FSX Antonov An-124 Package Reworked
This version is a combination of the Thomas Ruth original An-124 and the An124-210 package of Douglas E. Trapp. It includes added TCAS, FMC, a new FE panel and reworked textures from the 210 package to three new textures for this version. The .air file and aircraft.cfg have been reworked for some...
- Type
- Complete with Base Model
- Download hits
- 5.9K
- Compatibility
- Flight Simulator XPrepar3D
- Filename
- 124_rw.zip
- File size
- 39.55 MB
- Virus Scan
- Scanned 28 days ago (clean)
- Access to file
- Free (Freeware)
- Content Rating
- Everyone
This version is a combination of the Thomas Ruth original An-124 and the An124-210 package of Douglas E. Trapp. It includes added TCAS, FMC, a new FE panel and reworked textures from the 210 package to three new textures for this version. The .air file and aircraft.cfg have been reworked for some gauges. Many thanks to Thomas Ruth for his great original An-124, Douglas E. Trapp for the original texture, Philippe Wallaert for Master Caution and some gauges for the electric I have used, Dietmar Loleit for the TCAS and Garrett Smith for the FMC! This is the complete aircraft with VC, tested only with FSX + Acceleration. By Andiroto.
Screenshot of Antonov An-124 in flight.
- Unzip 124_RW.ZIP into a temporary location, your desktop for example.
- Move the AN124RW folder from your temporary folder (desktop) into your FSX simobjects/aircrafts folder.
- Copy the six .fx files from your temporary locations effects folder into your FSX/effects folder.
- Copy your default Boeing747-400.cab file from your default Boeing747-400 panel folder into your FSX gauges folder.
Known limitations of this version: Due to technical reason can the "Exit Doors" warn light in the FE panel not recognize the Nose cargo door! Only the commands from shift+ E to shift+E+4 are included!
The archive 124_rw.zip has 147 files and directories contained within it.
File Contents
This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.
Filename/Directory | File Date | File Size |
AN124RW | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
aircraft.cfg | 06.05.15 | 25.56 kB |
an124.air | 06.01.15 | 8.26 kB |
documentation | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
manual.pdf | 08.05.09 | 3.81 MB |
model | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
an124.MDL | 07.28.09 | 6.38 MB |
an124_interior.MDL | 07.20.09 | 1.69 MB |
Model.cfg | 05.10.08 | 49 B |
multiplayer | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
an124.MDL | 07.31.09 | 6.38 MB |
an124_interior.MDL | 07.30.09 | 1.69 MB |
single | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
an124.MDL | 07.28.09 | 6.38 MB |
an124_interior.MDL | 07.20.09 | 1.69 MB |
panel | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
$gauges.bmp | 05.31.10 | 3.00 MB |
124fe.bmp | 05.30.15 | 5.49 MB |
124fe_night.bmp | 05.31.15 | 5.49 MB |
FE124.cab | 06.04.15 | 183.02 kB |
HoneywellFMC.CAB | 02.24.09 | 600.42 kB |
OS747SP.mdl | 09.17.13 | 2.63 MB |
overhead.bmp | 05.31.15 | 1.27 MB |
overhead_night.bmp | 05.31.15 | 1.27 MB |
panel.bmp | 05.31.15 | 2.25 MB |
panel.cfg | 06.06.15 | 13.60 kB |
panel_night.bmp | 05.31.15 | 2.25 MB |
TCAS_V2.CAB | 10.25.10 | 366.43 kB |
pics | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
82027.jpg | 06.05.15 | 283.09 kB |
82029.jpg | 06.05.15 | 256.29 kB |
82072.jpg | 06.05.15 | 345.08 kB |
fe.jpg | 06.06.15 | 423.71 kB |
org124eng.jpg | 05.14.15 | 217.02 kB |
Volga Dnepr.jpg | 07.10.09 | 7.42 kB |
white.jpg | 07.10.09 | 6.63 kB |
sound | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
757apu-in.wav | 06.22.08 | 69.14 kB |
757APU-OUT.wav | 06.22.08 | 693.04 kB |
757Roll.wav | 06.22.08 | 215.09 kB |
757system.wav | 06.22.08 | 179.09 kB |
757wind.WAV | 06.22.08 | 644.67 kB |
BAAPDIS.WAV | 06.22.08 | 53.04 kB |
BAGLIDE.WAV | 06.22.08 | 25.92 kB |
BAN11.wav | 06.22.08 | 180.09 kB |
BAN12.wav | 06.22.08 | 59.15 kB |
BAN13.wav | 06.22.08 | 562.04 kB |
BAN14.wav | 06.22.08 | 152.17 kB |
BAN1SHUT.WAV | 06.22.08 | 407.91 kB |
BAN1STRT.wav | 06.22.08 | 430.92 kB |
BAN21.wav | 06.22.08 | 388.09 kB |
ban22.wav | 06.22.08 | 330.09 kB |
BAN23.wav | 06.22.08 | 178.15 kB |
BAN24.wav | 06.22.08 | 307.10 kB |
BAN2SHUT.WAV | 06.22.08 | 190.87 kB |
BAN2STRT.wav | 06.22.08 | 253.46 kB |
BAN2T.wav | 06.22.08 | 470.60 kB |
BAOVER.WAV | 06.22.08 | 22.23 kB |
BASTALL.wav | 06.22.08 | 115.68 kB |
BMFLAPS.wav | 06.22.08 | 85.09 kB |
BMGEARdn.wav | 06.22.08 | 553.26 kB |
BMGEARUP.wav | 06.22.08 | 133.62 kB |
