Revelstoke Airport

Revelstoke Airport (CYRV), British Columbia, Canada. Corrects the runway heading and runway designators for runway 12/30, adds runway edge lighting and new airport autogen, fixes aprons and general layout of the airport. By Reggie Fields.

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Revelstoke Airport (CYRV), British Columbia, Canada. Corrects the runway heading and runway designators for runway 12/30, adds runway edge lighting and new airport autogen, fixes aprons and general layout of the airport. By Reggie Fields.

This file is compatible and 100 percent compliant with FS X ONLY.

Some discussion on the forums identified CYRV - Revelstoke as having the wrong runway designators in FSX (and FS2004). Research showed the source data before 2006 was in error on the runway heading. The airport is on the east bank of the Columbia River / Arrow Lakes Reservoir south of the town of Revelstoke. If you check the airport location in Google Earth or other satellite photos - it may appear the runway is far from the lake. Apparently this area is frequently flooded almost to the runway. The Arrow Lakes Reservior website mentions that large areas can be covered by only 0.6 to 1.8 M of water. FS depicts the lake at the top of its flood pool - the highest water level - and surrounding the airport on three sides. Because this airport is in the bottom of a canyon area, minor variations in terrain mesh can create major problems. Please check the airport area before attempting to land or takeoff. The airport is unusable in the default FS2004 due these type terrain issues.

Summary of changes:

1. Runway true heading changed to 138.0 degrees from 130.0 in default airport.
2. Runway designators changed to Rwy 12 & Rwy 30.
3. Medium level runway edge lighting added (no PAPI or VASI - this is a VFR only airport).
4. New airport autogen exclude and airport background polygon.
5. Removed old airport polygon - autogen will create many trees in this area now.
6. Start Locations moved and changed to match new runways.
7. Helipad and start location moved to avoid conflict with runway.
8. Aprons extended to match default FSX scenery objects/ hangers.
9. Modified the default parking and added several parking spots. Now 13 total:
- 7 small (6.0M)
- 4 medium (9.0M)
- 1 large (11.0M)
- 1 fuel (16.0M)
10. Windsocks moved, taxiway signs updated and moved.
11. Plus other AFCAD type minor changes - turning pads at end of runways, etc.

Package contents:

CYRV_AFX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL -- File contains XML based date for airport header, moved runway, taxiways, parking, aprons, windsocks, taxiway signs.
CYRV_CVX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL -- File contains three Shp2Vec polygons - one to remove the old airport background, one to add a new airport background area aligned with the moved runway and a third to flatten and exclude autogen from the area of the new airport background.

Microsoft did not update the general aviation parking sizes for FSX as they did for the gate parking. I use the standards of Jim Vile and several other people working on FSX airports which match default FSX aircraft quite well. The sizing also works very well with other AI aircraft if they have been adapted with FSX wing span standards. I added several parking spots - however THIS IS NOT A GOOD AIRPORT FOR AI. FSX default AI traffic has some Caravans flying in/ out of the airport to KOAK (at least 1 as GA and 1 as Airline traffic). They can clear the mountains on departure if they takeoff on Rwy 30. The turn gives them time to climb to 5,000 ft. Because the airport does not have an ILS approach coded, AI aircraft will not descend to land at the airport correctly. I might work on that in the future.

There are 2 ways that the addon scenery files can be added to FSX. I personally prefer the 1st method listed but either method is honored by FSX.

1st Installation Method:

1. Unzip the file to a Temporary folder.
2. Copy the CYRV_AFX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL file to your FSX Scenery\Global\scenery folder.
3. Copy the CYRV_CVX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL file to your FSX Scenery\Global\scenery folder.
4. Start FSX and it will rebuild and index the CYRV airport automatically and add it to the proper priority level.

2nd Installation Method:

This method is how most 3rd party type Airport scenery (AFCAD) was installed in FS9 so most Users are familiar with it.

1. Unzip the file to a Temporary folder.
2. Copy the CYRV_AFX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL file to your FSX Addon Scenery\Scenery folder.
3. Copy the CYRV_CVX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL file to your FSX Scenery\Global\scenery folder.
4. Start FSX and it will rebuild and index the CYRV airport automatically and add it to the proper priority level.

AFCAD WARNING - The AFX file contains data most flight simmers will recognize from FS2004. HOWEVER, the file contains exclusion rectangles and scenery objects which AFCAD will destroy if it is used to modify the file.

The XML source code for the AFX file is available to anyone who sends me an e-mail.
The XML source code for the CVX file for use with FSX_KML is available to anyone who sends me an e-mail.


Jim Vile for his exceptional work, leadership, guidance and patience. Jon Masterson (scruffyduck) - Designer/Developer of the SDE Utility which makes working with FSX airport data files so much easier. MatthewS (Innova Software) - Designer/Developer of the FSX_KML Utility which makes the creation of exclusion of autogen and airport polygons easy for FSX. Flight Simulator X - Microsoft Corporation.

Reggie Fields

The archive has 6 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CYRV_AFX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL03.27.073.53 kB
CYRV_CVX_Default_RJF_v1.BGL03.27.07674 B
Readme.txt03.26.077.11 kB
CYRV_AFX_v103.27.070 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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