FSX Kenn Borek Air Basler BT-67 C-FMKB

PreviewThis repaint package brings a detailed Kenn Borek Air Basler BT-67 (C-FMKB) to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The included textures, crafted by Daniel Fuernkaess (Cheese-Strike Repaints), are designed for the freeware Basler BT-67 Base Pack from Daniel Fuernkaess, Manfred Jahn, Alexander M. Metzge...

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This repaint package brings a detailed Kenn Borek Air Basler BT-67 (C-FMKB) to Microsoft Flight Simulator X. The included textures, crafted by Daniel Fuernkaess (Cheese-Strike Repaints), are designed for the freeware Basler BT-67 Base Pack from Daniel Fuernkaess, Manfred Jahn, Alexander M. Metzger, and Hansjoerg Naegele. Enthusiasts seeking accurate polar operations will appreciate the authentic look of the “Polar 5” scheme and the unique adaptation of a modernized Douglas DC-3 airframe.

Aircraft Adaptation And Real-World Role

The Basler BT-67, often regarded as a versatile turboprop remaster of the classic DC-3, offers better performance in extreme regions. Kenn Borek Air, well known for its specialized polar missions, frequently uses these enhanced airframes to deliver dependable service in remote environments. With this repaint, sim pilots can immerse themselves in the same conditions that real aviators face when flying cargo runs or scientific expeditions across the ice.

Screenshot of Kenn Borek Air Basler BT-67 C-FMKB in flight.

Preview of Kenn Borek Air Basler BT-67 C-FMKB cruising overhead

Details On Textures

This content involves texture files only and does not include the necessary Basler BT-67 core model. The core package, developed by Fuernkaess, Jahn, Metzger, and Naegele, must be installed before placing these additional files. Once installed, each livery delivers a precise interpretation of Kenn Borek Air’s iconic paintwork, complete with high-resolution markings, color layouts, and authentic registration labels.

Step-By-Step Installation Recommendations

  1. Check that the Basler BT-67 base pack is correctly installed in your simulator environment. If unavailable, locate and install the freeware BASLER_BT67_V2.ZIP before proceeding.
  2. Unzip or extract this repaint package into a temporary folder.
  3. Open the Basler_BT67 folder inside your “SimObjects\Airplanes” directory. Copy the included folder named texture.C-FMKB into the Basler BT-67 directory.
  4. In the aircraft configuration file (aircraft.cfg), insert the following [fltsim] entries. Replace the “x” placeholders with the next available sequence number. Perform the same procedure for the optional no-ski variant.
title=Basler BT67 Kenn Borek Air Ltd. (C-FMKB) ski
ui_type="Turbo DC-3"
ui_variation="Kenn Borek Air Ltd. (C-FMKB) (ski)"
ui_typerole="Twin Engine Prop"
description="Kenn Borek Air Ltd. - Reg. (C-FMKB)
Paint by Daniel Fuernkaess (Cheese-Strike Repaints). Project BT-67 developers: Daniel Fuernkaess, Manfred Jahn, Alexander M. Metzger, Hansjoerg Naegele."

title=Basler BT67 Kenn Borek Air Ltd. (C-FMKB) no ski
ui_type="Turbo DC-3"
ui_variation="Kenn Borek Air Ltd. - (C-FMKB) (no ski)"
ui_typerole="Twin Engine Prop"
description="Kenn Borek Air Ltd. - Reg. (C-FMKB)
Paint by Daniel Fuernkaess (Cheese-Strike Repaints). Project BT-67 developers: Daniel Fuernkaess, Manfred Jahn, Alexander M. Metzger, Hansjoerg Naegele."

Additional Notes

This Kenn Borek Air texture set remains a freeware product. It aims to let you try out real-world livery details during your simulated polar or scientific flights in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Expand your hangar with this repaint and explore challenging environments, just as Kenn Borek Air’s crews do. Remember, the base aircraft files are essential and located in the Fly Away Simulation library.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive bt-67_kba_c-fmkb.zip has 20 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
BT-67_KBA_C-FMKB08.20.120 B
Cheese-Strike Repaints.url12.06.11123 B
Install.txt08.20.122.92 kB
texture.C-FMKB08.20.120 B
bt67_1_T.dds06.28.124.00 MB
bt67_1_T_spec.dds06.28.121.00 MB
bt67_2_T.dds07.19.124.00 MB
bt67_2_T_spec.dds06.28.121.00 MB
bt67_4_T.dds07.21.121.00 MB
bt67_4_T_spec.dds06.27.111.00 MB
propdisk.dds06.28.12256.12 kB
texture.cfg02.14.11133 B
thumbnail.jpg07.19.1278.87 kB
VC_nose.dds07.01.12256.12 kB
texture.C-FMKB_ski08.20.120 B
bt67_skis.dds01.21.12256.12 kB
texture.cfg07.17.12163 B
thumbnail.jpg07.19.1281.04 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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