FSX Spiteful Mk XVI

Preview The Supermarine Spiteful was a direct development of the Spitfire using a new laminar flow wing. Spiteful RB518 was modified to Mark 16 configuration and fitted with a Griffon 101 engine. During a test in 1947 this aircraft attained 494 mph at 27,500 feet. RB518 goes up to 430 knots as the rea...

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The Supermarine Spiteful was a direct development of the Spitfire using a new laminar flow wing. Spiteful RB518 was modified to Mark 16 configuration and fitted with a Griffon 101 engine. During a test in 1947 this aircraft attained 494 mph at 27,500 feet. RB518 goes up to 430 knots as the real aircraft did. The model is made for FSX with special .air file and modified texture by A. F. Scrub.

Screenshot of Spiteful Mk XVI in flight.

Screenshot of Spiteful Mk XVI in flight.


-Unzip " Spitful" into a temporary file and move the "Spitful" folder into the main Aircraft directory.
-Read instructions carefully when installing the spitfire_mki.gau , say YES...when asked if the gauges sources should be trusted. If you say no....most of the gauges are not going to work !
-Unzip the "Propfighters" and put the complete Propfighters map (without removing anything in it !!!) into your gauges folder.
-Put the spitfire_mki.gau into your gauges folder.
-Copy the effects into the effects folder.

Flying the model IN FSX:

The model has been tested in FSX demo only. It should perform perfectly with the FSX full version. This plane is a dream to fly scale aerobatics with. Up to about 300 Knots, it is a non critical but very powerful and precise flying machine.It is very sensitive to elevator and elevator trim. However take care, the flying caracteristics have been made more realistic. Now the aircraft goes up to 430 knots (490+mph) as did the real RB518. From about 400 knots, compressibility effects are starting and the plane becomes increasingly nose heavy. You'll have to use trim very carefully or cut the throttle. If not the plane is going to dive into the ground.
-CTRL+E opens the canopy
-Radiator flaps are opened/closed by the close cowl key.They are used together with the flaps for take off/ landing/ approach.
TAKE-OFF :if you have manual rudder enabled, be ready to apply hard LEFT rudder and brake when you hit the throttle !
Better apply throttle proportionaly and slowly at first.
1.Parking brake on, start engine, 1/4 flaps
2.Disengage parking brake
3.Hold enough LEFT rudder, brake to keep the aircraft straight.
4.Take off at about 100 Knots, wheels and flaps up at 130 Knots.
5.To fire guns activate O-key or trigger.
6.Approach at 25% flaps, wheels down at 120 Knots.
7.Touchdown at 85-90 Knots.
Like with the real plane, much use of elevator trim will be needed.


Special thanks to :
-W.Dickens, Paul Rebuffat and Corrado la Posta for their advice in helping me create the model.
-GMAX for the drawing program and Microsoft for their makmdls.mdk.
-Paul Rebuffat whose original textures were the source for these ones.
-Mike Hambly for his sound file.
-Ken Harrisson for his FSDS sources.
-Ivan Hsu for the MDLC model converter.
-Saverrio Maurri for the FS9 autopilot.

Happy flying !


Screenshot of Spiteful Mk XVI in flight.

