EPKK Balice Scenery ADE Update

Preview An updated verson of the airport EPKK Balice, Poland, found in Krakow since the default FSX EPKK had been finished incorrectly. This update removes problem of orphan parking for vehicles, parking nr 18 is made as military cargo parking so that AI don't use that spot; in real life the parking i...

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An updated verson of the airport EPKK Balice, Poland, found in Krakow since the default FSX EPKK had been finished incorrectly. This update removes problem of orphan parking for vehicles, parking nr 18 is made as military cargo parking so that AI don't use that spot; in real life the parking is there but unused. By Bartek Hryn.

Overview of EPKK Balice.

Overview of EPKK Balice.


  • -Removed problem of orphan parking for vehicles.
  • Parking nr 18 is made as military cargo parking so that AI dont use that spot, in real life the parking is there but UNUSED.

This is my first upload, its only for FSX! a realistic verson of EPKK made from ADE.

FSX default scenery for EPKK Balice doesnt have the Domesic parking.. just an empty apron, and military parking is not where it should be.

In this upload i have updated the FSX scenery for EPKK with the following features:

  • All 17 parkings have been placed correctly.
  • Up to date and realistic.
  • Added some trees to represent the trees at the real EPKK.
  • Updated military apron.
  • Placed Fuel Box.
  • Updated runways, lights.
  • Updated Taxi lights.

**the only thing not touched are the buildings, that might be changed in the next update.**


  1. Unzip this folder, preferably onto the desktop.
  2. Take the EPKK_ADEX_EPKKS.bgl and place it into the - Addon Scenery / Scenery.
  3. Turn on FSx and FLY!

NOTE: the GRASS runway is an EMERGENCY runway thus NOT connected to ANY taxiway!! its just a grass strip, you CANNOT start at that runway. The concrete runway is the one used by AI.

Happy landings.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive epkkadexv12.zip has 6 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
EPKK.JPG08.13.1046.01 kB
EPKK_ADEX_EPKKS.BGL08.22.1020.21 kB
Read-Me!.txt08.22.101.51 kB
Thumbs.db08.13.104.00 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
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