FSX Pensacola Regional Airport Scenery

PreviewPensacola Regional Airport (KPNS), Florida (FL). Based on currently available Virtual Earth imagery, airport diagram and approach charts; runways are lengthened, taxiways changed, hangars/FBOs added and a localizer is added for runway 26. Landclass changes in the vicinity of the airport are inclu...

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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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1.08 MB
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Pensacola Regional Airport (KPNS), Florida (FL). Based on currently available Virtual Earth imagery, airport diagram and approach charts; runways are lengthened, taxiways changed, hangars/FBOs added and a localizer is added for runway 26. Landclass changes in the vicinity of the airport are included. Also includes placement of library objects and a library of new airport buildings. By Art Poole.

Pensacola Regional Airport Scenery.

Pensacola Regional Airport Scenery.


Extract the zip file and either (1) move the Pensacola Regional Airport folder to the "Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery" folder and then add this folder to the scenery list in FSX, or (2) move the files from the Pensacola Regional Airport\Scenery folder to the Microsoft "Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\Scenery" folder and move the texture fileS from the Pensacola Regional Airport\Texture folder to the FSX "Addon Scenery\Texture" folder.

Next, move the parking.dds file from the Texture folder to the "Flight Simulator X\Texture" folder and move the Scenery_Global_Scenery file (Airport_Buildings_AP.bgl) to the "Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Scenery\Global\Scenery" folder. If you already have an Airport_Buildings_AP.bgl file, overwrite it with the new one unless you have one dated more recently.

For all scenery objects to display, the Scenery Complexity slider in Scenery settings must be set to "Very Dense". If you have Jim Dhaenens' lightobj.bgl installed (fsx_lts.zip) and set Scenery complexity to "Extremely Dense", apron lighting will be included at the terminal and FBO. The layout of scenery is optimized for use with Ultimate Terrain X-USA. This airport can be further modified by the user with Airport Design Editor (freeware).

To revert back to FSX default, uncheck Pensacola Regional Airport in the AddOn Scenery list or remove the added KPNS files from the Addon Scenery\Scenery folder, according to how it was installed. The Airport_Buildings_AP.bgl is a library of objects which can be used by any object placement tool and does not need to be removed to deactivate the KPNS airport scenery.

The Thumbs folder contains thumbnail images of included library objects for users of Airport Design Editor and other object placement software.

This scenery is freeware, and may not be reproduced in whole, or any part for profit. There is no warranty. It was tested using FSX Deluxe edition, UTX-USA, Acceleration and WOAI.

Art Poole

Pensacola Regional Airport Scenery.

Pensacola Regional Airport Scenery.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17Screenshot 18Screenshot 19Screenshot 20Screenshot 21Screenshot 22Screenshot 23Screenshot 24Screenshot 25Screenshot 26Screenshot 27Screenshot 28Screenshot 29Screenshot 30Screenshot 31Screenshot 32Screenshot 33Screenshot 34Screenshot 35Screenshot 36Screenshot 37Screenshot 38Screenshot 39Screenshot 40Screenshot 41Screenshot 42Screenshot 43Screenshot 44Screenshot 45Screenshot 46Screenshot 47Screenshot 48Screenshot 49Screenshot 50Screenshot 51Screenshot 52Screenshot 53Screenshot 54

The archive pensacola_fl.zip has 76 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
KPNS.pdf10.05.09148.19 kB
kpns_fbo.JPG10.20.0988.27 kB
kpns_terminal.JPG10.20.09108.03 kB
Pensacola Regional Airport10.20.090 B
Scenery10.20.090 B
KPNS_ADE_AP.BGL10.20.0954.31 kB
KPNS_ADE_AP_CVX.bgl10.20.093.96 kB
KPNS_FBO1_AP.bgl10.14.0916.34 kB
KPNS_FBO2_AP.bgl10.12.0926.54 kB
KPNS_TERMINAL_AP.bgl10.19.0974.28 kB
Texture10.20.090 B
kpns_fbo.bmp10.14.09170.75 kB
kpns_fbo_lm.bmp10.14.09170.75 kB
kpns_terminal.bmp10.19.09170.75 kB
kpns_terminal_lm.bmp10.19.09170.75 kB
readme.txt10.20.092.70 kB
Scenery_Global_Scenery10.20.090 B
Airport_Buildings_AP.bgl10.16.09316.36 kB
Texture10.20.090 B
parking.dds03.03.09170.80 kB
Thumbs10.20.090 B
Airport_Buildings.bgl10.20.090 B
double_row_hangers_01.JPG01.03.095.25 kB
double_row_hangers_02.JPG01.03.095.96 kB
double_row_hangers_03.JPG01.03.094.72 kB
double_row_hangers_end_01.JPG01.03.096.58 kB
double_row_hangers_end_02.JPG03.17.097.07 kB
fbo_small_01.JPG01.03.095.93 kB
fbo_small_02.JPG02.05.094.76 kB
fbo_small_03.JPG02.06.094.96 kB
fbo_small_04.JPG02.06.095.43 kB
fbo_small_05.JPG10.12.095.67 kB
fbo_small_06.JPG10.16.096.22 kB
hanger_fbo_01.JPG03.15.095.23 kB
large_double_hanger_01.JPG03.22.094.96 kB
large_hanger_01.JPG01.03.096.28 kB
large_hanger_02.JPG02.05.095.27 kB
large_hanger_03.JPG03.20.096.37 kB
long_cover.JPG01.03.094.62 kB
low_jetway_02.JPG03.22.095.32 kB
medium_hanger_01.JPG01.03.096.12 kB
medium_hanger_02.JPG01.03.098.24 kB
medium_hanger_03.JPG01.03.095.19 kB
medium_hanger_04.JPG03.09.094.50 kB
medium_hanger_05.JPG10.12.095.18 kB
medium_hanger_06.JPG10.12.095.92 kB
medium_hanger_07.JPG10.16.094.98 kB
medium_hanger_08.JPG10.16.094.76 kB
medium_hanger_09.JPG10.16.095.45 kB
office_rectangular_01.JPG02.06.095.98 kB
office_round_01.JPG02.06.098.64 kB
Parking_01.jpg03.03.0915.20 kB
Parking_02.jpg03.03.0912.36 kB
Parking_03.jpg03.03.0912.90 kB
residence_01.JPG02.05.0911.02 kB
residence_02.JPG02.05.096.47 kB
residence_03.JPG02.05.097.70 kB
row_hangers_01.JPG01.03.094.72 kB
row_hangers_02.JPG01.03.096.79 kB
row_hangers_03.JPG01.03.098.24 kB
row_hangers_04.JPG01.03.095.34 kB
row_hangers_end_01.JPG01.03.094.96 kB
short_cover.jpg03.08.097.66 kB
small_hanger_01.JPG01.03.095.84 kB
small_hanger_02.JPG01.03.095.23 kB
small_hanger_03.JPG03.15.096.67 kB
small_hanger_04.JPG10.15.0915.84 kB
small_hanger_05.JPG10.15.0917.59 kB
t_hangers_01.JPG01.03.095.44 kB
tiny_hanger_01.JPG01.03.096.62 kB
tiny_hanger_02.JPG02.05.097.67 kB
tiny_hanger_03.JPG02.05.097.01 kB
tiny_hanger_04.JPG02.05.097.01 kB
tiny_hanger_05.JPG02.05.096.06 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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