FSX Quebec City Scenery
Quebec City 2.0, Canada. Quebec City (Ville de Quebec in French) is the capital of the Canadian province of Quebec. This highly detailed scenery includes more than 135 custom buildings. Come and see what Quebec City looks like with its major landmarks in your flight simulator. Many new FSX featur...
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- 1.6K
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- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- villedequebec.zip
- File size
- 64.77 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 24 days ago (clean)
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- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
Quebec City 2.0, Canada. Quebec City (Ville de Quebec in French) is the capital of the Canadian province of Quebec. This highly detailed scenery includes more than 135 custom buildings. Come and see what Quebec City looks like with its major landmarks in your flight simulator. Many new FSX features have been used to build this great scenery like animations and custom special effects. Also, see the CYQB airport scenery by Gilles Boily then enjoy flying in Quebec City. By Jean St-Cyr, Gilles Boily, Gilles Gauthier and Jean-Pierre Fillion.
Quebec City Scenery.
- CTJ5.
Enfant-Jésus Hospital.
- CTJ2
Canadian Coast guard, Quebec city base.
Helipads A, B and C.
- CSZ4
Complex H.
- Quebec Citadel (Military heliport).
- Ile d'Orléans bridge.
- Québec bridge (with traffic).
- Pierre-Laporte bridge.
- Chateau Frontenac
- Terrasse Dufferin
- Price building
- Hilton and Delta hotels
- Quebec Parliament
- Loews Le Concorde hotel
- National Bank building
- SAAQ building
- Dufferin-Montmorency highway
- Ancienne-Lorette church
- Champigny College
- Glaverbec plant and chimney (in line with runway 06 at CYQB)
- Montmorency Falls park cable car and bridge
- Colisée Pepsi (coliseum, where Quebec's Nordiques used to play)
- Quebec city racetrack
- Exhibition Center (Centre de Foire)
- Museum of Civilization
- Ultramar refinery
- Petit-Champlain Condominiums and buildings
- Groupe Desgagnés building
- Port of Quebec grain elevators
- Levis terminal ferry
- Québec terminal ferry
- Electricity pylons of L'Ange-Gardien, Ile d'Orléans and Beaumont
- Vieux-Port market
- Le Riviera Restaurant (bassin Louise)
Ski resorts:
- Le Relais
- Stoneham
- Mont St-Anne
- Massif de la Petite-Rivière-Saint-François
- Amundsen (Canadian Coast guard ice-breaker)
- Super tanker (Ultramar dock)
- Boats in "Bassin Louise" marina
- Québec city and Levis ferries
- Plains of Abraham
- Expocite
- Montmorency falls cable car
Cable car is animated at Montmorency falls.
- Loto-Québec firework contest
Fireworks occur every day in July
and August from 9:00pm to 10:00pm continuous.
- Guns of the Dufferin Terrace
Simulation guns firing under the Dufferin Terrace.
The animation occurs for 5 minutes at the hour and half hour.
- Québec-Lévis animated ferries, AI format
Ferries are, by default, static in the scene.
AI version is available in the "Autres" folder.
Please, see the "Note for ferries.txt" document for more info.
Gilles Gauthier - Quebec Elevation 38m (LOD10)
Gilles Gauthier - Quebec Scenery - Addition of Roads
Gilles Gauthier - Quebec Scenery - Lakes and Rivers
Gilles Boily - Jean-Lesage airport (CYQB)
This scene was developed using mesh shown above.
Users who use other types of meshes (Ultimate terrain X or other)
may meet abnormalities with certain objects. It is strongly recommended
to use the meshes of Quebec to see every object included
in this scene at the right place.
SCENERY: Copy the files to the "Addon Scenery" of your
Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) folder.
EFFECTS: In order to have the effects over the bridges and buildings,
copy the content of the "Effects" folder to your
"Effects" folder of FSX.
FSX: Activate the scene into your "FSX Scenery Library"
This scenery takes advantage of the scenery complexity setting in FSX.
