FSX Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787-9 V5

PreviewThe latest Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787-9 update offers a refined wide-body Dreamliner experience for dedicated FSX pilots seeking a realistic commercial aircraft simulation. This version, crafted by Camil Valiquette of CamSim, integrates an enhanced model with sharper liveries, revised static ele...

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The latest Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787-9 update offers a refined wide-body Dreamliner experience for dedicated FSX pilots seeking a realistic commercial aircraft simulation. This version, crafted by Camil Valiquette of CamSim, integrates an enhanced model with sharper liveries, revised static elements on the ground, and full Animated Ground Servicing features. It provides a freeware base package that seamlessly fits into Microsoft Flight Simulator X’s environment while including all relevant effects and animations.

Elevated 787-9 Exterior Detailing

The V5 rendition showcases meticulous improvements to the fuselage and wings, capturing the sleek contours of Boeing’s next-generation long-haul aircraft. The livery replicates Vietnam Airlines’ signature color scheme with high-definition texturing, ensuring faithful representations of the national flag carrier’s aircraft. Users will also find that exterior additions, like extra rivet lines and nuanced shading, deliver a more authentic flight deck atmosphere.

Screenshot of Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787-9 with ground services.

Preview of the Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787-9 next to animated ground support vehicles.

Installation Procedure

  • Extract the entire aircraft folder into the “Airplane” directory inside Microsoft Flight Simulator X.
  • Also unzip the accompanying “Effects.zip” file (hosting night lighting elements) into the main FSX folder. This step is only necessary if you have yet to install any CamSim aircraft featuring AGS effects.

Once installed, the Dreamliner should appear in your FSX aircraft menu. You can load it just as you would any other default or add-on airplane.

AGS (Animated Ground Servicing) Attributes

This 787-9 model includes an integrated ground handling package, enabling detailed passenger and cargo operations without requiring third-party utilities. The publisher, CamSim, implemented dedicated animations to improve immersion and authenticity. These services encompass:

  • Press Shift+E to toggle the left passenger door (labeled M2) and introduce the air stairs.
  • Press Shift+E+2 to manage the main passenger door (labeled M1) and initiate FSX’s default jetway visuals.
  • Press Shift+D to open and close cargo bay doors for loading and unloading sequences.
  • Press Shift+C to start or stop the core ground servicing animations.

Essential Key Assignments

To leverage every movement and ground handling function, assign or confirm these control mappings within your simulation settings:

  • Wing fold/unfold ? Shift + C
  • Tail hook up/down ? Shift + D

This dependable Vietnam Airlines Boeing 787-9 modification offers a comprehensive freeware package, ensuring you have everything needed right out of the box. Developed and painted by Camil Valiquette, it stands as an excellent addition to your FSX hangar for those who appreciate both technical detail and refined aesthetic touches when simulating the flag carrier of Vietnam.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2

The archive 789v5vnx.zip has 35 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
CamSim Boeing 787-9 V5 Vietnam Airlines04.27.150 B
787-9.air02.28.1212.76 kB
789v5vn_.jpg04.22.1570.56 kB
789v5vn_ags_.jpg04.27.15127.73 kB
aircraft.cfg04.27.1515.53 kB
Effects.zip09.09.081.81 kB
file_id.diz04.27.15252 B
FSX Installation Aircraft and AGS Animations Read Me.htm04.27.156.56 kB
model.787-9 ags V504.27.150 B
787-9 ags V5.mdl04.15.152.91 MB
Model.cfg09.04.1331 B
Panel04.27.150 B
787_350_panel_background.bmp02.25.102.25 MB
787_350_panel_background_night.bmp02.25.102.25 MB
Airbus_A321.cab09.04.062.72 MB
panel.cfg02.25.105.48 kB
Read Me How to setup Animations (AGS).txt10.30.13875 B
Read Me_FSX.txt04.27.152.38 kB
sound04.27.150 B
Sound.cfg11.04.0935 B
texture.vn04.27.150 B
787eng_t.bmp03.18.151.00 MB
787ext_L.bmp04.27.154.00 MB
787ext_t.bmp04.27.151.00 MB
787int_L.bmp04.27.154.00 MB
787int_t.bmp04.27.151.00 MB
787tail_t.bmp03.18.151.00 MB
789fuse_t.bmp04.22.151.00 MB
789wings_t.bmp08.21.131.00 MB
gris_t.bmp12.09.0916.07 kB
tail.bmp12.02.121.00 MB
thumbnail.jpg04.27.153.55 kB
w_t.bmp10.22.1316.07 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B

Complementing Files & Dependencies

This add-on mentions the following files below in its description. It may be dependent on these files in order to function properly. It's possible that this is a repaint and the dependency below is the base package.

You may also need to download the following files:

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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EdmeisterSat, 09 Sep 2017 01:08:04 GMT

I like all of camsim's models. The AGS is really cool. Good job! Thanks!

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