FSX RCAF Beechcraft T-34

PreviewTextures for the Alphasim freeware T34 Mentor. 25 Canadian-made Mentors were evaluated by the RCAF in 1954-55 for use as primary trainers but were deemed not suitable. None were retained in Canada, most being donated to Greece and Turkey under the NATO Mutual Aid Program. This privately owned T-3...

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Textures for the Alphasim freeware T34 Mentor. 25 Canadian-made Mentors were evaluated by the RCAF in 1954-55 for use as primary trainers but were deemed not suitable. None were retained in Canada, most being donated to Greece and Turkey under the NATO Mutual Aid Program. This privately owned T-34 recollects the short history of Mentors with the RCAF. By Peter Lorimer.

Screenshot of RCAF Beechcraft T-34 in flight.

Screenshot of RCAF Beechcraft T-34 in flight.


  • Copy the texture.RCAF folder into the "T-34Mentor" folder in the SimObjects 'Airplanes' folder and copy the text below into the aircaft cfg file.
  • Replace the'x' with the next number in sequence:

title=ALPHA T-34A, RCAF
ui_type=Beechcraft T-34 Mentor
ui_variation=T-34A, RCAF
description=ALPHA Simulations 2004\n\nThe T-34 Mentor was a result of Beechcraft's private effort at creating a trainer based on the Bonanza. The new aircraft had tandem seating and a conventional tail rather than the distinctive Bonanza V-tail. Known as the Beech Model 45 Mentor, the aircraft first flew on December 2, 1948. A total of 973 T-34A and T-34B aircraft were ultimately ordered by the USAF and US Navy. In 1960, the USAF adopted an all-jet training program, whilst the US Navy phased out the T-34B in favor of the T-34C Turbo Mentor. The T-34 was widely exported, with Japan, Argentina, Great Britain, and the Phillipines being among those countries to use the type. Many are still flying, although a number of Airworthiness Directives regarding the wing have grounded these until compliance has been shown.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive t34_mentor_rcaf.zip has 22 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FILE_ID.DIZ08.12.13422 B
texture.RCAF08.12.130 B
jcchrome.bmp08.15.0321.40 kB
jccockpit.bmp04.18.042.00 MB
jccockpit2.bmp04.18.042.00 MB
jccrew.bmp06.14.041.00 MB
jccrew2.bmp04.17.041.00 MB
jcfuselage.bmp08.04.131.33 MB
jcmisc.bmp08.04.131.33 MB
jcpanel.bmp05.05.041.00 MB
jcpanel2.bmp05.05.041.00 MB
jcperspex ref.bmp07.29.0321.40 kB
jcperspex vc ref.bmp01.12.0421.43 kB
jcprop back.bmp04.09.0421.43 kB
jcprop.bmp04.09.0421.43 kB
jcwheels.bmp05.10.13341.40 kB
jcwings.bmp08.07.131.33 MB
Readme.txt08.12.132.20 kB
thumbnail.jpg08.12.1335.27 kB
Mentor RCAF.jpg08.12.1335.17 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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