See below the scenery complexity level to know what you should see:
Important landmarks over the city.
Secondary buildings and secondary heliports.
All other buildings.
Some boats and cars in the parking lots.
All objects are visible at this level of details.
Start FSX and enjoy flying over Quebec city!!!!
- 1.00 Initial release.
- 2.00 correction on many buildings and new ones added.
Denis Brown (AVQ112)
Gaston Cyr (AVQ75)
Gilles Boily (AVQ78)
Jean Poirier (AVQ13)
Legal Disclaimer
This flight simulator product has been produced by Jean St-Cyr and participation of Gilles Boily, Gilles Gauthier and Jean-Pierre Fillion.
This package is freeware and is to remain freeware.
It may not be used by commercial organisations, flying schools or other organisations for any commercial purpose without prior contact with the authors.
The contents of this package may not be modified or in any way without the express consent of the developers of this scene package.
We do not believe that this file can in any way harm you or your property. Use it at your own risk.
Have fun flying over Quebec city!
Gouin Dam (north of La Tuque)
Gaspesie peninsula (Jean St-Cyr and Gilles Gauthier)
Jean-Lesage airport by Gilles Boily
Jean St-Cyr
Quebec City Scenery.
The archive villedequebec.zip has 437 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
VilleDeQuebec | 10.29.09 | 0 B |
Autres | 10.13.09 | 0 B |
Mobile_ferries___Traversiers_mobiles.zip | 10.13.09 | 1.30 MB |
UltimateTerrainWithout_Gilles_Gauthier_Mesh.jpg | 04.23.09 | 98.40 kB |
UltimateTerrainWithout_Gilles_Gauthier_Mesh01.jpg | 04.23.09 | 101.49 kB |
desc.txt | 10.15.09 | 572 B |
Effects | 10.12.09 | 0 B |
FW_showYQB01.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.00 kB |
FW_showYQB02.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.07 kB |
FW_showYQB03.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.20 kB |
FW_showYQB04.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.25 kB |
FW_showYQB05.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.31 kB |
FW_showYQB06.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.42 kB |
FW_showYQB07.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.54 kB |
FW_showYQB08.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.28 kB |
FW_showYQB09.fx | 01.04.09 | 2.82 kB |
FW_showYQBFall.fx | 01.04.09 | 323 B |
fx_fireworkYQB01Blue.fx | 12.01.07 | 10.90 kB |
fx_fireworkYQB11.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.93 kB |
fx_fireworkYQB12.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.92 kB |
fx_fireworkYQB13.fx | 01.04.09 | 4.93 kB |
fx_firework_YQB01.fx | 12.01.07 | 6.07 kB |
fx_firework_YQB02.fx | 12.01.07 | 4.90 kB |
fx_firework_YQB03.fx | 12.01.07 | 7.30 kB |
fx_fire_Ultramar.fx | 05.27.09 | 4.90 kB |
fx_gb_mont_belair_red.fx | 08.29.07 | 2.42 kB |
fx_gb_strobehbig10x.fx | 11.08.07 | 4.77 kB |
fx_js_AVQLandingChallenge.fx | 09.21.08 | 1.29 kB |
fx_js_BuildingFireHuge.fx | 11.02.08 | 8.45 kB |
fx_js_BuildingFireMedium.fx | 10.31.08 | 7.22 kB |
fx_js_BuildingSmokeHuge.fx | 11.02.08 | 4.86 kB |
fx_js_canon.fx | 11.16.08 | 4.82 kB |
fx_JS_FireTruck01.fx | 08.10.08 | 1.30 kB |
fx_JS_FireTruck02.fx | 08.10.08 | 1.31 kB |
fx_JS_FireTruck03.fx | 08.10.08 | 1.31 kB |
fx_JS_FireTruck04.fx | 08.10.08 | 1.31 kB |
fx_js_navh.fx | 05.03.08 | 4.74 kB |
fx_js_nav_yellow.fx | 12.28.07 | 2.41 kB |
fx_js_strobe_police02.fx | 11.05.08 | 4.72 kB |
fx_js_strobe_pompier01.fx | 02.20.09 | 4.72 kB |
fx_js_strobe_pompier02.fx | 02.20.09 | 4.72 kB |
fx_js_strobe_pompier03.fx | 02.20.09 | 4.72 kB |
