FSX ETSN Neuburg AB Scenery

Preview ETSN Neuburg AB v1. Neuburg Air Base is located in southern Germany near the City of Neuburg/Bavaria. Neuburg next to the River Donau got a newly built airbase in 1961. The Jagdgeschwader 75 (FW 75) with their F-86K moved there coming from Leipheim AB. In Neuburg the FW 75 was renamed into FW ...

Screenshot 1
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ETSN Neuburg AB v1. Neuburg Air Base is located in southern Germany near the City of Neuburg/Bavaria. Neuburg next to the River Donau got a newly built airbase in 1961. The Jagdgeschwader 75 (FW 75) with their F-86K moved there coming from Leipheim AB. In Neuburg the FW 75 was renamed into FW 74. In 1966 the FW 74 received the F-104G Starfighter and 1975 the wing converted to F-4F Phantom II aircraft. Since 2008 the wing flies the Eurofighter Typhoon and is still active. This scenery is an update of the stock Airport (IACO code: ETSP). The scenery is done with ADE X 1.50 and objects from stock. It has lots of parking spots and you can taxi everywhere as it is in real. Also includes a few light poles from Jim Dhaenens. By Uwe Steenweg.

Screenshot of ETSN Neuburg AB Scenery.

Screenshot of ETSN Neuburg AB Scenery.

NOTE: For users of Just Flight Traffic X users it is recommended to deactivat the AF2_ETSN.bgl by changing the .bgl into .bak or something else otherwise this scenery will not work properly. AI-Traffic is not affected.

NOTE: This scenery is developed on the standard terrain and has not been tested with any terrain add-on software. Use at ower risk.

Installation of the scenery:

- unzip the file Neuburg-AB_V1.zip anywhere.
- move the two bgl files to your FSX /Addon Scenery/scenery folder and have fun.

Note: obey the readme file in Jim Dhaenens FSX-lts.zip (attached with me files).

Intallation of the light poles:

- unzip the file fsx_lts.zip anmywhere.
- move the content of the folder texture to your folder FSX/Addon Scenery/texture.
- move the content of the folder Scenery to your folder FSX/Addon Scenery/scenery/scenery.

Thas it.


Just delete the files from the folder metioned above.

Happy landings.

Uwe Steenweg

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive etsn_neuburg-ab_v1.zip has 9 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
ETSN_Neuburg-AB_V102.14.120 B
ETSN_ADEX_US_V-1.BGL02.14.1281.67 kB
ETSN_ADEX_US_V-1_CVX.bgl02.14.12404 B
ETSN_Neuburg-1.jpg02.14.1277.90 kB
fsx_lts.zip02.11.12684.31 kB
Readme.txt02.14.121.74 kB
Archive created by free jZip.url01.04.1158 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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