FSX Platinum Airways Airbus A318-100

PreviewThis free package presents a finely detailed Airbus A318-100 with distinctive Platinum Airways markings, specifically tailored for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Developed by Project Airbus and painted by Marco Fischbach, this rendition includes a full base model and highlights every significant e...

Screenshot 1
Complete with Base Model
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Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX) including Steam Edition & Prepar3D (P3D)
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18.76 MB
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This free package presents a finely detailed Airbus A318-100 with distinctive Platinum Airways markings, specifically tailored for Microsoft Flight Simulator X. Developed by Project Airbus and painted by Marco Fischbach, this rendition includes a full base model and highlights every significant element one would expect from a short-fuselage member of the A320 series, making it an excellent choice for virtual captains seeking realism.

Highlighted Characteristics of the Custom Airbus A318

Platinum Airways, known for a simplified (KISS) operational style featuring liberated routes and select hubs, employs the nimble Airbus A318-100 for short-range routes. Real-world Airbus A318s belong to the A320 family and provide a robust flight deck, advanced aerodynamics, and comfortable passenger capacity. This repaint replicates those facets under Platinum Airways branding, while retaining the authentic features originally designed by Project Airbus.

Platinum Airways Airbus A318-100 in flight.

Platinum Airways Airbus A318-100 cruising at altitude.

Model Specifications and Setup

Creator: Project Airbus
Texture Designer: Marco Fischbach
Compatibility: Tested with FSX SP2

Installation Steps:

  1. Unzip the contents to the primary “Flight Simulator X/Aircraft” folder.
  2. Transfer the Effects subfolder items into the “Flight Simulator X/Effects” directory.

Core Engineering and Functionality

Project Airbus’s famous A320 platform anchors this Airbus A318, so it showcases multiple XML-controlled animations and accurate flight behaviors. Below are some defining elements:

  • Pressurization Outflow Valve: Adjusts cabin pressure effectively, opening during ground idle.
  • Ground Spoilers: Deploy on touchdown, enhancing roll control and deceleration.
  • Pack Outlets: Automatically regulate airflow temperature and quantity.
  • Idle Reversers: Reverse thrust gates remain slightly open for a brief period after closure.
  • Dynamic Jet Wash: Visible exhaust trail when engines are active.
  • Drooping Control Surfaces: Elevators and ailerons rest downward once the engines are off.

Additional refinements include:

  • Fully functioning cabin and cargo access points
  • High-fidelity lighting effects, from strobes to wingtip navigation strobes
  • Refined reflective surfaces for enhanced realism
  • Wing views for immersive passenger-centric perspectives
  • Precisely timed landing gear deployment and retraction

Door Management

Incorporated animations allow the following door operations:

L1 Door
Shift + E
L2 and Cargo Bays
Use tail hook commands (unassigned by default)
R1 and R2 Doors
Utilize wing fold/unfold function (unassigned by default)

Acknowledgments and Developer Team

This freeware Airbus A318-100 is made possible by the dedicated work of the Project Airbus collective, which includes:

  • Andy Warden: Exterior model design
  • Thomas Ruth: VC modeling, texture creation, and XML code
  • Peter Binamira: Flight dynamics and audio
  • Demetris Themistocleous: Livery and base texture design
  • Alessandro Savarese: Base texture improvements
  • John Tavendale, Derek Mayer: Exterior paint schemes
  • Matthew Murray: Organizational framework and branding
  • Gianmarco Bettiol, Nick Wu, Trevor Slack, Alexander Kvitta, David Bromwich: Visual design checks and feedback

They also extend special thanks to guest contributors like Ben Jones, Dickson Chan, Jaco du Preez, Sheldon Fernandes, and Terence Pereira. Flight dynamics have been evaluated with the help of Capt. Manny Osias, F/O Spike Acenas, Mark Bolatete, and Kester Masias.

All objects, textures, and modifications assembled here remain under the respective authors’ copyrights. Enjoy navigating this Airbus A318-100 under Platinum Airways colors in your next Microsoft Flight Simulator X adventure.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1

The archive paa318fsxplatinumairways.zip has 70 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
Aircraft.cfg06.30.1019.45 kB
effects.rar10.22.095.53 kB
effects10.22.090 B
fx_beacon3202pa.fx07.24.023.03 kB
fx_beacon320pa.fx07.24.023.01 kB
fx_contrail_320.fx07.24.021.17 kB
fx_navgre320pa.fx07.24.024.56 kB
fx_navred320pa.fx07.24.024.56 kB
fx_navwhi320pa.fx07.24.023.03 kB
fx_strobe2320pa.fx07.24.022.44 kB
fx_strobe320pa.fx07.24.024.80 kB
fx_tchdwn320.fx07.24.024.54 kB
intelliscene.cfg02.26.10136 B
Model06.21.100 B
A318_100_CFM_NoVC.mdl10.10.092.22 MB
Airbus_A321_interior.mdl06.18.071.06 MB
Model.cfg02.26.1065 B
pa318-cfm56.air06.18.078.76 kB
panel06.21.100 B
Airbus_A321.cab06.19.072.72 MB
airbus_a321_panel_background.bmp06.18.07769.05 kB
airbus_a321_panel_background_night.bmp06.18.07769.05 kB
panel.cfg06.20.075.64 kB
Readme.txt06.29.104.90 kB
screenshot.BMP06.29.102.23 MB
sound12.19.090 B
Sound.cfg08.08.0733 B
texture.platinum06.29.100 B
A318_1_l.bmp09.30.081.00 MB
A318_1_t.bmp06.27.104.00 MB
A318_2_l.bmp06.22.07256.07 kB
A318_2_t.bmp06.28.104.00 MB
A318_fuse_1_l.bmp09.18.081.00 MB
A318_fuse_1_t.bmp06.28.104.00 MB
A318_fuse_2_l.bmp09.18.081.00 MB
A318_fuse_2_t.bmp06.28.104.00 MB
A318_fuse_3_l.bmp09.26.081.00 MB
A318_fuse_3_t.bmp06.28.104.00 MB
A318_misc_1.bmp10.24.094.00 MB
A318_misc_2.bmp09.19.081.00 MB
A318_wing_1_l.bmp07.17.06256.07 kB
A318_wing_1_t.bmp06.29.104.00 MB
A318_wing_2_l.bmp07.17.06256.07 kB
A318_wing_2_t.bmp06.29.104.00 MB
A321_1_T.dds06.18.071.33 MB
A321_1_T_Bump.dds06.18.071.00 MB
A321_1_T_LM.dds06.18.07170.79 kB
A321_1_T_spec.dds06.18.071.33 MB
A321_2_T.dds06.18.071.33 MB
A321_2_T_Bump.dds06.18.071.00 MB
A321_2_T_LM.dds06.18.07170.79 kB
A321_2_T_spec.dds06.18.071.33 MB
A321_Interior_T.dds06.18.07341.45 kB
A321_reflection.dds06.18.07170.79 kB
Airbus_A321_1_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_A321_1_night_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_A321_2_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_A321_2_night_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_A321_3_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_A321_3_night_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_A321_4_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_A321_4_night_C.dds06.18.07682.79 kB
Airbus_Pilots.dds06.18.0742.79 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds06.18.07640 B
Jetheat_t.bmp11.30.0764.07 kB
thumbnail.jpg06.29.1037.45 kB
PT A318.jpg02.03.113.02 kB
file_id.diz02.03.11285 B
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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