FSX SP2 Cessna L-19D

PreviewCessna L-19D (O-1) model 305C Bird Dog; wheels, floats and skis version, both military and civil version. Update for use with L19V2MIL.ZIP. This files contains only the updated model and panel files to correct a visualization problem in the 3D VC canopy area with FSX SP2. Visual model by Massimo ...

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Cessna L-19D (O-1) model 305C Bird Dog; wheels, floats and skis version, both military and civil version. Update for use with L19V2MIL.ZIP. This files contains only the updated model and panel files to correct a visualization problem in the 3D VC canopy area with FSX SP2. Visual model by Massimo Taccoli. Panel works by Massimo Taccoli with added gauges by Dennis Seeley who prepared also the flight dynamics for model.

Screenshot of Cessna L-19D in flight.

Screenshot of Cessna L-19D in flight.

The exixting paintkit L19pkit.zip for this model is still valid and available.


To install the update into FSX follow this simple procedure:

1) extract the here provided zip file in a temporary folder. after extraction You'll find four different folder:

Cessna 305C Floats, Cessna 305C Skis, Cessna 305C Wheels, Cessna L-19D ( military wheeled version) and this text file.

2) If you installed only the civil version copy only the three folder Cessna 305C ### into your airplane folder of Microsoft Flight SimulatorX, otherwise copy all four folder if you have installed also the Cessna L-19D model which was released separated.During the copy process answer yes to update when asked that files are already present.

3) Then launch FSX and you'll find all Cessna models with their respective thumbnails listed in the Select aircraft window of the free flight menu under Cessna as aircraft manufacturer.

4) That's all and have agood time!

5) Double check everything before e-mailing me! the most of problems I am asked to solve are due to not having read readme files!!

The FS model, made with FSDS has many moving parts: flaps, ailerons, rudder, elevator, steerable tail wheel linked to the rudder, rotating wheels and skis with suspension, opening right side door and the above right side window. It also has a detailed interior with pilot with animated head which seems to explore what happens around him.

The 2d panel host all necessary gauges to fly this plane, arranged almost like the real aircraft , flight simulator permitting. The model can be flown also from the 3D virtual cockpit. Gauges used in the panel are all made by Dennis Seeley.

I'm not very well versed with english so it is not always easy to write down these notes, so I have found in a freeware model from a famous Flight designer Tim Piglet Conrad the following note that reflect perfectly what I want to say about my works:

"This model was built to the best of my skills, knowledge, and simply to my own tastes and standards. If something is "missing", or "wrong", oh well, you got it for a good price:-) For a one-man shop, I think I do pretty well:-p

As for repaints, new versions, etc. I have no idea if, when, or what. So please, no "placing orders".

These files shouldn't harm your computer, but I accept no responsability for their use and effect. Play with it,do repaints, give to friends or enemies, but do not make money off of it without my express approval. This also goes for any other peoples' files in this release.

Also, if you want to re-post the plane, or its repaints, on your site, or another site, please ask me first:) I usually say yes, unless my plane been too corrupted or hacked by you or others.

Some words on the history of:
The L-19 (O-1) Bird Dog

Built as a private venture and first flown in December 1949, the model 305 was the winning contender in an April 1950 US Army competition for a tandem two-seat liaison and observation monoplane. Ordered in June 1950 as the L-19 and named Bird Dog, the aircraft was redesigned O-1 in 1962. The first production Bird Dog was rolled out in November 1950. Subsequently a total of 2,499 of the O-1A version was built. A further 66 were completed as O-1Bs for the US Marine Corps and 307 with dual controls, known as TO-1Ds. The definitive series model was the O-1E, of which 494 were delivered. The last mentioned variant, introduced in 1957, featured uprated equipment, and served with distinction with the USAF in Vietnam. Fuji in Japan built 14 L-19E-1 and eight L-19E-2 instrument trainers after delivery of 107 ex-US Army L-19As to the JGSDF in 1954/55, with the local name of SOYOKAZE (Breeze). Despite their age, more than 200 Bird Dogs remain in active military inventories worldwide, the principal operators being the South Korean Air Force(20), and the army air components of Pakistan (40), Thailand (28),and Turkey (50). Other operators include Austria (5), Italy (3) and Malta (5).

This is FREEWARE. These files are strictly for your own personal, non-commercial use. Any redistribution, repackaging or reselling of these files in any form is expressedly prohibited without my written permission.


Screenshot of Cessna L-19D with floats.

Screenshot of Cessna L-19D with floats.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive l19fsxup.zip has 30 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
model.MIL04.21.080 B
L19_MIL.mdl04.21.081.69 MB
Model.cfg07.06.0626 B
Panel04.21.080 B
panel.cfg04.21.086.38 kB
Cessna L-19D04.21.080 B
file_id.diz04.21.08446 B
Read_me.txt04.21.085.96 kB
model04.21.080 B
L19_float.mdl04.21.081.95 MB
Model.cfg07.06.0628 B
Panel04.21.080 B
panel.cfg04.21.086.44 kB
Cessna 305C Floats04.21.080 B
model04.21.080 B
l19_ski.mdl04.21.081.78 MB
Model.cfg07.06.0626 B
Panel04.21.080 B
panel.cfg04.21.086.38 kB
Cessna 305C Skis04.21.080 B
model.104.21.080 B
l19_wheel.mdl04.21.081.64 MB
Model.cfg07.06.0628 B
Panel04.21.080 B
panel.cfg04.21.086.38 kB
Cessna 305C Wheels04.21.080 B
pic1.jpg12.07.068.95 kB
pic2.jpg12.11.069.44 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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