FSX WWII Scenery Seaplane Aerodromes

PreviewWWII Scenery Seaplane Aerodromes. Thirteen Pacific Theater locations. Main emphasis USS Bering Strait AVD-34 at Okinawa Japan. Seven seaplane tenders at Kerama Retto with AI ships and flying boats. Water runway lit up at night. By Earl Watkins and Wayne Tudor.

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WWII Scenery Seaplane Aerodromes. Thirteen Pacific Theater locations. Main emphasis USS Bering Strait AVD-34 at Okinawa Japan. Seven seaplane tenders at Kerama Retto with AI ships and flying boats. Water runway lit up at night. By Earl Watkins and Wayne Tudor.

WWII Scenery Seaplane Aerodromes.

WWII Scenery Seaplane Aerodromes.

This is dedicated to all those who served aboard USS Bering Strait AVP 34, those who plied the seas aboard all seaplane tenders, and to the crews of the many flying boats who risked their lives to rescue downed aviator's in hostile waters.

And a special dedication to Wayne Tudor, who was the inspiration for this project.

Wayne's father served aboard AVP 34. Wayne's knowledge of the history of this ship and associated seaplane squadrons is phenomenal.

Thank you Wayne.


As a mobile aerodrome or "mother ship" as it were, Bering Strait primarily serviced several variations of the Martin PBM flying boat. Athough at one point she briefly worked with PBY Catalinas.

The U.S. Navy had many seaplane tenders in service during the war. And it was found advantageous to assign squadrons of specific seaplane types to individual ships. This allowed for each ship to carry more spare parts, supplies, etc. for their assigned planes.

Please take a look in the documents folder included with this scenery package. It contains some images and maps. The "Seaman's Diary" is most interesting, as it gives a little insight into what life was like aboard her.


Before proceeding further, please let me clarify just what this scenery package is all about. And what it is intended to provide the user.

This project has been a collaborative effort of several individuals working as a team to produce a piece of history for everyone to enjoy.

Countless hours have gone into the research and production of every facet of this scenery.

It all started with a request from my good friend Wayne Tudor to produce a static model of the ship that his father had served aboard during WWII.

At the same time, Bill Mackay and Jim Dhaenens came on board. And all of us together, have collaborated on this project.

What started out as a simple static scenery project took on a life of it's own. And is grew to include some exciting features.

There are 13 geographic locations within the scenery where USS Bering Strait AVP34 appears. All according to historical accounts.

To get the most out of this scenery, it is highly recommended that the user choose a WWII U.S. Navy seaplane in which to explore and operate with the ships here-in. A Martin PBM or even a PBY Catalina would add to the ambience of your experience.

The geographic locations of USS Bering Strait AVP-34 within this scenery package are listed below. This is a chronological list (in order) of places representing the sites where the actual ship had been, either "at anchor" or moored to a pier.


At the moment, this scenery package does not contain any objects such as piers, docks, etc. Therefore, at those areas where the actual ship was moored to a pier, the model is shown "at anchor" away from shore.

Initially the idea was to produce just one scenery area, "KERAMA RETTO, Okinawa, (a large ship anchorage) with USS Bering Strait AVP-34 at anchor. And a couple of static Martin PBM seaplanes near the ship. This ship would provide a base of operations for one to fly to and from in FSX.

However, as the project progressed it was decided to go all out and add more ships, an "AI" AVD, and "AI" PBM's taking off and landing.

Wayne Tudor did the static PBM's, as well as the "AI" objects, and the landing area near the ships, with lighting.

All in keeping with historical data.

Jim Dhaenens greatly improved upon the existing islands in and around the anchorage.

In addition, USS Bering Strait was placed at the other geographic locations shown below.

The "Installation" text file ends with placing your aircraft in the Kerama Retto anchorage. From that vantage point, you can sit back and watch the show.

The other scenery locations in this package do not include a "seadrome" as such. But, you can take off and land on the water near the ship.

PUGET SOUND, Washington
Lat: N48* 18.67'
Lon: W123* 8.35'
Bearing: 343 Mag

Lat: N37* 46.15'
Lon: W122* 19.80'
Bearing: 331 Mag

SAN DIEGO, California (Off shore)
Lat: N32* 39.83'
Lon: W117* 11.45'
Bearing: 224 Mag

Lat: N33* 43.56'
Lon: W118* 9.40'
Bearing: 347 Mag

Lat: N21* 22.75'
Lon: W157* 57.43'
Bearing: 329 Mag

Lat: N19* 45.14'
Lon: W155* 3.26'
Bearing: 204 Mag

Lat: N21* 25.94'
Lon: W157* 46.51'
Bearing: 330 Mag

KWAJALEIN ATOLL, Marshall Islands
Lat: N8* 44.02'
Lon: E167* 43.58'
Bearing: 332 Mag

ENIWETOK, Marshall Islands
Lat: N11* 21.09'
Lon: E162* 19.76'
Bearing: 052 Mag

Lat: N15* 14.20'
Lon: E145* 44.47'
Bearing: 347 Mag

KERAMA RETTO, Okinawa (Operation "Iceberg")
Lat: N26* 11.53'
Lon: E127* 18.88'
Bearing: 214 Mag

CHIMU BAY, Okinawa
Lat: N26* 25.61'
Lon: E127* 52.69'
Bearing: 134 Mag

Lat: N33* 6.91'
Lon: E129* 44.08'
Bearing: 248 Mag

WWII Scenery Seaplane Aerodromes.

