PreviewThis SA315B Lama package contains two models created in Abacus FSDS2, one set of textures, 2D and 3D panel and custom made gauges and a custom sound system. The panel also uses some default gauges (not included). The Lama is build in two different, to combinate models:The Rescue/Transport Model a...

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This SA315B Lama package contains two models created in Abacus FSDS2, one set of textures, 2D and 3D panel and custom made gauges and a custom sound system. The panel also uses some default gauges (not included). The Lama is build in two different, to combinate models:The Rescue/Transport Model and the Passengers/Spray Model. Accurate flight dynamics, testet with real world pilots, animations, reflections and all. By Peter Salzgeber, Swiss Helicopter Design Group.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive LAMA_V20.zip has 6 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
FSDS LAMA V2.0.exe10.18.0312.44 MB
LAMA_V20.jpg10.18.03101.46 kB
File_id.diz10.18.031.37 kB
Lama_V20.txt10.18.031.37 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B


This package, by put together by Peter Salzgeber, was recommended to me by a friend. Having grown awfully fond of helicopters in the last year or so, I was more than happy to get the chance to put together another quality pack for my collection. With two models created that share one single set of (well made, for FS2004/02 level) textures, and a 3D panel, this gives you plenty of content. Add in the fact that it comes with totally customized sound systems, too, and it becomes easy to see why so many people love working with this package.

Preview screenshot

It’s a good take on a popular helicopter range, albeit a little dated now, all things considered. While some default gauges are used, the majority of the cockpit is refreshed and revamped to look more or less totally fresh.

Two Models for RP Purposes

You get two versions of the craft: the Passengers Model, and the Rescue Model. Both have material changes on the interior, from what it carries to the spaces it provides for people. However, both come with totally accurate and near-identical flight dynamics, which have been tested by real-life pilots for authenticity.

Add in the improved quality of animations and the inclusion of reflections, and this carries off a very impressive level of detail and realism across the board.

It’s the little things that make this stand out from the crowd. While it does feel a bit dated in comparison to some of its more modern competition, it still looks very good from most of the typical angles that you view the aircraft from.

I would happily recommend that you pick this up if you like the 315B, and you are looking to give your older simulators some new blood to experiment with. It might take some time to get used to using an older simulator again, sure, but it’s by no means impossible!

Besides, with this, you get to enjoy a thoroughly interesting ride that, as far as the old simulators allow, feels like the real thing. Very much worth trying.

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe

Adam McEnroe is a flight sim enthusiast who has been simming since the days of FS95. Adam writes all of the download section editorials after testing each of the files. Adam has extensive knowledge using various flight simulator packages and thoroughly tests the files before writing about them. Adam also like to fly real-world aircraft in his spare time and is training for his PPL.

Should you wish, you can contact Adam via email at adam@flyawaysimulation.com.

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Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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