FSX Saxony Airfields Scenery Part 1

Preview Saxony Airfields Part 1. This scenery package includes the airfields Zwickau (EDBI), Chemnitz/ Jahnsdorf (EDCJ), Auerbach (EDOA), Grossruckerswalde (EDAG) and Hartenstein/ Thierfeld. The Free State of Saxony is a state in Germany. It is located in the east of Germany. By Maximilian Pechstein.

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Saxony Airfields Part 1. This scenery package includes the airfields Zwickau (EDBI), Chemnitz/ Jahnsdorf (EDCJ), Auerbach (EDOA), Grossruckerswalde (EDAG) and Hartenstein/ Thierfeld. The Free State of Saxony is a state in Germany. It is located in the east of Germany. By Maximilian Pechstein.

Aerial shot of Saxony Airfields, EDAG.

Aerial shot of Saxony Airfields, EDAG.

Included Airports:

- Zwickau (EDBI)
- Auerbach (EDOA)
- Chemnitz/ Jahnsdorf (EDCJ)
- Grossruckerswalde (EDAG)
- Hartenstein (fictional: EHST) --> this airfield isn't included in default FSX and didn't has an ICAO-Code in real life


1.) Unzip the RAR-Archive to a folder of your choise.

2.) copy the folders Zwickau, Chemnitz, Auerbach, Hartenstein, Grossruckerswalde to your Addon-Scenery folder wich is located at \Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery.

3.) start Microsoft Flight Simulator X.

4.) activate the scenery.

This scenery package for FSX is delivered as is.
The author does not grant any warranty and won't be responsible for any hardware or software damages on the user's system.
The user does apply this addon on his/her own responsibility.

HAPPY FLYING around Saxony.
Maximilian Pechstein.

Aerial shot of Saxony Airfields, EDOA.

Aerial shot of Saxony Airfields, EDOA.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11

The archive saxony_airfields_part1.zip has 35 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Airfields-Saxony-Part110.08.110 B
Auerbach10.08.110 B
EDOA-fsx.jpg10.08.11599.05 kB
EDOA_real.jpg10.08.11133.61 kB
scenery10.08.110 B
EDOA_ADEX_MP.BGL10.08.114.74 kB
EDOA_ADEX_MP_CVX.bgl10.08.11247 B
Chemnitz10.08.110 B
EDCJ_fsx.jpg10.08.11268.46 kB
EDCJ_real.jpg10.08.11274.40 kB
scenery10.08.110 B
EDCJ_ADEX_MP.BGL10.08.115.01 kB
EDCJ_ADEX_MP_CVX.bgl10.08.11251 B
Grossruckerswalde10.08.110 B
EDAG_fsx.jpg10.08.11550.44 kB
EDAG_real.jpg10.08.11168.46 kB
scenery10.08.110 B
EDAG_ADEX_MP.BGL10.08.112.70 kB
EDAG_ADEX_MP_CVX.bgl10.08.11410 B
Hartenstein10.08.110 B
EHST_fsx.jpg10.08.11453.39 kB
EHST_real.jpg10.08.11186.74 kB
scenery10.08.110 B
EHST_ADEX_MP.BGL10.08.112.15 kB
EHST_ADEX_MP_CVX.bgl10.08.11244 B
readme.txt10.08.11950 B
saxony_part1.jpg10.08.11479.09 kB
Zwickau10.08.110 B
EDBI_fsx.jpg10.08.11650.76 kB
EDBI_real.jpg10.08.11350.55 kB
scenery10.08.110 B
EDBI_ADEX_MP.BGL10.08.112.70 kB
EDBI_ADEX_MP_CVX.bgl10.08.11244 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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