FSX Andaman And Nicobar Deluxe Scenery

Preview Andaman And Nicobar Deluxe. Andaman and Nicobar are a large group of nearly 600 islands in the Bay of Bengal. Though they are a part of India geographically, they are closer to Myanmar and Thailand than to the Indian mainland. FSX has these Islands totally bare so it was decided some face lift...

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Rated 1 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

Andaman And Nicobar Deluxe. Andaman and Nicobar are a large group of nearly 600 islands in the Bay of Bengal. Though they are a part of India geographically, they are closer to Myanmar and Thailand than to the Indian mainland. FSX has these Islands totally bare so it was decided some face lift was in order. LC for the main towns and villages, seaside villages with small ports, four new airfields. At the Indian Naval Base you can land your helicopter in the destroyer at the bay. Many new scenery items all over. Six suggested flights that will show the beauty of the islands and don't forget the Old British Government House for a nostalgic flight. By Gera Godoy Canova.

Screenshot of Andaman And Nicobar Deluxe Scenery.

Screenshot of Andaman And Nicobar Deluxe Scenery.

I suggest you download the freeware PLAN-G by TA Software for a greater flight now and always.


1)Unzip the file enclosed to any Temp Folder.

2) Place the .BGL and .LC files in the enclosed Scenery folder in -----FSX/ Addon Scenery / Scenery Directory.

3) Place the .BMP files in th enclosed Texture folder in-----FSX/ Addon Scenery/ Texture Directory.

4) Open FSX and database will be updated.


Enjoy the Scenery.


Screenshot of Gurcapun resort.

Screenshot of Gurcapun resort.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12Screenshot 13Screenshot 14Screenshot 15Screenshot 16Screenshot 17Screenshot 18Screenshot 19Screenshot 20

The archive adaluxe.zip has 64 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
AIRPORT01.jpg09.16.11395.93 kB
AIRPORT01-A.jpg09.16.11420.07 kB
BACK THEN IN 32.jpg09.18.11187.83 kB
FLIGHT OFF TO THE ISLANDS.jpg09.18.11270.75 kB
GOOD OLD TIMES IN ISLANDS.jpg09.18.11599.98 kB
GURCAPUN RESORT.jpg09.16.11163.00 kB
INDIAN NAVAL BASE.jpg09.17.11322.28 kB
ISLANDS MAP.jpg09.18.1190.74 kB
ISLANDS MAP 2.jpg09.18.1123.36 kB
LANDABLE HELI-SHIP.jpg09.17.11188.81 kB
NICOBAR AIRFIELD.jpg09.18.11614.71 kB
OLD BRIT HOUSE.jpg09.18.11410.68 kB
OLD PIC 1932.jpg09.18.11321.64 kB
OTHER TIMES.jpg09.18.11382.16 kB
port blair airport.jpg09.13.11389.05 kB
port blair airport22.jpg09.13.11324.44 kB
PORT-GIFU-NEW-SCENERY.jpg09.12.11972.41 kB
PORT-GIFU-NEW-SCENERY2.jpg09.12.111.33 MB
TUKIPUN PORT.jpg09.16.11325.73 kB
SCENERY09.18.110 B
AEROPUERTOINDIO.bgl09.13.11703.70 kB
AFX_VOPB.bgl09.13.113.47 kB
BODEGA-AZUL.bgl03.29.1119.37 kB
BRITFLAG.bgl09.18.11972 B
CASAS DE PAPUA.bgl09.22.101.74 MB
CASA-SELVA-DER.bgl03.13.116.39 kB
CASA-SELVA-IZQ.bgl03.13.114.98 kB
CVX_NICO01.BGL09.16.111.21 kB
CVX_NICOBAR.BGL09.18.11358 B
CVX_ULT-PISTA.BGL09.18.11324 B
INDIAHOUSE.bgl09.12.11538.57 kB
INDIAISLA.bgl09.18.1121.96 kB
LC_7226.bgl09.17.11293 B
LC_7227.bgl09.17.11491 B
LC_7229.bgl09.18.11295 B
LC_CUATRO.bgl09.17.11293 B
LC_DOS.bgl09.16.11310 B
LC_TRES.bgl09.17.11463 B
LC_UNO.bgl09.12.11296 B
TEXTURES09.18.110 B
BRITINDIAFLAG_00.bmp09.18.1142.74 kB
CASA--SELVA1_00.bmp03.13.1185.40 kB
CHOSA03_00.bmp03.09.1185.40 kB
CHOSA88_00.bmp04.06.11341.40 kB
HANGAR01.bmp08.29.1065.05 kB
INDIA2REST.bmp09.12.1133.05 kB
INDIACASA1.bmp09.12.11110.19 kB
INDIACASA2.bmp09.12.1148.05 kB
INDIA REST.bmp09.12.11178.05 kB
papuacasa1.bmp09.22.1017.05 kB
papuacasa2.bmp09.22.10129.05 kB
papuacasa3.bmp09.22.1048.05 kB
papuacasa4.bmp09.22.1065.05 kB
ROTULOREST.bmp09.12.1117.05 kB
TECHOMETAL.bmp09.12.1065.05 kB
TIENDAINDIA.bmp09.12.11129.05 kB
WELCOMEWAPA22.bmp02.19.11129.05 kB
WELCWAPA_00.bmp02.19.11341.40 kB
READ ME FIRST.txt09.18.11803 B
file_id.diz09.18.1181 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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