FSX Embraer EKC-390 Updated Package
An update to the J.R. Lucariny EKC390 by adding the Philippe Wallaert 717 2D panel modified slightly, and the CFM International CFM56-7B sounds created by Adam Murphy and Devyn Silverstein. Includes two Brazilian, one French, and one Chinese texture, 2D panel only, no VC panel. By Michael E. Robe...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 3.9K
- Compatibility
- Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
- Filename
- embraer_ekc-390.zip
- File size
- 17.59 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 4 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
An update to the J.R. Lucariny EKC390 by adding the Philippe Wallaert 717 2D panel modified slightly, and the CFM International CFM56-7B sounds created by Adam Murphy and Devyn Silverstein. Includes two Brazilian, one French, and one Chinese texture, 2D panel only, no VC panel. By Michael E. Roberts.
Screenshot of Embraer EKC-390 in flight.
description=FS2004 Embraer KC-390\nby JRLucariny
ui_type=EMBRAER KC-390
ui_variation=KC-390 FAB 2412
The archive embraer_ekc-390.zip has 137 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
Aircraft.cfg | 08.08.13 | 10.69 kB |
EKC-390 Panel.jpg | 08.07.13 | 320.54 kB |
EKC390.air | 01.02.02 | 8.28 kB |
EKC-390.jpg | 08.08.13 | 97.37 kB |
model | 08.08.13 | 0 B |
EKC390.mdl | 08.06.13 | 1.40 MB |
Model.cfg | 08.06.13 | 25 B |
panel | 08.08.13 | 0 B |
B717.CAB | 08.06.13 | 500.46 kB |
EKC-390.jpg | 08.07.13 | 320.54 kB |
EKC-390-1.jpg | 08.07.13 | 340.57 kB |
Main_Panel.bmp | 08.07.13 | 4.71 MB |
Overhead_Panel.bmp | 08.06.13 | 891.29 kB |
panel.cfg | 08.06.13 | 6.47 kB |
Throttle_Panel.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.13 MB |
Thumbs.db | 08.06.13 | 18.00 kB |
sound | 08.08.13 | 0 B |
CF5_AP_DISC.WAV | 08.03.13 | 101.67 kB |
CF5_COCKPIT.wav | 08.03.13 | 586.98 kB |
CF5_DOOR_CLOSE.wav | 08.03.13 | 131.81 kB |
CF5_DOOR_OPEN.wav | 08.03.13 | 116.30 kB |
CF5_EXT_1.wav | 08.03.13 | 53.55 kB |
CF5_EXT_2.wav | 08.03.13 | 111.78 kB |
CF5_EXT_3.wav | 08.03.13 | 8.10 kB |
CF5_EXT_4.wav | 08.03.13 | 23.00 kB |
CF5_EXT_5.wav | 08.03.13 | 33.36 kB |
CF5_EXT_A.wav | 08.03.13 | 71.42 kB |
CF5_EXT_APU.wav | 08.03.13 | 693.06 kB |
CF5_EXT_REVERS.wav | 08.03.13 | 159.80 kB |
CF5_EXT_START.wav | 08.03.13 | 1.38 MB |
CF5_EXT_START2.wav | 08.03.13 | 549.89 kB |
CF5_FLAPS.WAV | 08.03.13 | 68.69 kB |
CF5_GEAR_DN.WAV | 08.03.13 | 126.18 kB |
CF5_GEAR_UP.WAV | 08.03.13 | 126.18 kB |
CF5_GEAR_WARN.wav | 08.03.13 | 14.73 kB |
CF5_INT_1.wav | 08.03.13 | 86.23 kB |
CF5_INT_2.wav | 08.03.13 | 32.47 kB |
CF5_INT_3.wav | 08.03.13 | 14.21 kB |
CF5_INT_4.wav | 08.03.13 | 95.23 kB |
CF5_INT_APU.WAV | 08.03.13 | 316.38 kB |
CF5_INT_REVERS.wav | 08.03.13 | 1.57 MB |
CF5_INT_SHUT.wav | 08.03.13 | 1.53 MB |
CF5_INT_START.wav | 08.03.13 | 2.51 MB |
CF5_INT_START2.wav | 08.03.13 | 553.48 kB |
CF5_OVER.WAV | 08.03.13 | 86.16 kB |
CF5_ROLL.wav | 08.03.13 | 491.41 kB |
CF5_TOUCH_C.wav | 08.03.13 | 192.43 kB |
CF5_TOUCH_L.wav | 08.03.13 | 199.42 kB |
CF5_TOUCH_R.wav | 08.03.13 | 199.42 kB |
CF5_WIND.wav | 08.03.13 | 105.15 kB |
sound.cfg | 08.03.13 | 11.72 kB |
texture.1 | 08.08.13 | 0 B |
Cadeira.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
Capacetes.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
EmbC390Fan.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390FanH.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390Painel.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbC390Tires.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbKC390Asas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Asas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Interior.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Misc.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbKC390Turbinas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Turbinas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Helice.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
HeliceDisk.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
PatriaMap.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Piloto.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 08.07.13 | 86.75 kB |
Thumbs.db | 08.06.13 | 76.00 kB |
texture.2 | 08.08.13 | 0 B |
Cadeira.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
Capacetes.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
EmbC390Fan.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390FanH.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390Painel.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbC390Tires.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbKC390Asas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Asas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Interior.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Misc.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbKC390Turbinas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Turbinas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Helice.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
HeliceDisk.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
PatriaMap.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Piloto.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 08.07.13 | 86.13 kB |
Thumbs.db | 08.06.13 | 67.50 kB |
texture.3 | 08.08.13 | 0 B |
Cadeira.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
Capacetes.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
EmbC390Fan.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390FanH.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390Painel.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbC390Tires.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbKC390Asas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Asas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Interior.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Misc.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbKC390Turbinas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Turbinas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Helice.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
HeliceDisk.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
PatriaMap.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Piloto.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 08.07.13 | 85.89 kB |
Thumbs.db | 08.06.13 | 69.00 kB |
texture | 08.08.13 | 0 B |
Cadeira.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
Capacetes.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
EmbC390Fan.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390FanH.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbC390Painel.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbC390Tires.bmp | 08.06.13 | 42.75 kB |
EmbKC390Asas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Asas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Interior.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Map_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Misc.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
EmbKC390Turbinas.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
EmbKC390Turbinas_L.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Helice.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
HeliceDisk.bmp | 08.06.13 | 341.43 kB |
PatriaMap.bmp | 08.06.13 | 1.33 MB |
Piloto.bmp | 08.06.13 | 85.43 kB |
thumbnail.jpg | 08.07.13 | 89.04 kB |
Thumbs.db | 08.06.13 | 132.00 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
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this plane is good, too bad you don't have it, his engine is wrong, that seems to be a cfm56, the correct one is IAE-V2500.
I m from Argentina, Buenos Aires, I have both sims FSX and FS 2004. Your page is the best, I'm always downloading your magnificent planes. Pity there is nothing of FS 2004 I have it super complete. Now waiting for 2020. Unfortunately, in this country the dollar rate is very expensive and there are a lot of restrictions about buying in foreign countries. Congratulations.
Gentlemen I am interested in this download KC 390 Where can I find the original base flyable model if this is not? Your download is great Sincerely, A Rodriguez Av Enthusiast Filename Embraer ekc_390-zip Thank you.