BMGWARN.WAV | 06.22.08 | 18.09 kB |
Sound.cfg | 01.04.09 | 12.78 kB |
touch_c.wav | 06.22.08 | 115.86 kB |
touch_main.wav | 06.22.08 | 509.02 kB |
XBAN11.wav | 06.22.08 | 267.09 kB |
XBAN12.wav | 06.22.08 | 228.09 kB |
XBAN13.wav | 06.22.08 | 662.26 kB |
XBAN14.wav | 06.22.08 | 142.09 kB |
XBAN1SHUT.wav | 06.22.08 | 490.38 kB |
XBAN1STRT.wav | 06.22.08 | 435.09 kB |
XBAN21.wav | 06.22.08 | 240.09 kB |
XBAN22.wav | 06.22.08 | 198.09 kB |
XBAN23.wav | 06.22.08 | 165.09 kB |
XBAN24.wav | 06.22.08 | 141.09 kB |
XBAN2SHUT.wav | 06.22.08 | 435.09 kB |
XBAN2STRT.wav | 06.22.08 | 2.87 MB |
XBAN2T.wav | 06.22.08 | 557.09 kB |
soundai | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
soundai.cfg | 05.12.06 | 34 B |
texture.82027 | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
gaugesl.dds | 07.08.09 | 256.12 kB |
main_124.dds | 06.06.15 | 4.00 MB |
main_124_spec.dds | 07.09.09 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 07.09.09 | 140 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 06.05.15 | 283.09 kB |
wing_l.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_r.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
texture.82029 | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
gaugesl.dds | 07.08.09 | 256.12 kB |
main_124.dds | 06.06.15 | 4.00 MB |
main_124_spec.dds | 07.09.09 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 07.09.09 | 140 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 06.05.15 | 256.29 kB |
wing_l.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_r.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
texture.82072 | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
gaugesl.dds | 07.08.09 | 256.12 kB |
main_124.dds | 06.06.15 | 4.00 MB |
main_124_spec.dds | 07.09.09 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 07.09.09 | 140 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 06.05.15 | 345.08 kB |
wing_l.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_r.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
texture.simple | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
main_124.dds | 07.20.09 | 1.00 MB |
main_124_bump.dds | 07.20.09 | 1.00 MB |
texture.VD | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
gaugesl.dds | 07.08.09 | 256.12 kB |
glass.dds | 06.17.09 | 64.12 kB |
main_124.dds | 07.20.09 | 4.00 MB |
main_124_bump.dds | 06.03.09 | 4.00 MB |
main_124_light.dds | 06.27.09 | 1.00 MB |
main_124_spec.dds | 06.03.09 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 07.09.09 | 140 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 07.10.09 | 7.42 kB |
VC01_l.dds | 07.07.09 | 1.00 MB |
VC01_t.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
VC02_l.dds | 07.07.09 | 1.00 MB |
VC02_t.dds | 07.11.09 | 1.00 MB |
VC03_l.dds | 07.07.09 | 1.00 MB |
VC03_t.dds | 07.08.09 | 1.00 MB |
VC04_l.dds | 07.07.09 | 1.00 MB |
VC04_t.dds | 07.02.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_bump.dds | 06.18.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_l.dds | 06.21.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_r.dds | 06.21.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_spec.dds | 06.18.09 | 64.12 kB |
texture.WHITE | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
gaugesl.dds | 07.08.09 | 256.12 kB |
main_124.dds | 07.20.09 | 4.00 MB |
main_124_spec.dds | 07.09.09 | 256.12 kB |
texture.cfg | 07.09.09 | 140 B |
thumbnail.jpg | 07.10.09 | 6.63 kB |
wing_l.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
wing_r.dds | 07.09.09 | 1.00 MB |
effects | 06.06.15 | 0 B |
fx_an124beacon.fx | 06.19.09 | 3.57 kB |
fx_an124land.fx | 06.20.09 | 1.22 kB |
fx_an124land2.fx | 06.19.09 | 4.55 kB |
fx_an124logo.fx | 11.11.08 | 1.21 kB |
fx_an124taxi.fx | 06.19.09 | 4.54 kB |
fx_an124vc.fx | 05.12.06 | 1.31 kB |
installation.txt | 06.06.15 | 1.21 kB |
flyawaysimulation.txt | 10.29.13 | 959 B |
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url | 01.22.16 | 52 B |
Installation Instructions
Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.
Leave a ResponseThe content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.
I have no idea why but I face a problem with EVERY SINGLE on of Thomas Ruth's aircraft. The A330, A340 all of Thomas Ruth's aircraft only show the wings and not the central fuselage. Come on now ended up crying now. Please help me and tell me if there is an Antonov 124, 225 available freeware from someone INSTEAD OF THOMAS RUTH.
This thing is a monster. I can't say how much I recommend this plane. Just make sure you have one hell of a runway.