fx_js_strobe_pompier04.fx | 02.20.09 | 4.72 kB |
fx_js_strobe_pompier05.fx | 02.20.09 | 4.72 kB |
fx_js_strobe_pompier06.fx | 02.20.09 | 4.72 kB |
fx_js_YQBFireFall01.fx | 01.06.09 | 5.91 kB |
fx_launchYQB01.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.64 kB |
fx_launchYQB01sm.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_launchYQB02.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.64 kB |
fx_launchYQB02sm.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_launchYQB03.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.64 kB |
fx_launchYQB03sm.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_launchYQB04.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.64 kB |
fx_navgreh.fx | 05.12.06 | 4.53 kB |
fx_navredhbig.fx | 12.01.07 | 4.53 kB |
fx_SmokeStack_CYQB.fx | 12.01.07 | 1.31 kB |
fx_strobehbig.fx | 12.01.07 | 4.75 kB |
fx_terrasse_canon04_01.fx | 11.03.07 | 4.76 kB |
fx_terrasse_canon04_02.fx | 11.03.07 | 4.76 kB |
fx_terrasse_canon04_03.fx | 11.03.07 | 4.76 kB |
fx_terrasse_canon04_04.fx | 11.03.07 | 4.76 kB |
fx_terrasse_canon04_05.fx | 11.03.07 | 4.76 kB |
fx_WaterFall_MontmorencyTop.fx | 12.01.07 | 9.66 kB |
fx_YQBFoutainBlue.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_YQBFoutainCyan.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_YQBFoutainGreen.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_YQBFoutainOrange.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_YQBFoutainPurple.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_YQBFoutainRed.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
fx_YQBFoutainYellow.fx | 12.01.07 | 3.63 kB |
texture | 10.23.09 | 0 B |
Canon.dds | 11.16.08 | 42.79 kB |
Canon01.bmp | 11.16.08 | 42.74 kB |
Canon01.psd | 11.16.08 | 45.22 kB |
Note for ferries.txt | 10.13.09 | 2.02 kB |
Note pour les traversiers.txt | 10.15.09 | 2.15 kB |
Readme.txt | 10.30.09 | 7.59 kB |
Readme_FR.txt | 10.30.09 | 7.06 kB |
Scenery | 10.12.09 | 0 B |
022.BGL | 04.17.09 | 7.39 kB |
afg.BGL | 12.01.07 | 60.19 kB |
AmundsenAuQuai.BGL | 08.02.08 | 694.16 kB |
barge.mdl | 11.22.08 | 12.18 kB |
bassin_NORMAL.bgl | 09.03.09 | 812 B |
bassin_VERY-DENSE.bgl | 08.25.09 | 380 B |
bassin_VERY-SPARSE.bgl | 04.05.09 | 188 B |
BNat.BGL | 08.22.09 | 423.87 kB |
Bunge.BGL | 08.23.09 | 16.01 kB |
bureauPortQuebec.mdl | 08.24.09 | 10.52 kB |
can01.mdl | 08.23.09 | 7.92 kB |
capDiamant.bgl | 04.15.09 | 140 B |
centreInterpretation.mdl | 08.24.09 | 4.43 kB |
ChateauFrontenac.BGL | 08.23.09 | 295.73 kB |
ChuteMontmorencyTele.BGL | 10.29.09 | 290.65 kB |
ChutesMontmorency.BGL | 04.13.09 | 120.14 kB |
Citadelle.BGL | 05.06.09 | 586.14 kB |
ColiseePepsi.BGL | 03.06.09 | 176.08 kB |
college.BGL | 12.01.07 | 148.12 kB |
ComplexeH.BGL | 03.07.09 | 37.74 kB |
ComplexG.BGL | 10.13.09 | 229.31 kB |
Concorde.BGL | 12.01.07 | 159.41 kB |
Condos.BACK | 01.20.08 | 6.14 kB |
cvxEXCLUSIONCHATEAU.BGL | 12.01.07 | 227 B |
cvxEXCLUSIONHILTON.BGL | 12.01.07 | 227 B |
cvxFLATTEN01GC.BGL | 06.20.08 | 299 B |
cvxFLATTEN02VIEUXPORT.BGL.offline | 02.15.08 | 287 B |
cvxMARCHE_VIEUX_PORT.BGL | 01.11.09 | 230 B |
CVX_Massif.BGL | 06.09.08 | 3.99 kB |
CVX_Mont_Ste_Anne.BGL | 07.12.08 | 2.59 kB |
CVX_Ski_Stoneham.BGL | 07.31.08 | 438 B |
CVX_Traverse.BGL | 08.16.08 | 227 B |
Delta.BGL | 03.22.07 | 7.56 kB |
ecluseTour.mdl | 04.03.09 | 5.33 kB |
eglise.BGL | 07.23.08 | 212.08 kB |
elevateurPasserelle.mdl | 04.02.09 | 20.80 kB |
elevateurTour.mdl | 04.03.09 | 3.67 kB |
EnfantJesus.BGL | 12.28.07 | 67.59 kB |
