FSX Mountain Home AFB Scenery
Mountain Home AFB (KMUO), Idaho (ID). The Air Force has been consolidating airframes at air bases to save resources. One such airbase is Mountain Home. Mountain Home is all about the F-15. Two squadrons of F-15 Strike Eagles inhabit the tarmac as well as a squadron of F-15 fighters. A squadron...
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- 1.3K
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- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- kmuo_fsx.zip
- File size
- 24.28 MB
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- Scanned 24 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
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- Everyone
Mountain Home AFB (KMUO), Idaho (ID). The Air Force has been consolidating airframes at air bases to save resources. One such airbase is Mountain Home. Mountain Home is all about the F-15. Two squadrons of F-15 Strike Eagles inhabit the tarmac as well as a squadron of F-15 fighters. A squadron of Singapore F-15's has a place at the base as well. The three American squadrons comprise the 366th Fighter Wing and are commanded by the Air Combat Command. An active air guard squadron, the 266th RANS take care of the three ranges that serve as practice ranges for fighters and strike aircraft. The scenery is the base proper, Saylor Creek Range, and Juniper Butte Range. By Jim Dhaenens.
Screenshot of Mountain Home AFB Scenery.
The scenery suffers a bit from a lack of information.There is really not much detail used for the old Strategic hangers. There are a few buildings on the flight Line that I lacked information for.
Orthoimagery for the photoreal ground is courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey's Seamless Server.
Options and New Stuff:
There are two new VOR/DME's in the scenery. I placed SCR at the Saylor Creek Range and JBR at the Juniper Butte Range. They are visible on the GPS.
1. Place the kmuo_fsx folder in your Addon Scenery folder.
3. Activate your new scenery with the scenery library of Flight Simulator X.
Aerial view of Mountain Home AFB Scenery.
The archive kmuo_fsx.zip has 93 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
KMUO_FSX | 04.15.11 | 0 B |
kmuo.jpg | 04.15.11 | 217.85 kB |
muo3.jpg | 04.15.11 | 203.80 kB |
muo5.jpg | 04.15.11 | 134.06 kB |
readme.txt | 04.15.11 | 2.08 kB |
scenery | 04.15.11 | 0 B |
389th.bgl | 01.17.11 | 620 B |
390th.bgl | 01.17.11 | 572 B |
391st.bgl | 01.17.11 | 812 B |
AFX_KMSC.bgl | 01.17.11 | 1.08 kB |
AFX_KMUO.bgl | 04.15.11 | 100.49 kB |
juniperbutterngph.bgl | 01.15.11 | 1.34 MB |
kmuobj.bgl | 04.15.11 | 3.79 MB |
kmuobj.txt | 04.15.11 | 3.13 kB |
kmuolightnw.bgl | 01.17.11 | 1.12 kB |
kmuophoto.bgl | 01.09.11 | 7.45 MB |
kmuoplace.bgl | 04.10.11 | 27.68 kB |
saylorcreekrangeph.bgl | 01.10.11 | 12.95 MB |
saylorplace.bgl | 01.12.11 | 4.96 kB |
Texture | 04.15.11 | 0 B |
003000120212333an.agn | 01.17.11 | 124 B |
003000120213222an.agn | 01.17.11 | 164 B |
003000120213223an.agn | 01.17.11 | 132 B |
003000120230113an.agn | 01.17.11 | 132 B |
003000120231000an.agn | 01.17.11 | 168 B |
003000120231001an.agn | 01.17.11 | 176 B |
003000120231002an.agn | 01.17.11 | 220 B |
003000120231003an.agn | 01.17.11 | 140 B |
003000120231020an.agn | 01.17.11 | 236 B |
003000120231021an.agn | 01.17.11 | 220 B |
003000120231022an.agn | 01.17.11 | 236 B |
003000120231023an.agn | 01.17.11 | 216 B |
003000120231031an.agn | 01.17.11 | 256 B |
003000120231032an.agn | 01.17.11 | 132 B |
003000120231033an.agn | 01.17.11 | 140 B |
003000120231122an.agn | 01.17.11 | 124 B |
003000122103120an.agn | 01.17.11 | 172 B |
003000122103132an.agn | 01.17.11 | 228 B |
003000122103213an.agn | 01.17.11 | 132 B |
003000122103300an.agn | 01.17.11 | 236 B |
003000122103301an.agn | 01.17.11 | 172 B |
003000122103320an.agn | 01.17.11 | 232 B |
003000122103321an.agn | 01.17.11 | 124 B |
003000122103323an.agn | 01.17.11 | 124 B |
003000122103330an.agn | 01.17.11 | 180 B |
003000122103332an.agn | 01.17.11 | 192 B |
003000122121100an.agn | 01.17.11 | 140 B |
003000122121110an.agn | 01.17.11 | 164 B |
003000122331312an.agn | 01.17.11 | 284 B |
003000122331313an.agn | 01.17.11 | 228 B |
003000122331330an.agn | 01.17.11 | 124 B |
003000122331331an.agn | 01.17.11 | 300 B |
agbase.dds | 12.20.10 | 128.12 kB |
almwht.dds | 11.30.10 | 64.12 kB |
asr9.dds | 10.29.08 | 128.12 kB |
asr9_N.dds | 01.09.11 | 128.12 kB |
beaconlenses.dds | 11.25.10 | 256.12 kB |
beaconlenses_LM.dds | 11.25.10 | 256.12 kB |
beaconparts.dds | 11.25.10 | 128.12 kB |
dirt1.dds | 01.11.11 | 128.12 kB |
emercbl.dds | 01.06.11 | 32.12 kB |
emercbl_n.dds | 01.06.11 | 32.12 kB |
f15389.dds | 01.13.11 | 512.12 kB |
f15390.dds | 01.13.11 | 512.12 kB |
f15391.dds | 01.13.11 | 512.12 kB |
gcone_lm.dds | 11.29.10 | 64.12 kB |
gray.dds | 01.09.11 | 128.12 kB |
gsroof.dds | 12.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
hacdet.dds | 01.07.11 | 32.12 kB |
kmuofiresta.dds | 01.02.11 | 512.12 kB |
kmuofiresta_N.dds | 01.10.11 | 128.12 kB |
kmuohgr.dds | 01.10.11 | 512.12 kB |
kmuohgr_N.dds | 01.10.11 | 128.12 kB |
kmuohq.dds | 01.08.11 | 128.12 kB |
kmuohq_N.dds | 01.10.11 | 128.12 kB |
kmuopnlwht.dds | 12.16.10 | 128.12 kB |
kmuops.dds | 12.29.10 | 512.12 kB |
kmuops_N.dds | 01.11.11 | 512.12 kB |
kmuostobld1.dds | 01.05.11 | 512.12 kB |
kmuostobld1_n.dds | 01.11.11 | 512.12 kB |
kmuotwr.dds | 01.06.11 | 128.12 kB |
kmuoWT.dds | 01.06.11 | 256.12 kB |
lights1.dds | 11.16.10 | 32.12 kB |
rwaynolft.dds | 01.12.11 | 32.12 kB |
rwaynolft_N.dds | 01.12.11 | 32.12 kB |
rwytex.dds | 01.06.11 | 32.12 kB |
sa6.dds | 01.18.11 | 128.12 kB |
shingletan.dds | 12.30.10 | 32.12 kB |
wconedif.dds | 11.29.10 | 64.12 kB |
wcone_lm.dds | 11.29.10 | 32.12 kB |
ylotex.dds | 01.06.11 | 64.12 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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