FS2004 ATL-98 Carvair V1.0

Preview A Gmax built version of the classic Douglas DC-4 conversion: the Aviation Traders Carvair. Four liveries included, two from British Air Ferries, British United and BUAF representing the Carvair in its intended role as a car ferry, later used purely in a freight role the versatile Carvair saw w...

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Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
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A Gmax built version of the classic Douglas DC-4 conversion: the Aviation Traders Carvair. Four liveries included, two from British Air Ferries, British United and BUAF representing the Carvair in its intended role as a car ferry, later used purely in a freight role the versatile Carvair saw widespread service world-wide. Two or three out of the 21 distinctive DC-4/C54 conversions remain operational today. Fully animated model, with reflective and specular textures. By Jon Walton. Accurate and original flight dynamics by FSAviator. Chief test pilot and technical assistance by Maarten Brouwer. (See also JWAT98UD.ZIP).

Image representing the ATL-98 Carvair in flight.

Image representing the ATL-98 Carvair in flight.

Special thanks to Tom Gibson, Milton Shupe, William Ortis to name but a few at the Free Flight Design Shop forum, for such an invaluable mine of information. Lastly, to 'Kezza Onions' (Kerry my partner) for her original 'If there ain't one why don't you make one!' inspiration, countless cups of coffee and tireless patience.

After bemoaning the fact there was no decent Carvair available for my neighborhood airfield 'Lydd' UK in FS2004, back in Feb '06, it was given to me 'If there ain't one why don't you make one!'. 14 weeks after registering my copy of Gmax here is the initial release of my first model ling project. I hope you enjoy it.

The model comes aliased to the default DC-3 aircraft panel and sounds enabling you to fly right out of the box. HOWEVER, and it is a big however this aircraft is designed to fly with one of the DC4/DC6 panel's available at Tom Gibson's California Classics site, so I strongly suggest you make a trip over there first of all. Owners of Jens Christianson's legendary DC-4 already installed (and there are many of you) can alias to that aircrafts panel and skip that step, and if you don't own it already this is great excuse for getting your hands on a great plane.

The default DC-3 sound too is a bit tame for the Carvair so the suggestions are Mike Hambly's DC-3 sounds for 2k2, my favorite as it they make a lovely thrashing sound at TOGA power, or the Chief Test Pilot prefers Des Braben's twin engine (yes twin) radial sounds. A search on your favorite download site will locate those files for you.

If you don't want to overshoot the runway on initial take-off it is strongly suggested you read all the documentation supplied. There is a beautiful pen-picture of the Carvair by FSAviator included in the package (AT_98.txt) which I was VERY grateful to receive and provides a good grounding on operation and routes.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive jwat98.zip has 100 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Carvair07.01.060 B
Aircraft.cfg07.01.0611.62 kB
AT98.air05.26.067.36 kB
AT98.txt07.01.0626.86 kB
AT98_ref.txt05.24.063.97 kB
Carvair.bmp07.01.06425.69 kB
Carvair.gif07.01.064.76 kB
Carvair.jpg07.01.0612.99 kB
Carvair.png07.01.064.55 kB
Description.txt07.01.06665 B
model07.01.060 B
model.novc07.01.060 B
Model.cfg06.30.0628 B
novc_carv.mdl07.01.061.48 MB
Model.cfg03.23.0627 B
new_carv.mdl07.01.062.78 MB
panel07.01.060 B
panel.cfg07.01.0633 B
READ_ME_FIRST.txt07.01.063.98 kB
sound07.01.060 B
sound.cfg06.30.0633 B
texture.baf107.01.060 B
c_floor.bmp05.14.0664.07 kB
chrome_L.bmp06.30.062.05 kB
chrome_t.bmp05.02.0664.07 kB
fuse_L.bmp07.01.06512.08 kB
fuse_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
mainpaint.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
minicar.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarb.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarw.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
mwings_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
mwings_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
pilots.bmp07.01.0665.05 kB
propmesh.bmp03.27.0665.05 kB
quilt.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
rest_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
rest_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
thamesvan.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
Thumbs.db06.30.06113.50 kB
texture.baf207.01.060 B
c_floor.bmp05.14.0664.07 kB
chrome_L.bmp06.30.062.05 kB
chrome_t.bmp05.02.0664.07 kB
fuse_L.bmp07.01.06128.07 kB
fuse_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
mainpaint.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
minicar.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarb.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarw.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
mwings_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
mwings_t.bmp06.30.061.00 MB
pilots.bmp07.01.0665.05 kB
propmesh.bmp03.27.0665.05 kB
quilt.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
rest_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
rest_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
thamesvan.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
Thumbs.db06.30.06113.50 kB
texture.bu07.01.060 B
c_floor.bmp05.14.0664.07 kB
chrome_L.bmp06.30.062.05 kB
chrome_t.bmp05.02.0664.07 kB
fuse_L.bmp07.01.06128.07 kB
fuse_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
mainpaint.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
minicar.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarb.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarw.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
mwings_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
mwings_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
pilots.bmp07.01.0665.05 kB
propmesh.bmp03.27.0665.05 kB
quilt.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
rest_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
rest_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
thamesvan.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
Thumbs.db06.30.06113.50 kB
texture.buaf07.01.060 B
c_floor.bmp05.14.0664.07 kB
chrome_L.bmp06.30.062.05 kB
chrome_t.bmp05.02.0664.07 kB
fuse_L.bmp07.01.06128.07 kB
fuse_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
mainpaint.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
minicar.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarb.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
minicarw.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
mwings_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
mwings_t.bmp06.30.061.00 MB
pilots.bmp07.01.0665.05 kB
propmesh.bmp03.27.0665.05 kB
quilt.bmp06.21.0617.05 kB
rest_L.bmp07.01.062.08 kB
rest_t.bmp07.01.061.00 MB
thamesvan.bmp06.12.0665.05 kB
Thumbs.db06.30.06113.50 kB
FILE_ID.DIZ07.01.06635 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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