Esplanade_Citadelle.bgl | 04.15.09 | 1.35 MB |
Esplanade_Parlement_Saisons.bgl | 04.15.09 | 2.35 MB |
exclusionQue.BGL | 08.23.09 | 232 B |
Gardecc.BGL | 04.22.09 | 38.98 kB |
Garde_Cotiere_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.13.08 | 751.61 kB |
gareMaritimeLevis.old | 03.11.09 | 140 B |
groupeOcean.mdl | 08.23.09 | 7.64 kB |
groupeOcean1.mdl | 11.20.08 | 7.96 kB |
groupeOcean2.mdl | 11.20.08 | 4.43 kB |
Hilton.BGL | 03.22.07 | 31.35 kB |
HWDufferin.BGL | 06.10.08 | 350.66 kB |
IS_aDesjardins.bgl | 08.08.09 | 311.50 kB |
IS_BassinLouise.bgl | 09.03.09 | 299.58 kB |
IS_BassinLouise.txt | 09.03.09 | 681 B |
IS_CapDiamant.bgl | 04.15.09 | 127.29 kB |
IS_gareMaritimeLevis.Bgl | 03.11.09 | 109.94 kB |
maisonPilotes.mdl | 08.23.09 | 4.93 kB |
marina.mdl | 08.24.09 | 22.57 kB |
marina_pl.xml | 08.24.09 | 499 B |
Parlement.BGL | 03.19.08 | 54.26 kB |
Plaines_Terrain.bgl | 04.15.09 | 3.54 MB |
pontID.BGL | 12.01.07 | 786.79 kB |
PontsQuebec.BGL | 04.04.09 | 1004.58 kB |
Price.BGL | 12.01.07 | 13.09 kB |
Pylones.BGL | 12.27.07 | 504.09 kB |
Quebec_Colisee_Terrain.bgl | 04.07.08 | 2.40 MB |
remorqueur.mdl | 08.25.09 | 86.95 kB |
remorqueur_pl.xml | 08.25.09 | 499 B |
reserveNavale.mdl | 08.23.09 | 4.89 kB |
SAAQ.BGL | 08.23.09 | 83.70 kB |
Ski_Le_Relais_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.15.09 | 4.03 MB |
Ski_Massif_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.15.09 | 10.10 MB |
Ski_MtSteAnne_Nord_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.15.09 | 2.84 MB |
Ski_MtSteAnne_Ouest_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.15.09 | 994.37 kB |
Ski_MtSteAnne_Sud_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.15.09 | 11.76 MB |
Ski_Stoneham_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.15.09 | 5.65 MB |
terminal.mdl | 09.03.09 | 73.38 kB |
TerminalTraverseLevis_sansSol_pl.BGL | 08.21.09 | 110.04 kB |
terminal_pl.xml | 09.03.09 | 499 B |
Terrain_Colisee_ete.bgl | 03.29.08 | 456.17 kB |
Terrain_Colisee_Objets.bgl | 03.29.08 | 3.59 kB |
TerrasseDufferin.BGL | 02.28.09 | 128.89 kB |
TerrasseDuf_Escalier.BGL | 04.22.09 | 690.12 kB |
TracelCapRouge.BGL | 03.06.09 | 824.31 kB |
traversier_quebec.bgl | 08.22.09 | 188 B |
Ultramar.BGL | 04.15.09 | 315.01 kB |
VieuxPort.BGL | 08.23.09 | 307.31 kB |
VieuxPortGC.BGL | 05.26.09 | 624.96 kB |
VieuxPortGC_autos_parking.BGL | 05.26.09 | 4.03 kB |
VieuxPortGC_small_objects.BGL | 05.26.09 | 4.96 kB |
Vieux_Port_Bassin_Louise01.BGL | 03.06.09 | 3.71 kB |
Vieux_Port_Bassin_Louise02.BGL | 03.06.09 | 7.53 kB |
Vieux_Port_TextureFSX.bgl | 04.15.09 | 3.51 MB |
zz_cvxEXCLUSIONDELTA.BGL | 12.01.07 | 227 B |
Texture | 10.12.09 | 0 B |
001332302022002an.agn | 04.04.08 | 584 B |
001332302022032an.agn | 04.27.08 | 5.94 kB |
001332302022201an.agn | 04.27.08 | 5.56 kB |
001332302022210an.agn | 04.27.08 | 984 B |
022.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
022_night.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
022_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 256.12 kB |
AFG.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
afg_nite.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
alphonse-desjardins.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
alphonse-desjardins02.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
alphonse-desjardins02_LM.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
alphonse-desjardins_LM.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
Ambulance512.dds | 01.04.08 | 170.79 kB |
Amnbulance_nuit.dds | 01.04.08 | 170.79 kB |
