FSX BC Coastal Beaver Repaints

PreviewBC Coastal Beaver Repaints. Textures for the default DeHavilland DHC2 Beaver. Eleven real world Beaver DHC2's. Repaints for: Nootka Air, Harbour Air, Pacific Eagle Air, Pacific Coastal Air, Pat Bay Air, Saltspring Air, Seair Seaplanes, Tofino Air, Vancouver Island Air, Westcoast Air and Whistler ...

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BC Coastal Beaver Repaints. Textures for the default DeHavilland DHC2 Beaver. Eleven real world Beaver DHC2's. Repaints for: Nootka Air, Harbour Air, Pacific Eagle Air, Pacific Coastal Air, Pat Bay Air, Saltspring Air, Seair Seaplanes, Tofino Air, Vancouver Island Air, Westcoast Air and Whistler Air. By Mike Mann.

Green BC Coastal Beaver in flight.

Green BC Coastal Beaver in flight.

Note: these repaints are ONLY for use with the default FSX de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver.

For additional information please read the "BC Coastal Beaver Repaints.pdf" document included with this package.

de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver MK. I
Produced from 1948 to 1967, the Beaver is widely regarded as one of the top bush planes ever produced. Still used by many of the smaller BC airline operators, this aircraft is such a common sight here on the coast that I sometimes think that BC stands for Beaver Country instead of British
Columbia. This collection of repaints contains eleven real world Beavers that are still on the job, flying the BC coast.

Please be warned that the information about the aircraft included in this package, as well as the airlines that fly them is subject to change! Beaver aircraft are constantly being bought/sold, repainted and sometimes (unfortunately) destroyed. The airlines that operate them are generally quite
small and have a nasty habit of going out of business or being taken over and/or merged with a competitor. The information presented here is current, to the best of my knowledge, as of January 29, 2011.

Be aware also that the Beaver can have many modifications performed on it and it seems like no two are exactly alike. If an airline has more than one Beaver in its fleet, I tried to pick the one that matched the default FSX Beaver as closely as possible. Unfortunately, such as the real world
Beaver C-FDSG from Pacific Coastal Airlines (which has amphibious floats), I couldn't always find the perfect match. With the default FSX Beaver it is a case of one size fits all.

Regards, Mike Mann

The repaints included in this package are for the default FSX de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver. To install the repaints:

1. After unzipping the BCCoastalBeavers.zip file, copy the eleven folders found in the Repaints folder to the default FSX Beaver folder:

\\Program Files\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\SimObjects\Airplanes\DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2

2. Open the aircraft.cfg file of the FSX de Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver (found in the above mentioned folder of FSX) with Windows Notepad.

3. Copy the information below "Copy everything after this line:" and paste into the aircraft.cfg file after the last numbered entry.

4. Change the XX in each [fltsim.XX] section with the next number in the sequence.

5. Save the aircraft.cfg file after the changes in step 4 are made.

6. Start FSX and on the Select Aircraft page tick the Show all variations box.

7. Select the Beaver you want to fly and go for a flight; water runways/docks highly recommended!!

Copy everything after this line:

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Air Nootka
atc_airline=Air Nootka
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Air Nootka"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Harbour Air
atc_airline=Harbour Air
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Harbour Air"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Pacific Coastal Airlines
atc_airline=Pacific Coastal Airlines
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Pacific Coastal Airlines"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Pacific Eagle Aviation
atc_airline=Pacific Eagle Aviation
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Pacific Eagle Aviation"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Pat Bay Air
atc_airline=Pat Bay Air
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Pat Bay Air"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Saltspring Air
atc_airline=Saltspring Air
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Saltspring Air"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Seair Seaplanes
atc_airline=Seair Seaplanes
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Seair Seaplanes"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Tofino Air
atc_airline=Tofino Air
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Tofino Air"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Vancouver Island Air
atc_airline=Vancouver Island Air
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Vancouver Island Air"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 West Coast Air
atc_airline=West Coast Air
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" West Coast Air"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

title=DeHavilland Beaver DHC2 Whistler Air
atc_airline=Whistler Air
ui_manufacturer="de Havilland"
ui_type="Beaver DHC2"
ui_variation=" Whistler Air"
ui_typerole="Single Engine Prop"
ui_createdby="Microsoft Corporation"
description="When pilots talk about the de Havilland Beaver, the word that inevitably comes up is workhorse. For more than 50 years this sturdy aircraft has flown into and out of remote locations aided by its power, all-metal ruggedness, wide stance, and short-takeoff-and-landing (STOL) capability. Whether fitted with wheels, skis, or pontoons, the Beaver is a can-do airplane. Often referred to as a “flying half-ton truck,?the Beaver is more versatile, and tougher, than any light truck. It was designed from the beginning to meet the needs of Canadian bush pilots, and no better plane for the purpose has come along. After half a century of service, the Beaver is still the thoroughbred of workhorse aircraft."

Four BC Coastal Beaver Repaints.

Four BC Coastal Beaver Repaints.

Images & Screenshots

Screenshot 1Screenshot 2Screenshot 3Screenshot 4Screenshot 5Screenshot 6Screenshot 7Screenshot 8Screenshot 9Screenshot 10Screenshot 11Screenshot 12

The archive bccoastalbeavers.zip has 119 files and directories contained within it.

File Contents

This list displays the first 500 files in the package. If the package has more, you will need to download it to view them.

Filename/Directory File Date File Size
BC Coastal Beaver Repaints01.30.110 B
BC Coastal Beaver Repaints.pdf01.30.11520.65 kB
File_id.diz01.30.11318 B
Readme.txt01.30.1115.81 kB
Repaints01.28.110 B
Texture.AN01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds08.12.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.116.16 kB
Texture.HA01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds09.20.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.116.13 kB
Texture.PBA01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds01.28.111.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.64 kB
Texture.PCA01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds09.19.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.66 kB
Texture.PE01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds08.16.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.66 kB
Texture.SA01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds09.21.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.116.19 kB
Texture.SS01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds09.29.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.14.06137 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.73 kB
Texture.TA01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds08.17.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds08.17.10341.48 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds08.17.10341.48 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.64 kB
Texture.VIA01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds09.22.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.61 kB
Texture.WA01.30.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds01.30.111.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.75 kB
Texture.WCA01.28.110 B
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T.dds08.26.101.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_1_T_Spec.dds09.04.061.33 MB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
DeHavilland_Beaver_DHC2_2_T_Spec.dds09.04.06341.45 kB
Fresnel_Ramp.dds09.04.06640 B
prop_Beaver_1.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
prop_Beaver_2.dds09.04.0685.46 kB
texture.cfg08.26.10164 B
thumbnail.jpg01.28.115.38 kB
screenshots.jpg01.30.11125.71 kB
thumbnail.gif01.30.116.55 kB
flyawaysimulation.txt10.29.13959 B
Go to Fly Away Simulation.url01.22.1652 B
Installation icon.

Installation Instructions

Most of the freeware add-on aircraft and scenery packages in our file library come with easy installation instructions which you can read above in the file description. For further installation help, please see our Flight School for our full range of tutorials or view the README file contained within the download. If in doubt, you may also ask a question or view existing answers in our dedicated Q&A forum.


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