FS2004 John Travolta's Home Airport Jumbolair Scenery

PreviewDBWsim proudly presents Greystone airfield, centrepiece of the Jumbolair estate which is home to John Travolta. The airfield has been extensively redeveloped, realistically portraying the area. The estate section of the field is also accurately covered including detailed scenery of the Travol...

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5 star rating.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars by 2 PRO members.

DBWsim proudly presents Greystone airfield, centrepiece of the Jumbolair estate which is home to John Travolta. The airfield has been extensively redeveloped, realistically portraying the area. The estate section of the field is also accurately covered including detailed scenery of the Travolta house. A localised landclass optimises the appearance of the area. Some areas have been extrapolated based on the best available information and to take into account future development of the estate.

We recommend this scenery be viewed with flightsim’s season set to Summer, to optimise the appearance of FS autogen trees in the area.

This scenery is designed specifically for FS2004, DBWsim no longer supports its scenery for users operating FS2002 or earlier.

To use this scenery you will need:

1. Unzip the file DBWsimGreystone05.zip (or DBWGRS5.zip if you downloaded this from Flightsim.com) to any temporary directory you like.
2. Copy the folder ‘Greystone17FL’ to your favoured Flightsim 2004 scenery directory (We use ‘FS9/Scenery’)
3. Activate the scenery using FS9’s scenery library
4. Restart FS9

If the scenery installs correctly you will be able to fly to the scenery area from Greystone 17FL (Country region USA, State: Florida)

This scenery was built by Derek and Brendan Webb in November 2005.

To build this scenery we used:
Derek Leung’s Flight Sim Scenery Creator V 1.5
Lee Swordy’s AFCAD 2.21
Russel Dirks’ EZLC 2.0

CREDITS (we may have used macros by the following developers)
Various default macros from FSFC libraries
Various macros, and object textures by Dan Geis
Various macros by Bob Langendorfer
Various macros by Frank Betts
Various default Flight Simulator objects (from macro libraries with FSSC)
Various macros by Trevor de Stigter
Various Airport Equipment macros by Tom Burnett
Windsock macro by Peter Leadbeater
Various macros by Danny Levin
Ramp Light macros by Matt Johnson
Various macros by Andrej Urosevic
Various Macros by Trevor de Stigter & Leon Louis
Nova Gold textures

We apologise to any designers whose textures or macros we may have used in this scenery but have forgotten or been unable to acknowledge.

We also built our own macros using Matthias Brückner’s Easy Object Designer.

Jumbolair Scenery

Jumbolair Scenery

Jumbolair Scenery

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4

The archive dbwgrs05.zip has 60 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Greystone 17FL11.25.050 B
Texture11.25.050 B
127b2su1.bmp04.18.0186.41 kB
Abgrass.r807.27.9964.00 kB
CATG-21L.0AF09.27.9864.00 kB
CATG-21L.1AF09.27.9864.00 kB
CATG-21L.2AF09.27.9864.00 kB
CATG-21L.3AF09.27.9864.00 kB
CATG-21L.4AF09.27.9864.00 kB
CATG-21L.5AF09.27.9864.00 kB
CATG-21L.6AF06.06.9864.00 kB
CATG-21L.7AF06.06.9864.00 kB
Concrete.bmp10.20.9965.05 kB
concrete.r808.26.0086.41 kB
DBWTree01.bmp03.25.05682.74 kB
DBW_RadarDish.bmp06.12.04682.74 kB
gravel.r804.18.0164.00 kB
nova009.bmp03.12.0165.05 kB
nova035.bmp03.12.0186.39 kB
NovaGold008.bmp07.10.0186.39 kB
NovaGold010.bmp07.10.0165.05 kB
NovaGold011.bmp07.10.0186.39 kB
NovaGold012.bmp07.10.0165.05 kB
NovaGold013.bmp07.10.0165.05 kB
NovaGold016.bmp07.10.0165.05 kB
palm103.bmp03.16.0365.05 kB
quonsetW.bmp12.21.0342.74 kB
Shrub002.bmp12.21.03170.75 kB
sock.bmp06.20.0165.05 kB
tree2k2.bmp12.08.03341.40 kB
tree_palmate.bmp12.10.0086.39 kB
tree_pinnate.bmp12.10.0086.39 kB
VOD00.PAT05.24.0164.00 kB
Thumbs.db11.25.0575.50 kB
scenery11.25.050 B
AF2_17FL.bgl11.25.0513.58 kB
Greystone.bgl11.22.0542.65 kB
GreystoneLC.bgl11.18.051.55 kB
Greystone_exc1.bgl11.22.05148 B
Greystone_exc10.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc11.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc2.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc3.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc4.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc5.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc6.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc7.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc8.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone_exc9.bgl11.14.05148 B
Greystone4.jpg11.25.0564.27 kB
Greystone3.jpg11.25.0557.76 kB
Greystone1.jpg11.25.0559.79 kB
Greystone2.jpg11.25.0553.98 kB
Readme.txt11.25.053.58 kB
Readme.doc11.25.0559.50 kB
Thumbs.db11.25.0535.50 kB
DBWsimGreystone0511.25.050 B
GreystoneTN.gif11.25.0511.64 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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The content of the comments below are entirely the opinions of the individual posting the comment and do not always reflect the views of Fly Away Simulation. We moderate all comments manually before they are approved.

jianqingMon, 18 Jan 2010 19:28:59 GMT
very good, it has this road and that road(i am not gonna tell u much cuz there r surprises here and there). its gonna take a while for u to find every building ;), but i am having a hard time thinking should this be 9 or 8, i'll rate 9

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