amundsen-chaine.bmp | 02.17.09 | 10.77 kB |
amundsen-conteneurs.bmp | 02.17.09 | 21.42 kB |
amundsen-coque.bmp | 02.17.09 | 85.42 kB |
amundsen-helizone.bmp | 02.17.09 | 10.75 kB |
amundsen-rampe.bmp | 06.06.08 | 341.41 kB |
amundsen-timonerie.bmp | 02.17.09 | 170.75 kB |
autoBlanche.bmp | 02.18.09 | 5.42 kB |
autoGrise.bmp | 02.18.09 | 5.42 kB |
autoMauve.bmp | 02.18.09 | 5.42 kB |
autoRouge.bmp | 02.18.09 | 5.42 kB |
autos.bmp | 02.18.09 | 5.42 kB |
bldg1.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
bldg2.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
bldg3.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
bldg4.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
bldg5.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
bldg6.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
bldg7.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
bldg8.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
BNat512.dds | 03.02.09 | 170.79 kB |
BNat512_nuit.dds | 04.15.09 | 170.79 kB |
BNat512_specular.dds | 02.09.08 | 341.45 kB |
Bois_Terrase.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Bois_Terrase_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
BriqueMusee.dds | 01.31.09 | 42.79 kB |
BriqueMusee_lm.dds | 02.15.09 | 42.79 kB |
Building300.dds | 08.02.08 | 682.79 kB |
Bungee.dds | 01.20.08 | 170.79 kB |
Bunge_Night.dds | 08.23.09 | 170.79 kB |
can01.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
can01_LM.bmp | 08.24.09 | 341.43 kB |
cap.bmp | 05.20.09 | 64.90 kB |
capDiamant.bmp | 04.15.09 | 341.43 kB |
capDiamant_alpha.bmp | 02.15.09 | 170.74 kB |
capDiamant_dess.bmp | 02.15.09 | 85.40 kB |
capDiamant_LM.bmp | 02.15.09 | 170.74 kB |
cdn_flag.dds | 07.15.07 | 170.79 kB |
chateau512.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
chateau512_2.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
chateau512_2_lm.dds | 04.15.09 | 170.79 kB |
chateau512_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
cheminee.dds | 02.14.08 | 42.79 kB |
ChuteMmcyPontStructure.dds | 06.28.08 | 42.80 kB |
Citadelle01.dds | 03.22.09 | 682.79 kB |
Citadelle01_night.dds | 08.23.09 | 682.79 kB |
CitadelleBrique.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
coldroi.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
colgau.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
ComplexeH.dds | 04.23.09 | 170.79 kB |
ComplexeH_nuit.dds | 08.22.09 | 170.79 kB |
ComplexG.dds | 12.01.07 | 341.45 kB |
ComplexG_Gris.dds | 12.01.07 | 10.79 kB |
ComplexG_Gris_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 10.79 kB |
ComplexG_nuit.dds | 04.17.09 | 170.79 kB |
ComplexG_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 21.45 kB |
Concorde512.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Concorde512_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Concorde512_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 341.45 kB |
concrete.dds | 02.09.08 | 170.79 kB |
concrete_BGouin.dds | 07.15.07 | 170.79 kB |
cross.bmp | 12.01.07 | 341.40 kB |
Delta512.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Delta512_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Delta512_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 341.45 kB |
egl1.bmp | 07.16.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl1_nite.bmp | 07.16.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl_clo.bmp | 07.16.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl_clo_nite.bmp | 07.17.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl_main.bmp | 07.16.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl_main_nite.bmp | 07.16.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl_rnd.bmp | 07.16.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl_rnd_nite.bmp | 07.16.08 | 170.74 kB |