WWII Scenery Seaplane Aerodromes.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9

The archive avp3401.zip has 158 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
README FIRST.txt09.01.095.34 kB
avp3401.jpg09.07.09577.28 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ09.07.09262 B
Installation.txt09.07.097.33 kB
Kerama Retto Alive.jpg08.22.09484.46 kB
Addon Scenery09.07.090 B
AVP34 Operations09.07.090 B
Documentation09.07.090 B
AI Operation.txt09.01.09616 B
BeringStrait.JPG09.15.0435.72 kB
Kerama Retto Map.jpg05.03.09348.62 kB
Kerama Retto smoke.jpg09.15.0488.51 kB
Package_Info09.07.090 B
Installation.txt09.01.097.32 kB
Kerama Retto Alive.jpg08.22.09484.46 kB
README FIRST.txt09.01.095.34 kB
PBM-5Mariner fueling.jpg08.29.0939.86 kB
seadrome.jpg09.15.04405.43 kB
seaman's diary.doc05.08.09169.50 kB
Sunday service.jpg09.15.04222.27 kB
scenery09.07.090 B
AFX_KR2.bgl08.21.0910.40 kB
AFX_KR3.bgl08.21.092.63 kB
avp34_okina.bgl08.20.091.72 MB
avp34_okina.txt08.20.09221 B
avp34_okinawa.BGL08.20.091.71 kB
avp34_staticsmoke.BGL08.23.091.33 kB
cvxKERAMARETTO.BGL06.14.094.54 kB
ROKR_ADE_WT.BGL06.16.094.13 kB
Traffic_KR2.bgl08.21.09617 B
Traffic_KR3.bgl07.20.09382 B
texture09.07.090 B
anchorchain.bmp08.02.09128.07 kB
avd_hull.bmp08.05.09512.07 kB
avd_misc.bmp08.14.09512.07 kB
avd_trans.bmp08.20.09512.07 kB
boatboom_lines.bmp05.30.09128.07 kB
DULLBLACK_BK.bmp05.06.0932.07 kB
Fuselage Left.bmp07.21.09512.07 kB
hazegray.bmp05.10.0932.07 kB
hull.bmp05.27.09512.07 kB
kingpost_lines.bmp07.09.08128.07 kB
kw_hull.bmp07.08.09512.07 kB
kw_misc.bmp07.31.09512.07 kB
kw_misc_trans.bmp06.20.09512.07 kB
kw_misc_trans2.bmp07.08.09128.07 kB
kw_misc_trans3.bmp07.07.09128.07 kB
LIGHTGREY_5L.bmp05.06.0932.07 kB
misc.bmp05.12.09512.07 kB
misc1.bmp05.13.09512.07 kB
misc2.bmp05.10.09512.07 kB
misc_trans.bmp06.29.09512.07 kB
misc_trans2.bmp06.06.09128.07 kB
new_deckblue.bmp06.01.09128.07 kB
OCEANGREY_MODIFIED.bmp05.10.0932.07 kB
rigging_lines.bmp06.06.09128.07 kB
rust.bmp05.16.0932.07 kB
skycamo.bmp07.21.09128.07 kB
stab_horiz.bmp07.21.0932.07 kB
stab_horizL.bmp07.21.0932.07 kB
Turrent1.bmp07.21.098.07 kB
Wing Main1.bmp07.21.09512.07 kB
Effects09.07.090 B
FSX_AI_ship_BOW_SPRAY_l.fx08.29.092.70 kB
fx_AI_floatplane_spray-and-wake.fx08.23.092.32 kB
fx_AI_ship_trail-of-spray.fx08.29.091.29 kB
fx_AI_ship_wake_l.fx08.29.091.22 kB
fx_AVP_Smoke.fx05.18.091.30 kB
fx_AVP_Smoke2.fx05.21.091.30 kB
MF_AI_AVP_EnginSmoke.fx06.22.091.51 kB
MF_AI_ship_STERN_SPRAY_m.fx06.22.093.63 kB
SimObjects09.07.090 B
Airplanes09.07.090 B
#AI Martin PBM-C09.07.090 B
AI Martin PBM-3C.air07.17.097.60 kB
Aircraft.cfg08.21.0913.50 kB
model09.07.090 B
Martin Mariner PBM-3C.mdl07.22.09436.90 kB
Model.cfg07.21.0940 B
sound09.07.090 B
a26-1-l.wav03.27.07517.65 kB
a26-1-r.wav03.27.07517.93 kB
a26-2-l.wav03.27.07270.41 kB
a26-2-r.wav03.27.07295.01 kB
a26-3-l.wav04.02.07599.73 kB
a26-3-r.wav03.27.07549.39 kB
