MSFS Van's RV-7/RV-7A Complete Pack

PreviewA complete freeware aircraft pack featuring the Van's RV-7 and RV-7A in accurate detail with a completely new 3D model and textures - not a port-over or conversion - this is a brand new aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release by developer deejing.

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Complete with Base Model
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Flight Simulator 2020
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994.42 MB
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Content Rating
5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 1 PRO members.

Adam McEnroe

Expert Overview

The Van's RV-7/RV-7A Complete Pack is a meticulously crafted freeware mod for Microsoft Flight Simulator, showcasing the beloved, high-performance kit plane with an entirely new 3D model and textures. As someone who has extensively tested it, I’ve found that its agile flight model, capable of speeds over 200 MPH, delivers both exhilarating aerobatic maneuvers and smooth general aviation cruising. This release from developer deejing accurately captures the RV-7/7A’s sporty character, making it a fantastic choice for low-and-slow sightseeing or thrilling stunt displays.

Among its standout features are multiple repaints, a semi-functional GTN750 system that hints at future improvements, and a realistic virtual cockpit brimming with detail. Complementing these elements is an included paint kit (in Blender, PNG, and PSD formats) that allows for quick customization of liveries. From my expert perspective, the overall attention to realism and performance is top-notch, offering a rewarding flight simulator experience that’s both visually impressive and incredibly fun to fly.

This mod was installed, tested and reviewed by Adam McEnroe for Fly Away Simulation. Adam is an FS mod expert. Read his bio here.

A complete freeware aircraft pack featuring the Van's RV-7 and RV-7A in accurate detail with a completely new 3D model and textures - not a port-over or conversion - this is a brand new aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) 2020 release by developer deejing.

A screenshot showing the Van's RV-7 in flight and performing a turn in Microsoft Flight Simulator after installing this freeware mod.The Van's RV-7/7A is an iconic two-seater, fast-paced general aviation aircraft available in the real world.  It's popular with many general aviation aircraft owners and is also built for aerobatics and high-performance maneuvers.  With a top speed of over 200 MPH, this is a fast aircraft for its size, and its airframe is built to withstand some serious G-Force - which is why it's all great for aerobatics and stunt flying.

This particular Van's aircraft are sold in kit form and purchasers are required to build the aircraft themselves from the kit provided by Van's.  There are two versions, the "RV-7" - which has a tail wheel, and the "RV-7A" which has a nose wheel.  Of course, the RV-7A is the most popular as there is less demand for tail-draggers.

The default install of Microsoft Flight Simulator does not have anything like this out of the box and this complete freeware mod - which is free to download and use brings both Van's RV-7 and RV-7A into your simulator.

The aircraft is perfect for low-and-slow VFR flights and also for competing in air challenges and stunt flying - the skies are calling.

This pack includes the latest version released by the developer (1.0.9).  If any updates are released in the future, we will update this package on Fly Away Simulation so are able to download it.

v1.0.9 onwards includes the GTN750 however the developer has stated this is currently a work in progress (WIP) and future updates will make it fully functional.  In its current form, the buttons do not work however it's still functional to some extent.

This pack features;

  • A complete and brand-new model featuring both Van's RV-7 and RV-7A.
  • Several repaints and liveries.
  • A semi-functional GTN750 system.
  • Working 3D VC (virtual cockpit).
  • Exterior views and detailing.

Paint Kit Included

This pack includes the official paint kit released by the developer so you are able to create your own repaints and liveries of this awesome bird.  They are made easy to use in Blender, PNG, and PSD (Photoshop) formats.  It's easy to create a repaint or livery for this aircraft based on your own design because everything is provided in this pack.


Installation is easy.  Simply extract the downloaded archive, browse into the MSFS Aircraft Files folder and copy the two folders listed below into your Microsoft Flight Simulator community folder.

  • deejing-aircraft-rv7
  • AIRPAC1_Tangerine_RV7_v7.0

About the Developer

This freeware aircraft mod for Microsoft Flight Simulator was created by a developer that goes by the name of deejing.  They have personally granted permission to list the file on Fly Away Simulation.

You make a donation to their projects here.

Images & Screenshots

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All screenshots above have been created by Fly Away Simulation and are exclusive. For more details, see our image copyright information.

Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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