egl_roof.bmp | 07.16.08 | 10.74 kB |
egl_roof_nite.bmp | 07.16.08 | 10.74 kB |
elevateurEclusier.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
elevateurEclusier_LM.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
elg_twr.bmp | 07.18.08 | 170.74 kB |
elg_twr_nite.bmp | 07.18.08 | 170.74 kB |
EnfantJesus01.dds | 08.26.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus01_nuit.dds | 12.28.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus01_specular.dds | 12.28.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus02.dds | 08.26.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus02_nuit.dds | 12.28.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus02_specular.dds | 12.28.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus03.dds | 08.26.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus03_nuit.dds | 12.28.07 | 170.79 kB |
EnfantJesus03_specular.dds | 12.28.07 | 170.79 kB |
Expocite.dds | 12.23.08 | 682.79 kB |
Expocite_night.dds | 12.23.08 | 682.79 kB |
feuBlanc.bmp | 08.25.09 | 2.75 kB |
feuBlanc_LM.bmp | 08.25.09 | 2.75 kB |
feuRouge.bmp | 01.23.09 | 16.90 kB |
feuRouge_LM.bmp | 01.23.09 | 16.90 kB |
feuVert.bmp | 01.23.09 | 16.90 kB |
feuVert_LM.bmp | 01.23.09 | 16.90 kB |
gareLevis.bmp | 08.17.08 | 1.33 MB |
GC100.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC100_nuit.dds | 05.18.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC200_512.dds | 05.31.08 | 170.79 kB |
GC200_512_Nuit.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC500.dds | 06.28.08 | 170.79 kB |
GC500_nuit.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC500_specular.dds | 06.28.08 | 170.79 kB |
GC900.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC900_02.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC900_02_night.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC900_2_night_v2.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC900_2_specular.dds | 05.19.08 | 170.79 kB |
GC900_night.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC900_night_v2.dds | 05.06.09 | 170.79 kB |
GC900_specular.dds | 05.19.08 | 170.79 kB |
GCCiment.dds | 06.28.08 | 170.79 kB |
glass.bmp | 02.17.09 | 85.43 kB |
glass_entrance.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
Gravel.bmp | 12.01.07 | 42.74 kB |
Gravel.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
groupeOcean.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
groupeOcean_LM.bmp | 08.24.09 | 341.43 kB |
helipad.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
helipad_A_Night.dds | 05.03.08 | 170.79 kB |
Helipad_cimen.dds | 04.03.09 | 170.79 kB |
Helipad_cimen_lm.dds | 04.03.09 | 170.79 kB |
helipad_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Hilton.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonBasSud.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonBasSud_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonBasSud_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautNord.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautNord_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautNord_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautSud.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautSud_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautSud_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautTour.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautTour02.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