a26-4-l.wav03.27.07433.71 kB
a26-4-r.wav03.27.07433.71 kB
a26combstart-l.wav03.27.07171.43 kB
a26combstart-r.wav03.27.07171.43 kB
a26flaps.wav03.27.071.01 MB
a26gear.wav03.27.07856.59 kB
a26starter-l.wav03.27.07134.74 kB
a26starter-r.wav03.27.07135.59 kB
door_large.wav03.24.03208.17 kB
gearwarning.wav03.27.0733.71 kB
i_extraprop-l.wav03.27.07343.85 kB
i_extraprop-r.wav03.27.07343.40 kB
no_ap.wav03.29.0741.55 kB
Sound.cfg04.02.0710.04 kB
stall.wav03.14.0774.40 kB
wind.wav03.06.07465.32 kB
xa26-1-l.wav03.27.07258.87 kB
xa26-1-r.wav03.27.07259.00 kB
xa26-2-l.wav03.27.07150.08 kB
xa26-2-r.wav03.27.07150.11 kB
xa26-3-l.wav03.27.07299.90 kB
xa26-3-r.wav03.27.07275.42 kB
xa26-4-l.wav03.27.07216.89 kB
xa26-4-r.wav03.27.07216.89 kB
xa26combstart-l.wav03.27.07171.43 kB
xa26combstart-r.wav03.27.07171.43 kB
xa26starter-l.wav03.27.07134.74 kB
xa26starter-r.wav03.27.07135.59 kB
xextraprop-l.wav03.27.07171.96 kB
xextraprop-r.wav03.27.07171.74 kB
xshutdown.wav03.27.07398.76 kB
texture09.07.090 B
Fuselage Left.bmp07.21.09512.07 kB
Prop2.bmp05.04.0964.07 kB
Prop2.orig.bmp07.21.09128.07 kB
skycamo.bmp07.21.09128.07 kB
stab_horiz.bmp07.21.0932.07 kB
stab_horizL.bmp07.21.0932.07 kB
Turrent1.bmp07.21.098.07 kB
Wing Main1.bmp07.21.09512.07 kB
AI_AVP09.07.090 B
aircraft.cfg08.22.0913.98 kB
AI_AVP.air11.14.028.13 kB
Model09.07.090 B
avp34_oakh.mdl06.08.09488.55 kB
Model.cfg06.08.0935 B
texture09.07.090 B
anchorchain.bmp05.17.09128.07 kB
boatboom_lines.bmp05.30.09128.07 kB
DECKBLUE_20B.bmp05.06.0932.07 kB
DECKBLUE_MODIFIED.bmp05.30.0964.07 kB
DULLBLACK_BK.bmp05.06.0932.07 kB
hazegray.bmp05.10.0932.07 kB
hull.bmp05.27.09512.07 kB
LIGHTGREY_5L.bmp05.06.0932.07 kB
misc.bmp05.12.09512.07 kB
misc1.bmp05.13.09512.07 kB
misc2.bmp05.10.09512.07 kB
misc_trans.bmp05.28.09512.07 kB
misc_trans2.bmp06.08.09256.07 kB
misc_trans2.orig.bmp06.06.09128.07 kB
new_deckblue.bmp06.01.09128.07 kB
OCEANGREY_5O.bmp05.06.0932.07 kB
OCEANGREY_MODIFIED.bmp05.10.0932.07 kB
rigging_lines.bmp06.06.09128.07 kB
rust.bmp05.16.0932.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg06.08.0939.92 kB
trans.bmp03.24.0932.07 kB
white.bmp03.18.0932.07 kB
FSX_Content09.07.090 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

David AnsteyMon, 02 Aug 2021 15:21:35 GMT

I downloaded this package and at first, it was impossible to add the library to scenery addons as described. Many of you might already know this, but some may not. There is a bug with the dialog box and it requires one extra step to add. It is easier to provide the link than to explain the workaround..... https://iblueyonder.com/video-tutorial-adding-scenery-to-fsx-in-windows-7/

henrychanSat, 20 Sep 2014 11:02:28 GMT

just a reminder - their, in the READ ME FIRST, u said In addition, there are three "AVD" type seaplane tenders... there it should be whose not who's.

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