayroof_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
drkgrayroof.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_1.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_1_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
flatroof_2.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_2_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
flatroof_3.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_3_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
flatroof_4.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_4_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
flatroof_5.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_5_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
flatroof_6.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_6_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
flatroof_7.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_7_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
flatroof_8.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
flatroof_8_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
fr_apt1_2.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
fr_apt1_2_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
fr_apt1w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
fr_apt1w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
fr_apt2w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
fr_apt2w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
fr_apt3_4.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
fr_apt3_4_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
fr_apt3w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
fr_apt3w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
fr_apt4w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
fr_apt4w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
genericairportbuildings1_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 170.74 kB |
gr_apt1_2.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
gr_apt1_2_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
gr_apt1w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt1w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt2w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt2w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt3_4.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
gr_apt3_4_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
gr_apt3w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt3w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt4w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt4w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt5_6.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
gr_apt5_6_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 10.74 kB |
gr_apt5w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt5w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt6w.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
gr_apt6w_lm.bmp | 12.14.08 | 2.74 kB |
ltgrayroof.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
ltgrayroof2.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
ltgrayroof2_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
ltgrayroof_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
mdgrayroof.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
mdgrayroof_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 10.80 kB |
roof1.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof1_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof2.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof2_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof3.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof3_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof4.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof4_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof5.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof5_lm.dds | 12.14.08 | 824 B |
roof_Africa_Central.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Africa_Central_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Africa_South.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Africa_South_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Central.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Central_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Cold_Dry.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Cold_Dry_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Indian.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Indian_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Industrial.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Asia_Industrial_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Australia.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Australia_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Australia_North.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Australia_North_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Australia_Red.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Australia_Red_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Eurasia.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Eurasia_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Europe_Central.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Europe_Central_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Europe_Mediterranean_East.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Europe_Mediterranean_East_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Europe_Mediterranean_West.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Europe_Mediterranean_West_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Europe_NorthCentral.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Europe_NorthCentral_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Europe_West.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Europe_West_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Middle_East.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Middle_East_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_North_America_North.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_North_America_North_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_North_America_South.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_North_America_South_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_North_America_Southwest.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_North_America_Southwest_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Oceania_South.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Oceania_South_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_South_America_East.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_South_America_East_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_South_America_West.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_South_America_West_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Tropical_Pacific.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Tropical_Pacific_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
roof_Tropics_American.dds | 12.14.08 | 170.80 kB |
roof_Tropics_American_LM.dds | 12.14.08 | 42.80 kB |
Complementing Files & Dependencies
This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.
You may also need to download the following files:
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
Is there an EU? I would love to see the whole of Ireland.
Thank you to the GEX team for giving something back to the fs community. Looks great!
Is there a Europe scenery for this?
Does this also work in Europe? I am trying to use it in Milano, Italy, but I am not seeing any difference whatsoever, even if I am using a freeware Italy landclass addon. The screenshots, however, are absolutely great looking. Good job!