HiltonHautTour02_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
HiltonHautTour_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautTour_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonHautTour_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
HiltonRoof01.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
HiltonRoof01_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
Hilton_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Hilton_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Image1.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Image2.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Lampadaire.dds | 12.01.07 | 85.45 kB |
Lampadaire_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 85.45 kB |
lastbldg.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
MaisonPilotes.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
MaisonPilotes_LM.bmp | 08.24.09 | 341.43 kB |
marina.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
marinaElevateurCouloir.dds | 01.22.09 | 682.80 kB |
marina_LM.bmp | 08.24.09 | 341.43 kB |
metal_3020588.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
metal_black.bmp | 02.09.08 | 170.74 kB |
midbldg.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
Montmorency01.dds | 12.27.07 | 128.12 kB |
Parlement.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Parlement_night.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Parlement_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 341.45 kB |
personnes.bmp | 02.17.09 | 42.75 kB |
pillier.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
pillierPtQc.bmp | 12.01.07 | 128.05 kB |
pillierPtQc.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
planchebois08.dds | 02.06.09 | 42.80 kB |
Police.dds | 08.11.08 | 170.79 kB |
Pompiers01.dds | 08.11.08 | 170.79 kB |
Pompiers01_night.dds | 08.11.08 | 170.79 kB |
portQuebec.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
portQuebec_LM.bmp | 10.13.09 | 341.43 kB |
Poutre.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
PoutreTracel.dds | 09.15.07 | 42.80 kB |
PoutreTreillis.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
PoutreTreillis_Nuit.dds | 03.31.07 | 32.12 kB |
Poutre_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
Price512.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Price512_nuit.dds | 03.22.09 | 170.79 kB |
Price512_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 341.45 kB |
QuaiUlt01.dds | 01.10.09 | 42.80 kB |
Quebec001.dds | 08.04.08 | 682.79 kB |
Quebec001_night.dds | 08.04.08 | 682.79 kB |
Quebec001_specular.dds | 08.04.08 | 682.79 kB |
Quebec002.dds | 08.04.08 | 682.79 kB |
Quebec002_night.dds | 08.04.08 | 682.79 kB |
Quebec002_specular.dds | 08.04.08 | 512.12 kB |
radisson.bmp | 01.23.04 | 65.05 kB |
rail.bmp | 12.01.07 | 341.43 kB |
Rail.dds | 04.21.07 | 42.79 kB |
RailPQ.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
RailPQ_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
Rail_specular.dds | 04.21.07 | 42.79 kB |
rampe.bmp | 02.18.09 | 42.77 kB |
rampePL.dds | 12.01.07 | 10.79 kB |
Rampe_TD.dds | 02.09.08 | 341.45 kB |
rbldg.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
remorqueur.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
reserveNavale.bmp | 02.18.09 | 170.75 kB |
reserveNavale_LM.bmp | 08.24.09 | 341.43 kB |
road.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
