PreviewLFRD, Dinard Airport. The airport LFRD is located in Britanny, northern France. The airport has correct frequencies, additional parking, correct runway and taxi locations. By Jean-Luc Neale.

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LFRD, Dinard Airport. The airport LFRD is located in Britanny, northern France. The airport has correct frequencies, additional parking, correct runway and taxi locations. By Jean-Luc Neale.

Aerial view of Dinard Airport.

Aerial view of Dinard Airport.

This airport update was designed with the latest version of ADE (Airport Design Editor) and made only for the default FSX and P3D airport.

This is my first venture into scenery tweaking and I've done this because I've found many mistakes with frequencies, taxi designations etc. I know this will have some mistakes and it still needs some tweaking so this is just version 1. I will be relying on others to let me know what you think and what is wrong and could be made better. The terminal building I know isn't as professional as other peoples buildings but remember this is my first go. I have many other French airports I want to work on. So if this turns out well I will endeavor to produce more.


  • Take the LFRD Dinard folder place into: Flight Simulator X/Addon Scenery
  • Start up the Flight Sim and add the scenery in the scenery manager. This should be place higher than any mesh that you may be using.


  • Delete/remove the LFRD Dinard folder and the default airport will then be active.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive lfrd-dinard-v1-2013.zip has 62 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
LFRD Dinard09.29.130 B
scenery09.29.130 B
dinardterminalv2.bgl09.29.132.46 kB
LFRD_ADEP_JLN9.BGL09.29.1314.79 kB
LFRD_ADEP_JLN9_OBJ.BGL09.29.135.56 kB
lightobj.bgl11.06.08643.63 kB
parking_lots_large_ss_fsx.BGL10.13.122.65 MB
RampLightLibrary.bgl01.26.1025.04 kB
ramp_light_dual_fsx.MDL01.25.108.04 kB
ramp_light_single_fsx.MDL01.25.105.42 kB
small_street_light_fsx.MDL01.25.106.12 kB
texture09.29.130 B
almwht.dds10.16.0864.12 kB
cars_VFR002.bmp10.13.12170.74 kB
car_cevy_beauville_van.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_chevy_blazer_red.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_chevy_blazer_white.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_chevy_caprice.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_chrysler_lebaron.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_dodge.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_dodge_durango.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_dodge_pickup.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_dodge_van.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_ford_mustang_black.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_ford_pickup.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_geo_metro.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_gmc_old.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_gmc_pickup.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_honda.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_honda_civic.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_mazda_pickup.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_mazda_pickup_canopy.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_mercury_sable.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_pontiac_3bears.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_pontiac_sunbird.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_RCMP_Pickup.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_subaru_wagon.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_toyota_camry.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_toyota_corolla.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_toyota_corolla_old.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_van.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_vw_bus.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_vw_hatchback.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
car_vw_transport.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
dinardtermv2_00.bmp09.29.13341.40 kB
dinardterm_00.bmp09.29.13341.40 kB
ESDG_SmallStreetLight_Diffuse.dds01.28.1016.12 kB
ESDG_SmallStreetLight_Spec.dds01.24.1064.12 kB
lights1.dds11.06.0832.12 kB
lot median texture.bmp10.13.1242.73 kB
lot texture 2.bmp10.13.12170.74 kB
lot texture 3.bmp10.13.12170.74 kB
truck_camper.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
truck_chevy_flatbed.bmp10.13.1242.74 kB
VFR002.bmp10.13.12170.74 kB
ReadMe.txt09.29.132.54 kB
ReadMe.txt09.29.131.37 kB
FILE_ID.diz09.29.13266 B
dinard-afcad-rc-v1.jpg09.29.1330.62 kB
dinard-afcad-rc-v1thumb.jpg09.29.139.94 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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