Screenshot of Spiteful Mk XVI in flight.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive spitffsx.zip has 94 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
aircraft.cfg12.21.0610.03 kB
Effects12.21.060 B
fx_V12_Exhaust.fx01.18.051.24 kB
fx_V12_IDLE_port.fx01.28.0514.45 kB
fx_V12_IDLE_starb.fx01.28.0514.46 kB
fx_V12_MAX_port.fx01.28.057.84 kB
fx_V12_MAX_starb.fx01.28.057.85 kB
fx_WingtipVortex.fx01.24.051.18 kB
fx_Wing_Guns.fx02.13.0510.43 kB
Gauges12.21.060 B
spitfire_mki.gau04.18.01862.00 kB
model12.21.060 B
Model.cfg07.26.0626 B
Spitful.mdl12.21.06685.65 kB
panel12.21.060 B
$Main.bmp10.26.06878.05 kB
$Panel.bmp10.24.0665.05 kB
AuxPanel.bmp03.09.01127.19 kB
Gunsight64.Orange 2.bmp12.21.0617.05 kB
Main.bmp03.25.06769.05 kB
Panel.cfg12.21.066.06 kB
RADIO STACK.BMP02.13.047.30 kB
Spitful.cab12.21.061.27 MB
Thumbs.db08.31.066.00 kB
Propfighters.zip12.13.06587.14 kB
sound12.21.060 B
CAGEAR.WAV09.17.9931.23 kB
canopy_latch_close.wav04.09.0395.79 kB
canopy_latch_open.wav04.09.0384.69 kB
CASTALL.WAV09.17.996.79 kB
CE1A.wav02.20.0290.89 kB
CE1B.WAV02.20.02128.17 kB
CE2A.wav02.20.0287.39 kB
CE2B.WAV02.20.0224.99 kB
CE3A.wav02.20.0283.16 kB
CE4A.wav02.20.0275.39 kB
CEP1A.WAV02.20.0250.81 kB
CEP1B.WAV02.20.0245.81 kB
CEP2A.WAV02.20.0227.81 kB
CEP2B.WAV02.20.0232.81 kB
CESHUTA.WAV02.20.0261.06 kB
CESHUTB.WAV02.20.0266.55 kB
CESTRTA.WAV02.20.0240.31 kB
CESTRTB.WAV02.20.02100.31 kB
copyright.txt02.28.02256 B
flaps.wav02.20.0239.89 kB
geardn.wav02.20.0276.18 kB
gearup.wav02.20.0288.31 kB
L.wav02.20.0212.88 kB
orsound.cfg11.06.067.61 kB
R.wav02.20.0210.93 kB
sound.cfg11.06.067.69 kB
XCE1a.WAV02.20.0251.79 kB
XCE1B.WAV02.20.0267.81 kB
XCE2A.WAV02.20.0295.31 kB
XCE2B.WAV02.20.0252.79 kB
XCE3A.WAV02.20.0268.48 kB
XCE4A.wav02.20.02118.54 kB
XCEP1A.WAV02.20.0224.42 kB
XCEP1B.WAV02.20.0229.47 kB
XCEP2A.WAV02.20.0233.98 kB
XCEP2B.WAV02.20.0221.74 kB
XCESHUTA.WAV02.20.0264.73 kB
XCESHUTB.WAV02.20.0264.98 kB
XCESTRTA.WAV02.20.0229.48 kB
XCESTRTB.WAV02.20.0249.81 kB
spiteful.txt12.21.064.96 kB
SpitefulFSX.jpg12.21.0638.50 kB
SpitefulFSX1.jpg12.21.0654.23 kB
SpitefulFSXpanel.jpg12.21.06132.09 kB
Spitful.air12.21.0611.05 kB
Spitful.diz12.21.06475 B
Spitful.dp11.09.0616.76 kB
texture12.21.060 B
5bladeprop.bmp12.21.06170.75 kB
exhaust.bmp09.13.06257.05 kB
face.bmp09.25.06257.05 kB
fuselage.bmp12.13.062.67 MB
gunsight64.bmp07.17.0242.75 kB
inside.bmp10.22.0665.05 kB
metal.bmp11.03.0665.05 kB
outside.bmp10.12.0665.05 kB
outsidepanel.bmp10.24.062.67 MB
propblades.bmp10.05.0642.75 kB
radiator.bmp09.13.0665.05 kB
SF17wheels.bmp09.13.0665.05 kB
spinner.bmp12.08.06170.75 kB
SPIT_T3.bmp12.12.062.67 MB
SPIT_T4.bmp12.12.062.67 MB
Thumbnail.jpg12.12.0662.77 kB
underside.bmp10.14.0665.05 kB
Spitful12.21.060 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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jodirtSat, 10 Jul 2021 08:13:54 GMT

I don't know what I'm doing wrong I haven't flown a single plane since making the first payment.

EdmeisterWed, 31 Jan 2018 02:12:59 GMT

Cool plane! Very powerful engine sound. Thanks!

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