roue.bmp | 05.20.09 | 64.90 kB |
route.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
route02.dds | 04.04.09 | 42.79 kB |
route02_bump.dds | 12.01.07 | 21.45 kB |
route02_night.dds | 04.04.09 | 42.79 kB |
routeDuf.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
routeDuf02.dds | 12.01.07 | 10.79 kB |
route_lm.dds | 12.01.07 | 42.79 kB |
SAAQ02.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
SAAQ02_night.dds | 08.23.09 | 170.79 kB |
SAAQ03.dds | 02.28.09 | 170.79 kB |
SAAQ03_night.dds | 08.23.09 | 170.79 kB |
SteelwirePL.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
structure.bmp | 12.01.07 | 341.40 kB |
Structure08.dds | 12.01.07 | 21.45 kB |
StructureTracel002.dds | 09.16.07 | 42.80 kB |
terminal.bmp | 09.03.09 | 341.43 kB |
terminal_LM.bmp | 09.03.09 | 341.43 kB |
Terrase_lm.dds | 02.28.09 | 170.79 kB |
Terrasse.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
Terrasse01.dds | 12.02.06 | 170.79 kB |
Terrasse01_lm.dds | 02.28.09 | 170.79 kB |
Terrasse02.dds | 11.04.07 | 42.79 kB |
TerrasseStruct01.dds | 04.03.09 | 42.80 kB |
Terrasse_lm.dds | 02.16.09 | 170.80 kB |
Thumbs.db | 02.18.09 | 38.00 kB |
ToitCuivre01.dds | 02.05.09 | 10.79 kB |
toit_rouge.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
tole_noire.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
tole_noire_nuit.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
tole_noire_specular.dds | 12.01.07 | 341.45 kB |
tourelle.bmp | 12.01.07 | 170.74 kB |
traverse.bmp | 08.13.08 | 170.75 kB |
trbridge_pave2.dds | 06.10.08 | 42.79 kB |
truss.bmp | 12.01.07 | 682.75 kB |
Ultramar512.dds | 12.01.07 | 170.79 kB |
UltramarPipes.dds | 01.11.09 | 42.80 kB |
UltramarQuai02.dds | 01.11.09 | 10.80 kB |
UltramarQuai03.dds | 01.11.09 | 10.80 kB |
VieuxPort009.dds | 02.15.09 | 170.79 kB |
VieuxPort009_nuit.dds | 02.15.09 | 170.79 kB |
zlamp.bmp | 12.01.07 | 42.74 kB |
zrail.bmp | 12.01.07 | 341.43 kB |
ztruss.bmp | 12.01.07 | 682.75 kB |
thumbnail.gif | 09.14.09 | 11.66 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
Hello Jean & Gilles,
I am sorry to trouble you, but I have only recently started using FSX Steam edition and I came across the scenery files for Quebec city i.e. VilleDeQuebec Scenery and Quebec CYQB from Fly Away Simulation and I have a couple of questions about them that I hope you will be able to help me with.
Question 1 - Installation:
The install instructions for both scenery files are as follows: a) Copy the directory Quebec CYQB into your Addon Scenery directory b) Copy the files to the "Addon Scenery" of your Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) folder.
For some reason, this does not seem to work because when I tried to "add the area" in FSX it cannot find the right "file type". So I manually copied the files from the scenery directory to the scenery directory of the Addon Scenery folder etc. and it somehow got picked up by FSX without having to add the area in. Just wondering what I was doing wrong.
Question 2 - Black / Blue buildings:
When I first started FSX (after adding the VilleDeQuebec files) and flew over Quebec city some of the key buildings appeared completely BLACK (I had disabled the Preview Direct-X 10. So just to try I clicked it on and the same buildings now had more definition but were BLUE.
I really love the rest of the scenery (especially the airport) and I love Quebec city so I am hoping you can help me with this.
Blends seamlessly with Orbx Global. 'Accidentally' flew this at dusk..Outstanding! Beautiful A++